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05/21/24 Happy birthday hikari3! (News post)
12/21/23 Recent news post: Check here. Also, new board added: /i/ - Oekaki.
11/25/23 Accepting banner submissions; check this thread for more details.
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HIKARI3 GAME NIGHT GENERAL Anonymous 09/02/2024 (Mon) 01:26:52 No. 786 [Reply]
Hey Hikari! Let's play a game! This is the thread to organize a monthly Hikari3 game night on the last weekend of every month. Feel free to offer up any games for the next game night, and share any memories you've made! Everyone is welcome, and everyone can offer up a game. Only rule is to be comfy. Idea comes from >>782 I hope we can all get along and make something special! Sponsored by the Hikari3 Steam group: join today! https://steamcommunity.com/groups/Hikari3
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>>818 i hope to meet many hikaris

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Arena Shooters Anonymous 09/06/2024 (Fri) 22:45:22 No. 798 [Reply]
Any anons here based and still play Quake 3/Quake live or any arena shooter in 2024? >inb4 duhhhh 20 year old game got 300 ppl playing it lole ded game >inb4 y r ur graphic so bade? u hav bad pc? >inb4 wat habben 2 ur gun wow?
Oops, ignore "wow" in the last greentext.
The last time I played Quake 3 arena was 5 years ago roughly. It is a dull game when you play alone, but fun with friends. Since I didn't have any friends for roughly 5 years, you can guess the rest.
i dont like losing so i just pwned bots for hours on end listening to lil peep and sometimes calling up a friend.. comfy times

Anonymous 12/22/2023 (Fri) 23:55:34 No. 571 [Reply]
Which classic Sonic game had the best special stages?
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>>573 All of them were pretty frustrating, but Sonic 2's special stages were especially frustrating for me. It's cause of Tail's delayed movement. I really like the special stages from mania and CD. Those ones are fun
I like the S3&K special stages but they hurt my eyes. My vision starts to get confused and then I slip up right before getting the emerald
the sonic 1 special stages kinda suck but i love the way they look (especially the backgrounds) and the music for it is awesome
>>579 The backgrounds were too distracting for me
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does sonic mania count as "classic"? if so, my favorites the mania plus special stages those specifically since the base games special stages are too ez for my tastes   

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Anonymous 08/29/2024 (Thu) 16:05:12 No. 778 [Reply]
is the hikari3 steam group gonna be used for anything?
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what would we play though? i'm not aware of any co-op hentai
hmmm. i think a monthly hikari3 game night would be fun! not sure what we'd play, i put up TF2 because it's free, but there are tons of options we could choose from. HL2:DM is a funny choice too, perhaps a thread is in order?
>>784 >perhaps a thread is in order? Sounds fun! I'd be down.
i dislike playing coop games but if u streamed it i would like to hang out
>>789 that's certainly possible. i wouldn't mind streaming it as long as it's cool with everyone else, but i understand if not. even if you aren't interested i'll still offer and say you're always welcome to join us! btw there is now a thread >>786

Nicolas cage DBD Anonymous 07/07/2023 (Fri) 02:26:12 Id:9abd3e No. 112 [Reply]
how are you guys feeling about Nicolas cage being added to dbd. his perk Dramaturgy seems like it would be a pretty good perk similar to dead hard but with rng.
i personally think its amazing
i like the fact that bhvr tried a new direction with his perks, i hope they'll keep being more creative and bold in their perk ideas for future chapters as well
It is the year of the Lord 2024 and fortnite has become pay to win. >would be screaming on call with the bros rn simpler times

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monster hunter series thread Anonymous 08/18/2024 (Sun) 21:07:17 No. 761 [Reply]
is the monster hunter series a really good game? I am watching some videos about the hunting horn and it looks cool, which one should I play? I have only steam so a game on PC. Is the hunting horn easy/good to use? should I wait to buy the next game when it will be out?
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I started playing Monster Hunter with MonHun: World. At first I thought the controls were really clunky and I didn't fully understand the gameplay loop. It was a bit of an ordeal to grasp it on my own but when I started playing with friends I had an absolute blast. To be fair it helped that my friends were there to guide me through everything I didn't understand. After their lessons I enjoyed the game much MUCH more. It is fun on your own but I recomend playing with others even if its folks online or (preferably) friends that you know well. Monster Hunter is great but it really shines when you play with friends. Personally my favorite so far is Monster Hunter Rise. Monster Hunter World was good and all but it felt like doing anything in that game took forever. Rise's gameplay loop was quick and snappy by comparison and I definitely enjoyed that. If you have a PC and Monster Hunter Rise is on sale I recomend buying it and giving it a try. The next game isn't coming out until some unspecified time next year so you have plenty of time to sink your teeth into one of the other Monster Hunter Games. As for the Hunting Horn.... I can't help you there. I main Great Sword and Bow. All I can say is that Hunting horn tends to be a support weapon but it does huge damage when you know what you're doing. Hope this helps! :)
>>766 thank you very much for replying
>>761 It used to be the game for PSP but strangely enough I never had a copy. Played a demo once but I mostly play VNs and horror titles so I never got into it. There was a big hype around the PSP titles back in the day. That's all I know.
Yeah if you like fighting giant beasts
>>773 >fighting giant beasts yes I do! which one youve played? which one is the best?

Anonymous 11/10/2023 (Fri) 22:08:30 No. 449 [Reply]
Comfy obscure games thread. Discuss comfy games that are not well known. Anything is fair game. I'll start https://archive.org/details/junko-v-1.02 (Really cute and well made for a game jam game free too!) GiFTPiA (Really relaxing gamecube game nobody every discusses https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z3p7XhdXlBQ)
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not sure how niche this is, but i think Princess Remedy in a World of Hurt is really cute and fun. very simple yet colorful graphics. you can play it on steam for free. Trick & Treat is nice too. it's a short halloween RPGmaker game. also free on steam.
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>>475 I played quite a bit of princess fantasy catventure thankyou anon For my own contribution I reccommend Crypt Underworlds by LilithZone https://lilithzone.itch.io/crypt-underworld It's a surreal walking sim that's kinda underrated if you ask me.
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>>733 Can wholeheartedly recommend Remedy as well, it's very fun to revisit it once in a while. I think the version from Remar's website that lacks the flashing colors is superior though, if you want to play it, get that one. https://www.remar.se/daniel/remedy.php
>>748 crypt underworlds looks like it could be interesting. if you recommend it i may give it a try. >>749 i see! i did not know about this version. very cool.
Play noctis

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Sci-Fi Games with Ambiance? Anonymous 08/25/2024 (Sun) 17:15:31 No. 771 [Reply]
I have been playing old games with a focus on immersion and all of them had fantasy settings. Recommend me old games with sci-fi atmospheres, any genre is fine.
system shock 2 is very immersive

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Browser Games Anonymous 08/07/2024 (Wed) 23:21:40 No. 755 [Reply]
Comfy browser games thread What are some of your favorite browser games? I've been recently playing the Yume Nikki Online Project which turns Yume Nikki and other adjacent mods into an MMO you can play in your browser, really cool!
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>>760 this one was fun! very replayable and i love the art style thanks anon!
I've been a fan of this developer's games lately. They can be pretty hard, but they are good arcade fun. https://nizakashii.itch.io/hakopalace
>>764 hard as balls, but very cute! the hidden ending was pretty clever
>>764 Got to the final boss with the teeth and had to call it for the night. Really fun but difficult! Thanks for the rec anon

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Visual Novel Anonymous 05/27/2024 (Mon) 21:58:26 No. 718 [Reply]
let's have visual novel thread. >how many VN have you read? >what is the best VN you've read? >what is the worst? I've only read a bit of thee house in fata morgana haha
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>>742 It is a work of art, I'm glad I played it.
>>746 the gape will come to steam in 2 weeks I think. will it be crnsored?
>>738 I forgot to mention I also played Love at First Sight, it was super cute. >>741 Really like the artwork... and the game seems perfectly psycho. I see it is on f95. I don't trust that website, need to setup a virtual machine to play VNs from there.
i honestly haven't played many VNs. where on the seven seas can i find them with translations?
>>752 These days? Steam. There are a few games that have fan patches, like Steins;Gate or Higurashi. https://sonome.dareno.me/projects/sghd.html#installation https://wiki.07th-mod.com/Higurashi/Higurashi-Part-1---Voice-and-Graphics-Patch/ I'd start with Steins;Gate and install the above patch or with Raging Loop (no patch needed).







