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"Love palace~"

A very comfy imageboard for people that like to take it easy. To get started, read the rules, then read the FAQ. After that, you can start posting!

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>>/en/5683 Hello my dear WARRIORS!:neco: Lack of such "basic" things as friends or confidants or intimacy are good and beneficial!:nya: Jus
>>/en/5682 >>5681 >What is this face at bottom picture called? Yao Ming "Bitch, Please"
>>/en/5681 >>5680 What is this face at bottom picture called?:happy: Feels so bad to loose my memory so brutally to be honest.
>>/en/5680 Wut the fuck are you doing on Hikari3? You should be making a living on this shit :love:
>>/en/5679 >>5677 >I will destroy you. Won't take you.:cry: I'm nearly wasted by social anxiety and it's only been 6 hours.:cry: Damn it
>>/jp/1010 >>859 meat is delicious. i wouldn't be able to get muscles without it. :happy: >>957 the entire show is very comfy. the man
>>/en/5678 >>5675 MCAnon...... i'm starting to believe..... i must continue to fight........... for MY FRIENDS!! :disdain: i will not allo
>>/en/5677 >>5675 I will destroy you. My power level is over 9000. I have seen +10 anime, read more than 4 manga and I'm white belt in kar
>>/v/733 not sure how niche this is, but i think Princess Remedy in a World of Hurt is really cute and fun. very simple yet colorful grap
>>/h3/573 found it while scrounging the internet for altchans as an exodite from the basket weaving forum. i think it was a site keeping t
>>/t/671 >>539 as many have already said, linux mint is what i recommend to any beginner. it is my favorite "just werks" distro. i use t
>>/en/5676 hmm... i guess it would be in the woods. cozied up alone by the fire at dusk. no signs of humanity- no cars or planes in the dis
>>/en/5675 :skeptical:Anyway, what's with all this talk about friends? Everybody out there craves :drool: for friends, intimacy, coziness,
>>/en/5674 >>5673 :angry:Because my isolation has turned me into hostile haughty warlock. Friendship is an offense in my dictionary!:venge
>>/en/5673 >>5672 Why can't we all be friends...?

- LynxChan + HikariLynx -