I don't have such a negative approach to it. I feel like friendships in general, whether online or IRL, are just as much of something as you make them to be. Maybe I am biased from my own experiences with friendships, but despite the ease of leaving everyone online behind, "real" people can hurt you more. Being rejected by them, or if plans don't work out, it can affect one's mood way more. I usually used to be advoidant because of it and at some point ended up just not having any irl friends at all, if I could ever consider them such. It seemed like the people I was close with online genuinely cared about me. They still do, and we're still friends. Some of which are friendships that are almost 10 years, and the most consistent ones being around 6-7 years. I never needed much daily interaction, so I'm happy with what I have, and to everyone I'm not friends with anymore, I hope they still think back about the brief duration we had fun together and reminisce sometimes. The fleetingness of internet friendships can be a blessing too, if you're willing to see it that way. I feel like a reject in everything, and I tend to isolate a lot and don't have the energy to text anyone back for long periods of time, and with no one being able to ring my bell and interrupt my process of recharging, it's kind of.. peaceful. But I definitely don't want to disagree; having IRL friends is good and can be a very enjoyable experience if you have the right people around you.
I hope life treats you kindly and things work out the way you want it to be.