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linux distros for beginners Anonymous 05/05/2024 (Sun) 00:43:35 No. 539 [Reply]
what distro of linux is the best for a beginner in linux?
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>>658 learn how to use paragraphs you baka
>>661 >paragraphs such a waste of time how'd that guy do those shiny particles over his text???
>>539 >what distro of linux is the best for a beginner in linux? all of them
>>628 >Arch he actually uses systemd
>>539 as many have already said, linux mint is what i recommend to any beginner. it is my favorite "just werks" distro. i use the default cinnamon DE version on laptop for college and it does me just fine. it functions similar to windows, is based on debian (and is therefore stable), and comes with all the bells and whistles a noob would want from a distro. most games work fine on linux now as well so if you're a gaymer you'll have no issues as installing steam is either one command in the terminal or a few clicks in the software manager.

Anonymous 10/21/2023 (Sat) 18:14:24 No. 231 [Reply]
What's your favorite programming language /t/?
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Lua because it's really comfy It gives a developer lots of freedom to solve problems in a way that is suitable, with the features the problem needs and nothing more. My current long-term project is an RPG written in Love2D (which I adore for giving me a useful toolbox to make games quickly without tying me to a whole engine, though Tiled support sucks a bit), and I'd like to eventually use Lua to write 90% of the code for my dream game (a far larger RPG). There's a lot to critique with lua but the absolute freedom it gives me, along with the nice community and the fact it doesn't require much mental effort to work in makes it my favourite.
>>666 something tells me i should not use Lua
>uids 1 holy shit i have been samefagging all along
>>665 >takes file pointer >uses imaginary filesystem argument with the pointer as an index what did this genius mean by that?
>>666 I LOVE LUA
Edited last time by admin on 07/15/2024 (Mon) 02:23:37.

Css Pepsi 06/25/2024 (Tue) 20:03:10 No. 624 [Reply]
Hey, does anyone know how I can enter the closed shell system?
The what?
>>625 No, I will never save this picture on my computer because by the outline I'm pretty sure that that's based on the dog from that shitty indie "game" und***le
>>626 Undertale is fun! You should try it sometime
>>631 have you ever played this shit you little fucking bastard? https://jcw87.github.io/c2-sans-fight/ https://jcw87.github.io/c2-sans-fight/ https://jcw87.github.io/c2-sans-fight/ i'm fucking seething this is insane
>>632 Oh yeah, the Sans fight is fun. Never played it myself in the real game though, since I never did the genocide run.

Anonymous 07/16/2023 (Sun) 11:23:35 No. 43 [Reply]
What are your methods of protecting your privacy from giant tech and internet corporations?
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There was one dumb thing I did a while where I had a blacklist of IPs and blocked out entire continents and countries. >>580 Has there even been an actual documented case of a Windows virus running on Wine in Linux and working?
my strategy is the only one that doesn't fail: i don't exist. literally. even if they had orders from all the major institutions in the world to spy on me they would never find anything important because there isn't anything important in a life that doesn't even exist. datamine me as much as you like, i'll laugh at the wasted electricity
>>633 What if you wanna live a life, though?
>>633 If you didn't exist you couldn't have written this post.
>>634 no idea. gotta ask those who's got some life >>635 means you need to check on your therapist again, you're reading inexistent posts

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Anonymous 05/03/2024 (Fri) 21:47:17 No. 536 [Reply]
My Artix broke after updating and rebooting..
2 posts omitted.
>>536 You could say you gave it an artix-attack! :^)
>>536 Just use Gentoo and be done with it.
What's wrong with normal Arch? The only reason some people "hate" systemd is because someone on youtube or 4ddit told them that it's bad. If you use any Chrome or Firefox-based browser that's a piece of software that's 9999 times more bloated and 9999 times more vulnerable than systemd.
>>557 There were multiple occasions where my machine wouldn't probably turn off because off systemd plus dinit is faster.
>>557 https://artixlinux.org/news.php#The_xz_package_has_been_backdoored The popular the software is the more hackers attention it gets You are right about Chrome and Firefox but unfortunately we don't have a good replacement for them but with the init system we have replacements

Desktop thread Anonymous 07/24/2023 (Mon) 12:34:30 No. 79 [Reply] [Last]
How does your desktop look like /t/? How ricy is it?
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I recently bought untested Thinkpad T60 for reasonable price. I cleaned it and made a dual boot Windows XP and Slackware Linux. I was fortunate enough that it was just a missing HDD which I got a spare SSD to use.
>>565 By coincidence I also bought a T60 with a missing hard drive recently I upgraded the RAM with 4GB (only 3 GB can be used unfortunately ;-;) and CPU on mine and put Arch on it.
>>566 I never have a thought to replace the CPU unless it's possible and a good upgrade. I did bought 2GB ram to make it 3GB overall. Post your arch desktop please!
>>567 I upgraded mine to a Core 2 Duo T7600 which is the fastest one it can take I'll post my Arch desktop when I finish ricing DWM
>>568 Thank you and good luck on ricing DWM!

Anonymous 04/09/2024 (Tue) 01:30:38 No. 492 [Reply]
What's your text editor of choice? Vim for me
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>>527 Neovim is pretty fun to configure
>>549 More like pain in the ass to configure
Your fortune: Average Luck
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https://vimuser.org/ https://www.emacsuser.org/ Just going to leave those here and let you use your judgement.
Emacs syntax highlighting is as if it were not even there, it escapes me how you guys can navigate that in anything above 1000 lines. Macros are neigh indistinguishable from normal text.
sublime text is awesome

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Homescreen thread Anonymous 03/13/2024 (Wed) 14:03:34 No. 432 [Reply]
It aint much but its honest work
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>>532 I recommend you first checking this: https://www.google.com/search?q=What+is+reverse+image+search%3F Now, I've already found the picture for you, here: https://gelbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=7992242
>>559 thank you very much!
>>432 I really like this one, good job! mine is quite bland, my phone's battery doesn't last very long so an AMOLED friendly homescreen helps quite a bit. And to be honest, I'm trying to use my phone less
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>>432 it just werks

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how to make your own imageboard? Anonymous 05/02/2024 (Thu) 20:57:28 No. 529 [Reply]
I want to make my own imageboard but I don't know how to make one. I don't know how to code haha. how to host it online and paying servers? I alao want it to support a lot of files (like webm, webp, gif, pdf, etc...)
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>>538 No problem! I hope you can do it, maybe you can create something new with the format.
>>530 >>533 >>535 nice osaka pics
>>541 I wish!
>>541 thank you!
>>535 He was 15, and retarded also :p

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Gentoo Linux General Anonymous 03/18/2024 (Mon) 03:07:08 No. 449 [Reply]
Any Gentoo Friends on this board? If so tell me what you love or hate about it. What USE flags do you use? In the meanwhile I will post some of my favorite Gentoo Desktops!!
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>>458 Yes here you go anon
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The only thing I hate is the slow emerge times , but it's because I have a shitty laptop Surprisingly this is the most stable I've felt using a linux distro
You guys just made me interested in gentoo again. I used it for a couple years back when i was a noob and exploring. It was a bit difficult to set up then , over 10hrs of compilation. LOL this time it'll be much easier
i love gentoo and i used it for years, but i got tired of having to compile everything, takes too damn long. i use debian now.
>>507 we need more of this







