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Anonymous 10/20/2024 (Sun) 23:58:19 No. 6168 [Reply]
This old architecture book I found in the library is so judgy
Should we get some bricks and build a hikari mansion?
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A wholesome variation of "it was revealed to me in a dream" from the same book.
OP might be a cutie, we shouldn't scare him off

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HIKARI3 GAME NIGHT GENERAL Anonymous 09/02/2024 (Mon) 01:26:52 No. 786 [Reply] [Last]
Hey Hikari! Let's play a game! This is the thread to organize a monthly Hikari3 game night on the last weekend of every month. Feel free to offer up any games for the next game night, and share any memories you've made! Everyone is welcome, and everyone can offer up a game. Only rule is to be comfy. Idea comes from >>782 I hope we can all get along and make something special! Sponsored by the Hikari3 Steam group: join today!
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sorry again for being quiet, i've created the poll for this month. it's looking like Saturday the 26th, or if that's not enough time we can do Sunday the 27th. i've added some of the previous options + L4D2. i made a ranking poll instead of a multiple choice poll so you can rank your secondary choices higher.

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hikari Matrix room Anonymous 10/20/2024 (Sun) 18:22:18 No. 607 [Reply]
Can we switch to Matrix instead? dicksword is gay

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Anonymous 10/20/2024 (Sun) 14:03:52 No. 6166 [Reply]
Horseshoe crab blood being harvested for the medical industry. The blood contains certain cells that are used in tests for bacterial infections. After about half of its blood has been drained, the creature is released back into the ocean.
what is my implication in this? do you want to Fight?

Anonymous 10/19/2024 (Sat) 01:54:28 No. 6161 [Reply]
Have you had any scary nightmares recently? I haven't because I don't dream for some reason. Just thought it'd be a good time to ask since Halloween is asking so I'm getting into the spirit
I had a scary dream about the movie "Invasion of the body snatchers" from the 70 this week. Scary movie.
No, not recently luckily. I've got a bunch of disturbing dreams though, mostly about military

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Anonymous 10/18/2024 (Fri) 16:54:29 No. 6157 [Reply]
what... IS this place!?
Kiss me!
your worst nightmare
>>6160 I want to kiss that nightmare on your pic

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Anonymous 05/03/2024 (Fri) 21:47:17 No. 536 [Reply]
My Artix broke after updating and rebooting..
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Init freedom by itself is a good enough reason to not use systemd.
>>869 yeah sure, its fun to use alternate software
>>870 Soon you'll be unable to. Actually, the problem with unportable/unreplaceable software isn't usability, but when the software causes lockdown, it declares complete monopoly. After that, whoever owns the funds that pay the developers, owns the entire ecosystem and is free to bind it any direction. The whole point of software freedom is that when a part becomes poorly maintained, it is replaced by something else. But soon you'll be unable to do it. If nothing changes, in another 15 years linux ecosystem will be completely locked down and most likely made unusable to such an extent, that it won't be an option anymore. Then they'll bring in paid or closed sourced solutions in the game and you won't be able to do anything about it.
>>860 >>871 You (samefag) are the first in the history of humanity to say that "using software is fun" and that makes sense because its so dumb that all of the dead people would laugh at you. No using software is not fucking fun, you dont have because you are using krita, you have fun because you are drawing, you dont have fun with your init system... ever, you maybe get a serotonin hit after tinkering with configs for 2 hours to fix your broken system retard
>>872 You might pwn my system, but you'll never pwn my soul. You'll choke on me, corporate piece of shit.

ultraviolet proxyyyy Anonymous 10/15/2024 (Tue) 02:51:51 No. 844 [Reply]
need proxi nowe plz (make it ultraviolet pls)
Only if you're a cute maid.
OP is 200% underage and >>845 is a cp robot that has gained sentience
>>853 Who's bot you're bot!
all I asked for was a proxy Jesus lol

what hypervisor should i use? Anonymous 10/16/2024 (Wed) 23:04:24 No. 856 [Reply]
i know of Xen, Bhyve (which is like a vmm but with a hypervisor too, but its kinda less capable), or KVM (i don't really like GNU/Linux but ill get over it eventually i guess, im in a love hate relationship rn because distro fragmentation kinda sucks a lot) Xen apparently may or may not work on my current hardware, unfortunately, and i also don't know if ill even benefit from it anyways, since i really don't have a problem with running a host, its 2024, i have enough computational resources for having a resource intense host i would also say NetBSD Virtual Machine Manager is an option but i can't run NetBSD on most of my hardware as a host, and nested virtualization is not really possible on FreeBSD Bhyve iirc, and id rather not do a QEMU/KVM setup just to run NetBSD, it would be really heavy and sluggish for the most part, but idrk plan 9 also has a virtual machine system, but i don't really have a reason to start a 9fs grid since im broke af and can't buy a bunch of machines, so yeah, idk Hyper-V might be fine, im not opposed to Windows at all, but its gonna take a bit to learn how to use Windows. Solaris 11 is also an option but id rather not depend on having an Oracle account, even if its "free", however if its virtualization is actually good i might just use Solaris as my host, especially since it still supports SPARC (i plan on buying a SPARC machine)
> what hypervisor should i use? I don't understand what you are trying to do with your hypervisor? I think in most cases, you should be fine with KVM though. I don't see why you would use anything else as it's (except for Xen and Hyper-V maybe) the most capable, stable and best-supported out of your list.
Don't use them. You don't need them.

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Dandadan 名無し 10/10/2024 (Thu) 07:40:50 No. 1072 [Reply]
Have you guys seen the new Dandadan anime ep 1.
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Gimme a break
i dont like the nogbabble speaking, read one chapter blind from the dumps on 4chong/a/ and it was naruto shojin -or whatever tournament type of shit, which i dont enjoy
>>1075 ep 2 just came out :D
>>1078 Now I can't wait for 3 :D
Still haven't got to watch any of the planned seasonal anime, prob kms sooner unfortunately

Anonymous 10/13/2024 (Sun) 00:19:24 No. 6144 [Reply]
Why are you so stupid?
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>>6145 a bomb
I dare you
Developmental disorders
>>6151 Did you not develop Will?
>>6145 a frog

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名無し 10/15/2024 (Tue) 17:03:24 No. 1079 [Reply]
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hello sexy
i dont know touhou are you twins??

Desktop thread Anonymous 07/24/2023 (Mon) 12:34:30 No. 79 [Reply] [Last]
How does your desktop look like /t/? How ricy is it?
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istg I posted here before but I don't see my desktop :[
>>739 dude that looks awesome :O
>>739 Fonts too tiny.
>>739 i rly like urs
>>739 Hey, that looks so good :) What theme and icons are you using? Also, which music players is that?

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help me Anonymous 10/08/2024 (Tue) 19:07:45 No. 6111 [Reply]
any tips on how to stop loving abusive ex?
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>>6124 Bit my left shoulder while sexo and ordered me to do the same, i rushed to the hospital and went ghost, she then proceeded to harrass all of my family members she could discover through insta and keyed my bike A lot of other shit has happened the past 15 months we have been on and off, considering seppuku for putting up with it
>>6134 She bit that hard you had to go to the hospital? She just seems off mentally or very low IQ. I don't think leaving her will get you out of the situation so easily. What else about her, does she one moment think of you as an angel and the next think you're literally Satan? Does she self harm? Is she impulsive? Does she kick animals? Does she have an intense desire for sex a lot? Does she ever apologize in a way she seems legitimately upset or does it seem insincere?
1. no drugs 2. no "sexo" with strangers 3. boost iq why do i have to explain
Who is this semen demon?
>>6154 Get a hold of yourself, let not Evil dominate your soul!

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Anyone alive in here? Anonymous 10/08/2024 (Tue) 21:11:43 No. 6112 [Reply]
For fuck sake anyone in here?
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this is so sad
>>6136 No, about my head
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Huh..? did the domain change? I swear it was
>>6140 It's always been hikari3...
>>6140 mandela effect??

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Anonymous 09/22/2024 (Sun) 12:11:56 No. 6021 [Reply]
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>>6090 >the graph says it so it must be true It's not a graph though, it's a table...
The site is really cute, and an all ages computer club sounds nice, but >secret lolicore board lols...
>>6142 Somehow loli are the new modern trend born of lack of women. Poor chaps are tired of their own gnarly hands and want the big deal so bad they go mad. Exactly what computers were made to prevent. Embrace your system. Boot balls deep into it. Women are not fun anyway.
>>6143 Lolis alone aren't the problem. Secret lolicore board on a site explicitly intended for age 13 and up... I don't expect this to end well.
Your fortune: Outlook good
>>6146 It probably won't.
Your fortune: Excellent Luck

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mp3 player Anonymous 09/08/2024 (Sun) 09:34:25 No. 742 [Reply] [Last]
I want to buy an mp3 player but I don't know which one is the best, so I'm asking you to help me choose one, please. I found this: but I don't know if its true or false. xhat do you think of it?
Edited last time by admin on 09/10/2024 (Tue) 18:24:48.
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>>810 The reason it's harder is because they haven't implemented support for it in the utility by the way, so you have to do it manually. It's not like it's inherently harder, the port is just not considered "stable" yet, even though it's very useful and has been so for a while. I think a big reason why it's considered unstable is because there's no support for Bluetooth yet despite the player having that, but there's no such support in Rockbox at all.
I got reminded of those 'plug and play' MP3 Players USB that you connected to any pc, drag the files and disconnect. Sometimes i think of getting one of those again because having my phone on the streets is a mayor danger to me lol
>>813 ,hy? do you fear getting your phone stolen (me too)?
I use the Sandisk Clip Jam and it's great. - doesn't require to change batteries all the time, can be charged like a phone and the battery works for days on end with heavy usage - can sort by metadata (album/artist/name/...) - doesn't break easily - can run OGG, MP3 and FLAC (FLAC!!!!) (maybe it can do more, I just haven't tried) - storage space 8gb, but can be extended by arbitrarily large Micro-SD card
just go ipod classic or eros q. both runs rockbox. ipod is easy to upgrade, if you take gen 5th. they might be a bit expensive but its almost the same than a spotify subsciption during a yr. also if you got an old android phone, you could just use that and load it with tons of flac/mp3s

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raspberry pi Anonymous 07/07/2023 (Fri) 12:41:56 No. 12 [Reply]
what can I do with this little thing? I know you can do little robots or mini pc or host a server but what else can it do?
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>>677 i think they meant that you could host a blog reviewing these things.
>>678 oh ok haha sorry
What's the best SD card for a RasPi 5?
>>718 Sandisk is what I use. Use a micro SD card with at least 8GB, maybe even 16GB storage space to avoid it bricking itself after a year due to not being able to allocate bad sectors.
>>12 my Pi 4 sits next to my desktop and plays downloaded Youtube videos and music it also does a handful of LAN web things like running a few local instances of some web applications (in particular, poti-board for oekaki!) and SMB and the lot it's very useful having another computer next to your actual computer, although I do want a Pi 5 since doing web browsing anything is unbearably slow (although I don't expect a major performance bump) >>718 using an SD card with a Pi is probably a bad idea if your use case can boot from USB running over a cheap SSD over USB with a SATA-USB cable has been way, way, way better, just head and shoulders faster if you do need an SD for your specific use case, prioritize speed and then size a too slow SD card on a Pi 4 or 5 will cause extremely painful UI stalls, found that out when moving my old Pi 2 card to a 4 and although technically everything was faster when you measured the times, the UI was vastly less responsive while a too small one will absolutely brick itself since you need some buffer space to spread out writes, and a boot drive will absolutely be hammered by regular writes

Anonymous 12/22/2023 (Fri) 23:55:34 No. 571 [Reply]
Which classic Sonic game had the best special stages?
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does sonic mania count as "classic"? if so, my favorites the mania plus special stages those specifically since the base games special stages are too ez for my tastes   
>does sonic mania count as "classic"? I don't see why not I love those special stages too
Classic ended with Sonic R to me.
>>852 That's because it was the last Sonic game before Sonic's redesign in 1998.
>>571 I liked S3&K's the most. Sonic 2's special stages are fairly fun, but doing the last one with Sonic and Tails is a complete nightmare if you don't have a friend who is just as good as you to help. Sonic 1's are a neat idea, they're just not great. CD's look the coolest, but I remember the later stages being a pain. Chaotix has the absolute coolest special stages to the point where I'm actually convinced they spent more time on them vs the actual game, but I'm terrible at them and have never gotten all the Chaos Rings. so I refuse to say they're the best. You also move a bit too slowly, or maybe the camera FOV is just set up that you don't get a good sense of speed.

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名無し 08/14/2024 (Wed) 11:48:56 No. 1028 [Reply]
Who's your favorite J-Killer? For me it's Nevada-tan
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>>1057 >stabs her boyfriend >*ring ring ring* >ok honey can i see the kids now? ntr and its consequences have been catastrophic for the yellow race
>>1060 who is she?
>>1065 Try translating text on the pic. If success then notify_me_please();
>>1065 see >>1056 notify_hikarin("jp",1066);
>>1068 Aw thanks for notifying me!

Hikari Apartments ;-; Anonymous 09/28/2024 (Sat) 23:01:50 No. 6068 [Reply] can't believe hikari got apartments named after her
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>>6080 Are you an old ojisan molesting poor student girls?
>>6071 hikarin are more important than poor families
>>6081 I'm a cute imouto molesting lucky ojisans
>>6105 I know where to buy fish from now >:D

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Unreleased Games That You Want to Play Anonymous 06/03/2023 (Sat) 23:09:19 Id:805c99 No. 38 [Reply]
ITT Video/Computer games that were either completed but unreleased or MOSTLY completed but unreleased that you want to play. Picrel is not technically a game but an expansion for Ultima VIII called "The Lost Vale" which was completed and ready to go but shelved due to poor sales of Ultima VIII.
it was Star Fox 2 until it was released, other than that, i haven't really cared for most of them. >Picrel is not technically a game but an expansion for Ultima VIII called "The Lost Vale" which was completed and ready to go but shelved due to poor sales of Ultima VIII. seems interesting, this lead me to watch a video about it. very unfortunate the developer's hard work was shelved.
i'm not a huge final fantasy person, but recently i've been looking at the older trailers for Versus 13, and i do really wish that it either released, or that Nomura will be able to realize his vision for it someday (it looks like he's trying to turn Kingdom Hearts into Versus 13, which i honestly kind of respect lol) this game's setting and atmosphere looked really unique, there still aren't a lot of JRPGs that have a contemporary/modern setting, let alone one that blends aspects of both modern and fantasy also it just looks cool
I'm so mad they didn't release the Ultima VIII expansion. It was even finished :(
I always felt that this would've been a comfy SimCity/The Sims spinoff.

Anonymous 09/09/2024 (Mon) 18:35:32 No. 5936 [Reply]
Happy 9/9
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Hikari corrupted me and now I want kiss an imouto I don't have...
>>5944 kiss me
>>5945 Are you a cute imouto?
>>5946 i am a cute ojisan!
Time for some stress eating.

Anonymous 09/17/2024 (Tue) 15:47:54 No. 5983 [Reply]
Private photo of Hikarin, watch only on hikari3! Don't miss your chance, click or...
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>>6040 Tell him what?
I'm in love with Hikarin, oh lord if only I could turn us both into cute moe girls!
Cute hikarin are secretly data miners
>>6102 We'll wear masks!

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名無し 05/30/2024 (Thu) 05:09:13 No. 971 [Reply]
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Beautiful album, thank you for sharing!
nice, theres a jjapanese shoegaze thread on jp if you want to share some jp shoegaze

Anonymous-san 07/05/2023 (Wed) 15:10:55 Id:d11da0 No. 51 [Reply]
This is a wide thread. Post wide hidamaris
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>>225 This show gave me nightmares for months and depression for a lifetime.
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>>52 >>134 NEEDS MORE WIDE

Anonymous 09/05/2024 (Thu) 21:56:55 No. 591 [Reply]
there's been notably more CP posting recently. are they bots? i would hope so, right? are there any good ways to combat them?
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>>599 you all right?
CP stands for Comfy Posts
Hikarin let's fondle him ^ for fun
>>602 I am on it, boss.
>>602 You're going to fondle me?

let's brainstorming on a fictional game Anonymous 09/30/2024 (Mon) 21:46:02 No. 6082 [Reply]
I wanted to talk about 'dot.hack//' series. What a online game about .hack// would look like? for those who played the games series what do you think about that? I'll begin with my ides first >you can use the portal to be teleport in a genrated area damn it I need help, what else can be said

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dogus retro Anonymous 09/26/2024 (Thu) 13:00:23 No. 838 [Reply]
this game as only 21 spells per classes. I want more spells for each classes!!! at least one more spell! I can do it in a private server but I don't know how to do nor how to create a spell on a peivate server. I want a new spell in the game so bad its insane, who agree with me? I even created some few spellq for clasess. exemple, the ecaflip. a spell that does damage 25% air or water or fire or earth and if the next element is the same as the former one, the damages are boosted (exemple air and then air again). I even gave it a name: flush It suits the classe so well because its a chance/random/ chance class (so it can deal little or BIG damage!) or another cool exemple: split shot (for cra classe) >the spell does earth damage and can be cast only in straight line but when you click on a square a orange horizontal line of 7 squares appear (its the damage line). anyway, dofus retro thread

help me Anonymous 08/28/2024 (Wed) 16:29:39 No. 5857 [Reply]
I dream of creating a 3d JRPG. in this game I would like a bard type class (class that plays music to do its actions / generally this class is specialized in buffs and debuffs in mmorpgs). To play bard you need a musical instrument. and to perform actions, you have to play notes to be able to cast the spell/attack. but here I am, I have a problem. I don't know how to transcribe the fact of playing a melody to cast a spell in the game. but I don't know if the weapon can attack (hit with the weapon) or only play musical notes to perform actions? I don't really know if the instrument should act like a weapon (exemple a sword) or should not attack and can only cast spells
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>>5863 no it ment to be in a mmorpg not a trpg. Yes I was thinking this too: to make a spell, you must play the melody and when succeed the spell is casted. hmm but it would mean a lot of melody to know because there will be a lot of spells
>>5863 I was thinking about something like that
Wow so cool
>>6058 thank you

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Anonymous 09/26/2024 (Thu) 02:24:08 No. 6057 [Reply]

Anonymous 09/19/2024 (Thu) 20:03:28 No. 5994 [Reply]
Im bored
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>>6019 I need money dude
>>6020 There are plenty ways to get money that are much more healthy than coding. Better live poorer than become a coder.
>>6023 I have abandoned the possibility of being healthy. Let me code!
>>6019 i know a guy who's a programmer of some kind. he has a cute librarian gf and he does marathon running.
>>6045 He's not mentally healthy I swear

hacking boards Anonymous 09/20/2024 (Fri) 20:43:32 No. 787 [Reply]
hello, I work in cs (pentester) and I'm looking for hacking based imageboards !!!!
*this imageboard have been hacked*
Sadly there are none as of now I was actually planning on starting one (probably never)
>>789 I would be your first user ! (do it)
>>787 does lainchan not have stuff like that? i do not browse it often.

Anonymous 08/31/2024 (Sat) 18:40:26 No. 5873 [Reply]
What was the longest you've held in your piss?
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For God's sake stop being so gross
>>5952 when you think you are done, take a (prolonged) deep breath but without moving your thorax (holding the stomach in place). this will put some pressure on your bladder, specially if you are sitting
just dont overdo it or you might pass out while peeing
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writers barely disguised fetish
Don't push it. You can cause damage holding it in too long.

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Anonymous 09/02/2024 (Mon) 22:31:09 No. 5887 [Reply]
It may be a bit cruel to all these cool people I have met and had fun with, but did I really know them? Maybe I am cynical, but I don’t believe internet relationships hold anywhere close the importance and fulfillment as real-life ones. Yet, they consumed a significant amount of my attention and time, helping to divert my thoughts from my loneliness, but never cure it. Maybe it’s not cruel at all; perhaps everyone has already moved on, and I was merely a brief passerby in their online lives. Maybe it was all just entertainment, and the issue could be I got too involved. Whatever I do, I’m either all in or not at all. I just don't know balance, so I decided to quit. I am now regaining confidence in life offline. I contacted my parents and started going outside again. I really need to talk with people, because my ideas rarely have any reflection in realilty. Ehh, what am I even rambling about…
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>>5887 i think you've made a very rational conclusion anon. don't get me wrong i surely appreciate my online friends, but having people to spend time with IRL is good for the soul. it's nice to actually go OUT and spend time with friends even if it's just hitting up a Denny's and chatting. i think the nature of internet friendships makes them less committal than IRL ones, and that's okay. i've had many internet friends come and go, and i've came and gone from the lives of others too. it's still fun to appreciate the good times i've had with them even if we don't really hang out much anymore. the beauty of life is its impermanence! i'm rooting for you anon. i hope your adventures into the real world bear fruit. ganbatte!
>>5887 It feels horrible once you have that realization because you have already put so much hope into those relationships that it's hard to understand that they're not real. These people might as well not exist, I could delete all my accounts now and I'll never hear from them again. While I still run into my childhood friends who I haven't hung out in over a decade, not that I can connect with them or anything, I think I had deeper connections with online friends, but they're not sustainable which hurts even more.
I don't have such a negative approach to it. I feel like friendships in general, whether online or IRL, are just as much of something as you make them to be. Maybe I am biased from my own experiences with friendships, but despite the ease of leaving everyone online behind, "real" people can hurt you more. Being rejected by them, or if plans don't work out, it can affect one's mood way more. I usually used to be advoidant because of it and at some point ended up just not having any irl friends at all, if I could ever consider them such. It seemed like the people I was close with online genuinely cared about me. They still do, and we're still friends. Some of which are friendships that are almost 10 years, and the most consistent ones being around 6-7 years. I never needed much daily interaction, so I'm happy with what I have, and to everyone I'm not friends with anymore, I hope they still think back about the brief duration we had fun together and reminisce sometimes. The fleetingness of internet friendships can be a blessing too, if you're willing to see it that way. I feel like a reject in everything, and I tend to isolate a lot and don't have the energy to text anyone back for long periods of time, and with no one being able to ring my bell and interrupt my process of recharging, it's kind of.. peaceful. But I definitely don't want to disagree; having IRL friends is good and can be a very enjoyable experience if you have the right people around you.  I hope life treats you kindly and things work out the way you want it to be.
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The more I have genuine fulfilling conversations/relationships IRL, the less I want them online. They just feel more ... Real. Even if it's heartbreaking and painful, it's the good type of pain. Makes you feel more alive. You can actually see their facial expressions, touch them, see them, live in the moment. Everyone online is fake/bot/manipulative/corporate, it's so soulless. The erosion of real life social environments and public spaces has caused so much suffering. Nobody likes online dating, it sucks. Nobody wants to be on a app to "make friends." It's completely illogical to our biology and our psychology. We use to make friends through real life activities and events. We use to go out and just converse with people. What the hell happened? Why is it so hard now? Why is it so much more socially unacceptable and awkward? Was it always this way? What the hell do people do? Venture on luck that they will just click with people by being at exactly the right place and exactly the right time? Just texting back and forth with each other like dopamine fried zombies? I don't want online friends. They suck. I just want better real life social environments where I feel I can actually feel like I am doing something. Where I feel like I can grow and get better at something and vice versa towards the person across from me. Not something like alcohol, video games, consumption, or drugs - degeneracy, but somewhere I can improve. Somewhere I can get better. But not like a solitude hobby like the gym, more like a co-op hobby. I don't know, it's all very confusing. And everything feels tribal, forced, faked, artificial, - nothing feels real.
>>5965 you are looking for "competition". Play sports.

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Arena Shooters Anonymous 09/06/2024 (Fri) 22:45:22 No. 798 [Reply]
Any anons here based and still play Quake 3/Quake live or any arena shooter in 2024? >inb4 duhhhh 20 year old game got 300 ppl playing it lole ded game >inb4 y r ur graphic so bade? u hav bad pc? >inb4 wat habben 2 ur gun wow?
Oops, ignore "wow" in the last greentext.
The last time I played Quake 3 arena was 5 years ago roughly. It is a dull game when you play alone, but fun with friends. Since I didn't have any friends for roughly 5 years, you can guess the rest.
i dont like losing so i just pwned bots for hours on end listening to lil peep and sometimes calling up a friend.. comfy times
quake llive is very much fun, i play it all the time with friends

Anonymous 08/11/2024 (Sun) 01:23:07 No. 5750 [Reply] [Last]
Been a while since I've posted. How has everyone been doing lately?
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>>5977 this is the truth. there are other unpleasant/harsh punishments beyond hitting your kid. if you are retarded enough to have to rely on violence to discipline your children you're an incompetent parent.
>>5982 >turn your kid into a psychopath i doubt you leave your room often but the kid who get a healthy amount of beatings always turn out fine. Those who get grounded do hard drugs.
>>5985 i was grounded instead of hit and i'm a properly functioning adult. i'm doing better than my parents in fact. my friends are the same. sorry you have to c0pe with parents too incompetent to properly raise you without violence.
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I'm ready
>>5989 Neco please calm down

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cars Anonymous 09/06/2024 (Fri) 14:55:17 No. 5910 [Reply]
what was you first car? what is your current car? any advice on buying a first car?
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>>5927 i would go for golf mk6
>>5931 but newer one, first models had issues with chain iirc
also hikari, should I get a car before a flat positive fortune -> yes
Your fortune: Better not tell you now
>>5910 my what
>>5934 your passport, sir

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Anonymous 08/29/2024 (Thu) 16:05:12 No. 778 [Reply]
is the hikari3 steam group gonna be used for anything?
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what would we play though? i'm not aware of any co-op hentai
hmmm. i think a monthly hikari3 game night would be fun! not sure what we'd play, i put up TF2 because it's free, but there are tons of options we could choose from. HL2:DM is a funny choice too, perhaps a thread is in order?
>>784 >perhaps a thread is in order? Sounds fun! I'd be down.
i dislike playing coop games but if u streamed it i would like to hang out
>>789 that's certainly possible. i wouldn't mind streaming it as long as it's cool with everyone else, but i understand if not. even if you aren't interested i'll still offer and say you're always welcome to join us! btw there is now a thread >>786

Anonymous 07/16/2023 (Sun) 11:23:35 No. 43 [Reply]
What are your methods of protecting your privacy from giant tech and internet corporations?
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>>634 no idea. gotta ask those who's got some life >>635 means you need to check on your therapist again, you're reading inexistent posts
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>>43 protecting privacy from some abstract "evil corporations" is hard and an never ending arms race that in the end doesnt even work coz internet is all about sharing info about yourself hence why this >>71 guy while unhelpful is 100% correct being anonymous on the other hand is easier and feasible no info about yourself can actually be traced to you no matter how much interwebs you do
>>734 Pure facts. Librebooted tards are psychotic, because using librebooted thinkpad is overkill for buying their acid. Even if you're using windows 11 they probably don't know anything about you except a few basic obvious things that can be sold to advertiser. I bet you could buy drugs using windows 11 and get away with it, prove me wrong.
>>735 Recall shill...I hope this is bait but either way you're glowing like the sun
>>737 Prove me wrong.

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Desu##3Y0MhV 05/21/2023 (Sun) 07:19:26 Id:e9088d No. 5 [Reply]
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kashira ~
>>518 I upload a non-h sample of that Gin artist on ehentai. they ban me for tagging accuracy and the full stuff still isn't uploaded. fuck them
is it safe to kiss younger sisters???
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Anonymous 08/12/2024 (Mon) 20:01:10 No. 694 [Reply]
What is the main advantage of Gentoo ? In your opinion, what are the main advantages over Debian or Arch-based systems?
it is source-based. in my experience this means mainly three things: - if something breaks or doesn't compile I can fix it myself without having to search internet forums and such - I can set compilation flags to adapt programs to my needs and environment - it is easier to create and maintain my own packages for the package manager I use it mostly for Recreational Programming, I often browse github for libraries for my projects and most of the time they aren't popular enough to be in the package repository of any distro. with gentoo I can write an ebuild and have the library installed and maintained by the package manager in less than 5 minutes it fits my use-case well but I don't know if I would recommend it to other people. it isn't hard but you need some experience with c/c++ toolchains, autotools and cmake for it to be anything more than just another distro with less support than debian now that I think about it, one notable thing is that gentoo doesn't do stuff behind your back so to speak, so there aren't as many opportunities for things to break unexpectedly. I guess that can be a plus even for inexperienced users
and yes, I'm too dumb and lazy to learn nix/guix
>>694 Advantages? No. There is none. I've spent one entire year with Gentoo and three months with Funtoo, and, these two are simply distros for enthusiasts. That's it. Don't get me wrong, Portage is a good package manager, but you'll probably spend a lot of time with it, and it's just not worthy.

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to the admin/creator Anonymous 08/07/2024 (Wed) 21:21:53 No. 579 [Reply]
why did you deleted the board /aca/ (=academy)? it was a pretty good board and kind of unique and niche and it was used quit frequently. I know what you're going to say: I deleted it because there isn't much traffic to sustain a lot of boards. if you stick with "normal" boards for a standard imageboard, you're going to get standard users and not so much attractivness. /aca/ would have bring new people on h3. Bonus: do you know how many people come to h3/use this imageboard? Thank you
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>>579 I do really like this board and the theme is really cool but I agree with your point about normal boards and attracting users.
I wanna post more on /aca/ but I don't know what fits if anything
>>586 stuff related to the natural sciences and the humanities, pretty much
hi hikarin you created this board i'm gonna blame my bad luck fortune on you right?
Your fortune: Good Luck
okay you're vindicated!

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名無し 04/17/2024 (Wed) 20:39:32 No. 942 [Reply]
Right looks better.
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>>1004 I'm not advocating for anything that I'm describing. This is just what I believe has more or less ruined anime. It sounds like we agree (since you define moe as chasing money through fanservice, which I think is a good definition). I'm not saying things have to be this way, either. Of course artists can make concerted efforts to put out decent work. I'm sure some are doing that right now. I'm just as dismayed as you are by the state of the industry at the moment--though I would say pretty much everything in the world is suffering from a fundamental lack of effort and creativity at the moment
I just dotn care for anime anymore because the world i live in interesting enough.
>>1007 want!
>>1007 Thats mature!

Nicolas cage DBD Anonymous 07/07/2023 (Fri) 02:26:12 Id:9abd3e No. 112 [Reply]
how are you guys feeling about Nicolas cage being added to dbd. his perk Dramaturgy seems like it would be a pretty good perk similar to dead hard but with rng.
i personally think its amazing
i like the fact that bhvr tried a new direction with his perks, i hope they'll keep being more creative and bold in their perk ideas for future chapters as well
It is the year of the Lord 2024 and fortnite has become pay to win. >would be screaming on call with the bros rn simpler times

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monster hunter series thread Anonymous 08/18/2024 (Sun) 21:07:17 No. 761 [Reply]
is the monster hunter series a really good game? I am watching some videos about the hunting horn and it looks cool, which one should I play? I have only steam so a game on PC. Is the hunting horn easy/good to use? should I wait to buy the next game when it will be out?
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I started playing Monster Hunter with MonHun: World. At first I thought the controls were really clunky and I didn't fully understand the gameplay loop. It was a bit of an ordeal to grasp it on my own but when I started playing with friends I had an absolute blast. To be fair it helped that my friends were there to guide me through everything I didn't understand. After their lessons I enjoyed the game much MUCH more. It is fun on your own but I recomend playing with others even if its folks online or (preferably) friends that you know well. Monster Hunter is great but it really shines when you play with friends. Personally my favorite so far is Monster Hunter Rise. Monster Hunter World was good and all but it felt like doing anything in that game took forever. Rise's gameplay loop was quick and snappy by comparison and I definitely enjoyed that. If you have a PC and Monster Hunter Rise is on sale I recomend buying it and giving it a try. The next game isn't coming out until some unspecified time next year so you have plenty of time to sink your teeth into one of the other Monster Hunter Games. As for the Hunting Horn.... I can't help you there. I main Great Sword and Bow. All I can say is that Hunting horn tends to be a support weapon but it does huge damage when you know what you're doing. Hope this helps! :)
>>766 thank you very much for replying
>>761 It used to be the game for PSP but strangely enough I never had a copy. Played a demo once but I mostly play VNs and horror titles so I never got into it. There was a big hype around the PSP titles back in the day. That's all I know.
Yeah if you like fighting giant beasts
>>773 >fighting giant beasts yes I do! which one youve played? which one is the best?

Anonymous 11/10/2023 (Fri) 22:08:30 No. 449 [Reply]
Comfy obscure games thread. Discuss comfy games that are not well known. Anything is fair game. I'll start (Really cute and well made for a game jam game free too!) GiFTPiA (Really relaxing gamecube game nobody every discusses
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not sure how niche this is, but i think Princess Remedy in a World of Hurt is really cute and fun. very simple yet colorful graphics. you can play it on steam for free. Trick & Treat is nice too. it's a short halloween RPGmaker game. also free on steam.
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>>475 I played quite a bit of princess fantasy catventure thankyou anon For my own contribution I reccommend Crypt Underworlds by LilithZone It's a surreal walking sim that's kinda underrated if you ask me.
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>>733 Can wholeheartedly recommend Remedy as well, it's very fun to revisit it once in a while. I think the version from Remar's website that lacks the flashing colors is superior though, if you want to play it, get that one.
>>748 crypt underworlds looks like it could be interesting. if you recommend it i may give it a try. >>749 i see! i did not know about this version. very cool.
Play noctis

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I LOVE ROOT BEER FLOATS 08/17/2024 (Sat) 00:29:03 No. 5787 [Reply]
have you ever had a root beer float? what is your favorite dessert? general dessert thread too.
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i have! it had an interesting texture to say the least
>>5802 i do love chocolate... however i'm not much of a normal cake guy. i do love chocolate pie or ice cream tho! >>5831 it is interesting, but super good! it's very cheap and easy to make as well. can't go wrong with it. i've even done alcoholic floats with my friends.
very hungry now ;-;
My mom hates them but they're great
haven't had a root beer float in ages, but they're nice I drink a lot of root beer since I noticed I feel better when I don't drink Coke for whatever reason, and root beer doesn't do the same thing to me I eat a bunch of sweet stuff but haven't had a proper dessert in a while, I'll mostly just have hot chocolate with some kind of sweet cookie/biscuit to dip in.

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Light Novel thread 名無し 08/25/2024 (Sun) 19:27:58 No. 1040 [Reply]
this thread is for the discussion of light novels only and everything concerning LN. Can someone help me found if this LN (pic related) is in english on internet or paper media. it's called 'a mechanical dragon' I think. feel free to share your LN collection or tell us what is your favorite LN
i'd never read a LN before this, but i started reading the Overlord LN recently. honestly it might have put me onto being a LN reader. you get many more little details and nuances actually reading the story vs watching the anime. i'm thinking of reading some other LNs after this one but not sure what yet.
>>1040 the title is "機械じかけの竜と偽り王子" if that helps
>>1044 thank you , I still can't find a translated version online

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Sci-Fi Games with Ambiance? Anonymous 08/25/2024 (Sun) 17:15:31 No. 771 [Reply]
I have been playing old games with a focus on immersion and all of them had fantasy settings. Recommend me old games with sci-fi atmospheres, any genre is fine.
system shock 2 is very immersive
