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05/21/24 Happy birthday hikari3! (News post)
12/21/23 Recent news post: Check here. Also, new board added: /i/ - Oekaki.
11/25/23 Accepting banner submissions; check this thread for more details.
11/17/23 New blotter! Use this to keep an eye for small updates.
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Anonymous 07/23/2024 (Tue) 10:05:34 No. 5662 [Reply]
Hikari is actually extremely active, you cant see it from the overboard because we keep saging the thread. go through /en/ and you will find us.
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Anyway, what's with all this talk about friends? Everybody out there craves for friends, intimacy, coziness, and other abstract things they don't even understand. Let's FIGHT! All this meekness is emetic! There is no greater joy than fight against boredom! Why do we have to put ourselves down and act like the lowest of the low, like sheep, like we don't have will of our own? Look around! "Woe to me, I am so lonely!"; " woe to me, I am so unhappy"; "I wish I was never born"; "everyday I imagine to die", EWWWW!!! This mental wrists slitting is d.i.s.g.u.s.t.i.n.g! Is there not anybody out there, who like me, instead of perpetuating this idiotic self hatred, wishes to FIGHT? Wouldn't it be so much better if we put in all our efforts, everyday, to complete failure, just to improve at least a bit? Is there no one wanting a healthy spirit? Are all of you just going to spend the rest of your life being insects, because "there is no hope for me" and "I have given up"? What the heck is this thinking? You put yourself down and then spend the rest of your life complaining? Why are you not STRUGGLING MORE? Stop being so weak! For God's sake, is there ANYONE willing to FIGHT? ANYONE? PLEASE
>>5675 I will destroy you. My power level is over 9000. I have seen +10 anime, read more than 4 manga and I'm white belt in karate. Prepare yourself kid, this is going to be rough!
>>5675 MCAnon...... i'm starting to believe..... i must continue to fight........... for MY FRIENDS!! i will not allow the self-perpetuating malady of negativity to hold me back from doing..... what I MUST!! KYAAAAA
>>5677 >I will destroy you. Won't take you. I'm nearly wasted by social anxiety and it's only been 6 hours. Damn it was all so different in the morning. >>5678 Yes, FIGHT is EVERYTHING! Once you give in to the weakness of mind it's over. You must never cease your struggle against things that seek to shutter your confidence. Happiness and power are only acquired through constant effort. You will never fix your negative mindset unless you work constantly on improving the way you think. Now how the actual fuck do I stop this anxiety I'm loosing my sanity
Hello my dear WARRIORS! Lack of such "basic" things as friends or confidants or intimacy are good and beneficial! Just consider this only that when you have no one to share your anxiousness with, you do not have choice except to face it and struggle! This makes you stronger and better! Surprising? All truth seems to be paradoxical at first! Only when you are completely cornered by circumstances do you realize that true endurance and true strength lies withing relying only on yourself! Thus greatly mentally strong people were always self sustained and never sought anything but their own constancy and their own support! Embrace the STRUGGLE! Embrace the FIGHT! No slacking off! No giving up! RISE UP FOOLS! We shall CONQUER weakness and CLAIM the SORCERY as OURS!

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Anonymous 07/16/2024 (Tue) 20:46:02 No. 5614 [Reply]
I tried making some art using a scanner. What do you guys think?
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When does your snuff film come out? And you better hope someone doesnt use your finger print on a crime scene. I like it though
Nice hair bro
Wut the fuck are you doing on Hikari3? You should be making a living on this shit
>>5680 What is this face at bottom picture called? Feels so bad to loose my memory so brutally to be honest.
>>5681 >What is this face at bottom picture called? Yao Ming "Bitch, Please"

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What's your happy place? rusberry 07/19/2024 (Fri) 02:52:46 No. 5630 [Reply]
It doesn't have to be a physical place but anywhere where you feel safe and content. It can be anything from site on the internet or your backyard. I am trying to find mine. Life has taken its toll on me. Unsupportive family and isolation has left me just wanting some kind of meaning. Somewhere I can relax and just pass my time. Thanks in advance
Nowhere. It doesn't matter where I go there's always a grain of hostility between me and everyone else. Even here on hikari. On hikari! My comfy place would be small and without people. Why no people is obvious, and small so that there isn't enough space to imagine ghosts. Yes I sometimes suffer from nightmares, if I just imagine that there's someone behind the door while I'm psychologically down it's over for me. Ideally it'd be just one small room, where everything is visible from any spot. And autonomous light just in case I feel uneasy.
hmm... i guess it would be in the woods. cozied up alone by the fire at dusk. no signs of humanity- no cars or planes in the distance. here i feel at peace. it's as if i am not even an entity in itself, simply a dissociated observer woven into the world around me. quiet summer fields in the afternoon also give me this feeling, particularly fields of flower or grass. nothing but the wind blowing against me to prove i'm even there. gives me a feeling of interconnectedness i have not felt anywhere in civilization. if not there, then it would be cozy quiet evenings wrapped up with someone i love. although it's been too long since i've experienced this.

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Anonymous 07/21/2024 (Sun) 22:50:42 No. 5649 [Reply]
it do be like that
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Proud not to be anglo or deriviative
>>5654 which one is food though >kys how about double suicide? you and i. should be pretty romatic
>food fix: good*
>>5656 Only good languageis your native language other can fuck off im against learning foregin languages I only know English cause of American globalizartion peer presure essentially
It has come to the point where childern here know english better then our native one

Anonymous 07/07/2024 (Sun) 18:10:10 No. 5566 [Reply]
Do you like the summer?
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>>5601 The devil is mentioned in revelation, from the new testament I should get to reading the torah already
it's relaxing
>>5606 Don't waste yourself on learning religion, it's probably not worth it. Unless you have a reason of course. I have found learning for the sake of it a terrible waste of time and it also leads to deep issues with self worth.
I hate Summer but I love ice cream and Summer is the best time to eat lots of Ice cream
>>5566 ofc !

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Anonymous 07/01/2024 (Mon) 17:45:57 No. 5543 [Reply]
adhd braining restless unreading bad memory need comfy brain
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>>5549 hell awaits me
>>5549 hell awaits me need friend to find how do emoji
racing thoughts are to be drowned in mindless activity and may be a sign of fatigue and stress. as for laziness I'll explain when you join me in hell
i have adhd and this doesn't happen are you ok
>>5543 gas and flames

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Anonymous 06/29/2024 (Sat) 00:27:31 No. 5509 [Reply]
Would you eat it
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Are those.... are those worms...?! No I would absolutely not.
>>5509 *stands here with expression of pic related* just what do you think you are doing in my butter farm?
>>5509 i bet you eat dick
>>5590 I'm fairly sure it was boiled potato
>>5509 I bet it would taste like butter toast spread with strawberry jam

Anonymous 06/21/2024 (Fri) 20:09:33 No. 5427 [Reply]
Out of curiosity, what's your primary source of images when posting? I find most of mine on other boards and boorus but there are also some open directories which are interesting to go through
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Mostly other boards. Whenever I'm browsing any board, I save any image I like (Anything I find amusing/cute) which has grown into a large collection of over 24 thousand files
This board is goddamn mix of casual and oldfag
>>5537 How do you mean?
>>5541 It is some assumption that anyone who doesnt hoard images doesnt post much. I think it just is different people do things different. Not every image is worth saving.
>>5558 I can’t hoard images like I used to. I used to have images from like 2018 on a micro sd but i kept having to change phones at that time for cell provider reasons so it gets tiring sometimes. I also can’t be assed with cloud storage or having to plug in a backup ssd just to get some images off there.

Anonymous 06/17/2024 (Mon) 21:04:15 No. 5378 [Reply]
Come fight me coward!
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Cirno, what a retard
Now who's the strongest?
utterly btfod
>>5513 R-rude…..she’s very smart……
Turns her into a plushie to be sold overseas

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Anonymous 06/25/2024 (Tue) 13:58:00 No. 5476 [Reply]
Good morning fri/en/ds I'm feeling energetic today! I hope you have a good day today.
>>5476 It's a good day to watch a show called Ichigo Mashimaro.
>>5476 I have a busy day of work coming up but I'll get through it
start being depressed now! don't waste your happiness on worthless things! whoever used this vpn provider to spam is a scumbagyou need to be a special kind of retard to pay money to spam
Suigintou 11!1!1!1!!!1111!1!1!
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I wish I could feel energetic. I feel like I've been dying lately with how much stress I've been under. >I hope you have a good day today. Thank you, I hope you do too







