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Anonymous 08/31/2024 (Sat) 18:40:26 No. 5873 [Reply]
What was the longest you've held in your piss?
9 posts and 1 image omitted.
1 day
I don't like the pee yourself fetish
am I the only one who after peeing there's still pee coming out and it wet my pants how to empty my pee baloon completly?
>>5952 that's what you get for being a man

MAD! I do NOT like my brother's followers (cult) AT ALL.
Hikari corrupted me and now I want kiss an imouto I don't have...
>>5944 kiss me
>>5945 Are you a cute imouto?
>>5946 i am a cute ojisan!

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Anonymous 09/02/2024 (Mon) 22:31:09 No. 5887 [Reply]
It may be a bit cruel to all these cool people I have met and had fun with, but did I really know them? Maybe I am cynical, but I don’t believe internet relationships hold anywhere close the importance and fulfillment as real-life ones. Yet, they consumed a significant amount of my attention and time, helping to divert my thoughts from my loneliness, but never cure it. Maybe it’s not cruel at all; perhaps everyone has already moved on, and I was merely a brief passerby in their online lives. Maybe it was all just entertainment, and the issue could be I got too involved. Whatever I do, I’m either all in or not at all. I just don't know balance, so I decided to quit. I am now regaining confidence in life offline. I contacted my parents and started going outside again. I really need to talk with people, because my ideas rarely have any reflection in realilty. Ehh, what am I even rambling about…
I'm on the opposite end; I think the internet has fucked my brain to the point I never feel lonely, so I can't really empathize. I live in a weird place where most people I knew from local (low latency) game servers were less than 100 km away from me and it was really easy to organize meet ups and hang out. At some point my group of friends was a 50/50 mix of people that I met in school, college and work and people I met on the internet. But with time things like hanging out, being in the group, understanding the in-group codes and jokes, etc. became increasingly boring, so I don't do it anymore. I'm continually meeting new people and socializing, both online and offline, and I consider myself good at it, but it is fake, I don't feel the connection I felt when I was a teenager and I don't really care. I prefer the one-off interactions that imageboards deliver, or simply being alone. My point is that people are people and there isn't much difference if there is a screen in the middle or not. I will go as far as to say that the screens allow slightly superior interactions, like sharing media or collaborating on projects. Hanging out in person means having basically the same conversations you would have online but in a worse location. This is why when people say they feel lonely I assume they mean they are either bored or sexually frustrated, but maybe I'm projecting. I don't think my experience is uncommon, considering the number of people that need alcohol just to stand being around their friends. It is a callousness that comes with age I guess.
>>5887 i think you've made a very rational conclusion anon. don't get me wrong i surely appreciate my online friends, but having people to spend time with IRL is good for the soul. it's nice to actually go OUT and spend time with friends even if it's just hitting up a Denny's and chatting. i think the nature of internet friendships makes them less committal than IRL ones, and that's okay. i've had many internet friends come and go, and i've came and gone from the lives of others too. it's still fun to appreciate the good times i've had with them even if we don't really hang out much anymore. the beauty of life is its impermanence! i'm rooting for you anon. i hope your adventures into the real world bear fruit. ganbatte!
>>5887 It feels horrible once you have that realization because you have already put so much hope into those relationships that it's hard to understand that they're not real. These people might as well not exist, I could delete all my accounts now and I'll never hear from them again. While I still run into my childhood friends who I haven't hung out in over a decade, not that I can connect with them or anything, I think I had deeper connections with online friends, but they're not sustainable which hurts even more.
I don't have such a negative approach to it. I feel like friendships in general, whether online or IRL, are just as much of something as you make them to be. Maybe I am biased from my own experiences with friendships, but despite the ease of leaving everyone online behind, "real" people can hurt you more. Being rejected by them, or if plans don't work out, it can affect one's mood way more. I usually used to be advoidant because of it and at some point ended up just not having any irl friends at all, if I could ever consider them such. It seemed like the people I was close with online genuinely cared about me. They still do, and we're still friends. Some of which are friendships that are almost 10 years, and the most consistent ones being around 6-7 years. I never needed much daily interaction, so I'm happy with what I have, and to everyone I'm not friends with anymore, I hope they still think back about the brief duration we had fun together and reminisce sometimes. The fleetingness of internet friendships can be a blessing too, if you're willing to see it that way. I feel like a reject in everything, and I tend to isolate a lot and don't have the energy to text anyone back for long periods of time, and with no one being able to ring my bell and interrupt my process of recharging, it's kind of.. peaceful. But I definitely don't want to disagree; having IRL friends is good and can be a very enjoyable experience if you have the right people around you.  I hope life treats you kindly and things work out the way you want it to be.

Anonymous 08/11/2024 (Sun) 01:23:07 No. 5750 [Reply]
Been a while since I've posted. How has everyone been doing lately?
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woke up at 0830 for a boxing cardio class because i'm about that action. i'm completely beat... training to fight EVIL! just like schizochama!
I am again in this stateless state of mind when I don't feel entirely integer, as if I am pulled in different directions but don't really understand any of it.
Your fortune: Good Luck

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cars Anonymous 09/06/2024 (Fri) 14:55:17 No. 5910 [Reply]
what was you first car? what is your current car? any advice on buying a first car?
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>>5927 i would go for golf mk6
>>5931 but newer one, first models had issues with chain iirc
also hikari, should I get a car before a flat positive fortune -> yes
Your fortune: Better not tell you now
>>5910 my what
>>5934 your passport, sir

help me Anonymous 08/28/2024 (Wed) 16:29:39 No. 5857 [Reply]
I dream of creating a 3d JRPG. in this game I would like a bard type class (class that plays music to do its actions / generally this class is specialized in buffs and debuffs in mmorpgs). To play bard you need a musical instrument. and to perform actions, you have to play notes to be able to cast the spell/attack. but here I am, I have a problem. I don't know how to transcribe the fact of playing a melody to cast a spell in the game. but I don't know if the weapon can attack (hit with the weapon) or only play musical notes to perform actions? I don't really know if the instrument should act like a weapon (exemple a sword) or should not attack and can only cast spells
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>>5861 well you didnt specify how do you imagine combat system in your game, i assume turn based in my explanation so lets take a classic system of choosing an attack or item etc if its a sword master turn and you choose attack music starts playing or rather a rhythm you are asked to play a melody for a buff the closer you are to the correct rhythm and right notes the better the buff but lets say there is no given melody to play, but there exists a book of melodies player can fill out and practice prior to the battle if player plays something that does not match anything then there is no given buff hence regular sword attack but if player goes for a hard melody and succeeds then lets reward him with amazing dark aura sword attack just an idea i have got from reading your post but you must know i didnt really read it all heheh
univ.enterexam D-75
>>5863 no it ment to be in a mmorpg not a trpg. Yes I was thinking this too: to make a spell, you must play the melody and when succeed the spell is casted. hmm but it would mean a lot of melody to know because there will be a lot of spells
>>5863 I was thinking about something like that https://vanguard.fandom.com/wiki/Song_Composition_Guide

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I LOVE ROOT BEER FLOATS 08/17/2024 (Sat) 00:29:03 No. 5787 [Reply]
have you ever had a root beer float? what is your favorite dessert? general dessert thread too.
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chocolate cake is the best
i have! it had an interesting texture to say the least
>>5802 i do love chocolate... however i'm not much of a normal cake guy. i do love chocolate pie or ice cream tho! >>5831 it is interesting, but super good! it's very cheap and easy to make as well. can't go wrong with it. i've even done alcoholic floats with my friends.
very hungry now ;-;
My mom hates them but they're great

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Anonymous 07/23/2024 (Tue) 10:05:34 No. 5662 [Reply] [Last]
Hikari is actually extremely active, you cant see it from the overboard because we keep saging the thread. go through /en/ and you will find us.
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>>5825 >so obviously wrong. i'm sorry to break it on you but that basically says you're a midwit. your opinion is only worthy of being utterly discarded and thrown into a garbage bin. provide argumentation. guys, just once in your life, prove your point by an argument. but all you can you do is >obvious this is so mediocre i wonder why you're not ashamed of speaking
>>5826 interesting how i explained why it seems so obviously wrong to me before that, aka my "argument", yet you focus on this final exclamation. nevermind your nitpicking, do you seriously think gooning is on the same level as a productive hobby like reading or language learning or boxing?
>>5826 yknow what, i am being rude. i apologize. i'm hangry i think. i do not wish to be mean, we are supposed to be comfy here. i just think your advice was counterproductive at best, destructive at worst. i will be more cordial. i want everyone to succeed and find fulfillment and it hurts my heart to see people in such sadness, which is why i am passionate about this.
>>5827 >do you seriously think gooning is on the same level as a productive hobby like reading or language learning or boxing no and i'm not even that anon you were talking to. and no, your post didn't have any argumentation, just a wordy reiteration of your qualia. i think gooning is a vain attempt to find satisfaction where it isn't. i do not think lifting in itself is fundamentally different from gooning, but in long term it seems to be much less likely to cause such massive amounts of frustration as gooning does. besides, it seems physical exercise is better suited for maintaining health than torturing your little friend. anyway, my experience is that neither gooning nor working out provided me with satisfaction i sought, but working out was still much better. gooning is followed by hard withdrawals and it seems to have affected me in the long run. i have been opposing it for more than a year and i'm still barely halfway through. it doesn't even pleasure me anymore. it's like a hard drug. no such thing ever happened with working out. but that's just my experience.
>>5827 that's another anonymous. the difference between feelings and thoughts is that you don't control feelings. I don't know how else to say this, but you have too many prejudices and fears. do you also think masturbation will cause you to grow hair on your palms? I'm making an assumption here, but you are replying even when it seems to frustrate you a little, so I'm not sure about the fulfillment seeking. I guess if you claim everything a person does is ultimately motivated by satisfaction then yes, but at that point the word becomes useless. the mental health... recommending habits to a regular person sounds like ritualized repression >well there's nothing you can do about it, might as well rot in your room and jerk off all day teehee nobody said that (although, if they like that who am I so say they are rotting?), but the internet has decided that the default answer to "I don't like X" is "you should try doing Y and Z, which you also don't like - and be happy about it". there are no panaceas, and sometimes things just are. I knew a guy that was addicted to crack, but I have never met anyone addicted to playing the oboe, so I can guess which one ranks better on the fulfillment metric that one is a joke >>5829 notice how we manage to feel bad about feeling good. you can try to outrun your emotions but a healthy brain will always find opportunities to pass you the bill so to speak. now, I'm not saying that you shouldn't feel bad about feeling good, I'm just saying that it happens

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N.E.E.T & Hikikomori Anonymous 08/12/2024 (Mon) 09:45:07 No. 5755 [Reply]
this thread is for the use of NEETs and Hikikomori only. If you're none of them, please, try not to post here, thank you. I'm a NEET since 2020 but it will soon ends I'll be at work again :( What about you? how do you spend your time?
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>>5782 the word meaning would become pointless if you tried to apply it to an object like a rock, the same is true for the simple forms of life. the unicellular organism doesn't have a reason to do what it does, it just does (be it metabolize, move, mutate, die or whatever else). for the sake of the discussion we were assuming until now there was a subject, an extra-material consciousness so to speak if there is no subject to begin with, then it becomes even more clear that meaning and meaninglessness are concepts that don't apply to life
Why do you call me schizo when I give you all the Answers? You suffer because Evil has not been overcome. Rise you head and join the Fight!
>>5756 The cities remind me of the procedural generation towns in the old total war games
I've never had a job. I've never had a license to drive either. I'm alone though. I've been wanting to kill myself for longer than I can remember.
>>5785 i mean it in a loving way schizochama. unless you prefer gnostichama? >>5788 i'm sorry to hear that anon. although i know words from an anonymous image board won't do much i do believe everyone, including you, can find a life they enjoy. i hope you keep living and keep trying.

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Anonymous 07/16/2024 (Tue) 20:46:02 No. 5614 [Reply]
I tried making some art using a scanner. What do you guys think?
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Wut the fuck are you doing on Hikari3? You should be making a living on this shit
>>5680 What is this face at bottom picture called? Feels so bad to loose my memory so brutally to be honest.
>>5681 >What is this face at bottom picture called? Yao Ming "Bitch, Please"
This is so cool. How did you do it?
You should submit to Black Fog Zine or the Lainzine.







