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video game project Anonymous 07/09/2023 (Sun) 13:55:38 Id:a089f4 No. 127 [Reply] [Last]
I want to create a video game so I wanted to know if you wanted to participate? It's a game from scratch so let's brainstorming first. I wanted to ask h3 because I like this imageboard and wanted to do something with you guys!
96 posts and 18 images omitted.
>>706 looks nice
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>>709 Sure thing@
>>135 >what is top down rpg? think something like Fallout 1 and 2
>>713 Aren't those isometric RPGs?
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MMORPGs Anonymous 05/03/2024 (Fri) 16:54:19 No. 712 [Reply]
what makes a good mmo for you? what some mmos do right and other don't? what is the main thing you like about mmos?

Is it worth it collecting physical copies anymore? Anonymous 06/08/2023 (Thu) 23:23:29 Id:cad194 No. 44 [Reply]
Everything is saved digitally. Unless every single computer were to randomly explode, these digital copies aren't going away. I still like to collect physical game copies, but mostly older titles. There's no point to this either since emulation has progressively been getting better. The only reason I get physical copies now is just because they they look cool on a shelf, although a lot of newer covers don't really look as cool.
6 posts and 3 images omitted.
>>380 You mean bit rot?
>>381 Instruction manuals had cool art tough >>387 yes
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>>44 PIRATE EVERYTHING (Though if you really want to buy stuff, then buy physical copies)
>>380 So will the hard drive within the device you're sing though
reminder that when buying a game, you need to buy the consol that work with the game. it costs more

black souls 1 & 2 Anonymous 09/14/2023 (Thu) 16:42:10 Id:0a7825 No. 352 [Reply]
the black souls series is a video game where you play as a protagonist in a world inspired bu fairy tales. made with rpg maker, the game plays lile a 'soulslike' but turn by turn gameplay. I played the first game and like 10 of the second game, but played the first game more. I wanted to know if beating hansel and gretel in the witch's house (the first hansel and gretel you see in the begining of the game) is something easy or did I make an achievment I've made. also beside the porn is the game really worth it? the game doesn't help you understand what are object about so I get a bit lost at the begining.
I'm not the biggest fan of RPG Maker gamers, but this one looks interesting. I'll take note of it
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new fanmade chinese DLC translation dropped https://nitter.privacydev.net/akatsukusalt/status/1705379234024444299 >>353 if you try it please let me know and what did you think of the game, thank you
I heard the developper like to draw all the game by himself or most of it for bs3. I wish he'd do it. have you heard of it?

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Elden Ring & Shadow Of The Erdtree Anonymous 04/07/2024 (Sun) 13:17:43 No. 702 [Reply]
will you buy the Elden Ring's DLC this 21th june? also, Elden Ring thread
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> buy the Elden Ring's DLC no fuck goatse ring
>>703 I'll only buy the DLC only if the map is huge

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Unreleased Games That You Want to Play Anonymous 06/03/2023 (Sat) 23:09:19 Id:805c99 No. 38 [Reply]
ITT Video/Computer games that were either completed but unreleased or MOSTLY completed but unreleased that you want to play. Picrel is not technically a game but an expansion for Ultima VIII called "The Lost Vale" which was completed and ready to go but shelved due to poor sales of Ultima VIII.
it was Star Fox 2 until it was released, other than that, i haven't really cared for most of them. >Picrel is not technically a game but an expansion for Ultima VIII called "The Lost Vale" which was completed and ready to go but shelved due to poor sales of Ultima VIII. seems interesting, this lead me to watch a video about it. very unfortunate the developer's hard work was shelved.
i'm not a huge final fantasy person, but recently i've been looking at the older trailers for Versus 13, and i do really wish that it either released, or that Nomura will be able to realize his vision for it someday (it looks like he's trying to turn Kingdom Hearts into Versus 13, which i honestly kind of respect lol) this game's setting and atmosphere looked really unique, there still aren't a lot of JRPGs that have a contemporary/modern setting, let alone one that blends aspects of both modern and fantasy also it just looks cool https://youtu.be/b6At_bb1PNU?feature=shared
I'm so mad they didn't release the Ultima VIII expansion. It was even finished :(

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Have you ever played DDLC before? SayoREE 02/09/2024 (Fri) 23:28:36 No. 650 [Reply]
If not, it's free on Epic. Not a big fan of plus edition since it's just fanservice intended but 10 bucks is 10 bucks, you know.
9 posts and 3 images omitted.
>>690 I didn't care for the story other than a few good jokes but I found the art style to be very cute and erotic.
>>691 I find the art style to be very unappealing
>>684 ew wtf?
>>698 fuck me for posting about it, sorry you added so much to the conversation, every positive thing i listed automatically countered by those five letters of discontent
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>>699 >you added so much to the conversation, every positive thing i listed automatically countered by those five letters of discontent

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Persona 3/FES Anonymous 03/22/2024 (Fri) 08:52:55 No. 693 [Reply]
What are your experiences with this game and what do you think of it? And if you haven't played it, what the fuck are you doing with your life? Go and play it!
i was almost curious if anyone here really played JRPGs, despite literally, indisputably being otaku culture, it feels like nobody on these imageboards really does, or at least they never really talk about them. i played persona 3 portable ages ago, and of course i really liked it, because persona is cool, but (and this is admittedly very petty of me), i feel like the games are getting too popular recently, so i've been getting burnt out. like, i don't think there's any one opinion anyone could have about any of the games that someone has not already had.
>>694 >i was almost curious if anyone here really played JRPGs, despite literally, indisputably being otaku culture, it feels like nobody on these imageboards really does, or at least they never really talk about them. I play a lot of them and enjoy them very much, but I admit that they can be very difficult to get into for certain types of people, especially if you aren't immediately enthralled by the concept of turn-based fights and extremely long stories. I would definitely like to see more JRPG discussion though. >i played persona 3 portable ages ago, and of course i really liked it, because persona is cool, but (and this is admittedly very petty of me), i feel like the games are getting too popular recently, so i've been getting burnt out. like, i don't think there's any one opinion anyone could have about any of the games that someone has not already had. I don't really know about that, but I will say that the recent remake looks garbage. I haven't even played it but the art style alone is bad enough to make me avoid it for good on top of the fact that it's overpriced and they actually took The Answer from the main game and charged an obscene price for it as DLC.
>>695 >I don't really know about that, but I will say that the recent remake looks garbage. I haven't even played it but the art style alone is bad enough to make me avoid it for good on top of the fact that it's overpriced and they actually took The Answer from the main game and charged an obscene price for it as DLC. yeah this is exactly how i feel. persona 3 really didn't need a remake--did everyone already forget that they already put portable onto modern platforms (and not FES for some reason)?! the more i think about reload, the more and more upset i get...
>>696 I can only guess they didn't port FES because they wanted an obviously worse version of the game to be the "rough and outdated" original and for Reload to "surpass" it with modern graphics. If you compare the original with Reload though it becomes clear that the original is better visually speaking as well as in gameplay. In fact, the changes to the gameplay by adding party control and other additions brought over from P5 is what really makes me not want to play it. There's a reason why you can't control your party or use another character's skills in the menu like you would use your own or why you can't change a character's status without directly going up to them and issuing a command. It's meant to make each character feel like their own separate entity that you talk to and in a game specifically about bonds with other characters, that's beyond essential. All this obsession with blindly "smoothing over" a game to make it easier to play at the expense of immersion like in P3 is what makes most modern games so forgettable.

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Anonymous 11/22/2023 (Wed) 13:31:22 No. 456 [Reply] [Last]
Just got minecraft(cracked). Give me a good server to play on.
99 posts and 39 images omitted.
It was fun guys but I turned off the server due to lack of activity
>>653 Geez, I was just starting to build my house. Still, it's understandble that paying for a server where nobody plays in is a pure waste of money. But, can you at least share the world save as a memorial?
>>654 Okay... But I will take if out if it overconsumes bandwidth: https://unreadable.info/bck.zip The user passwords were hashed, so theres nothing to hide there
>>655 You probably shouldn't include the logs in that, they have the players' IPs
>>456 love the 'craft

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Anonymous 07/30/2023 (Sun) 03:02:47 Id:d7e845 No. 247 [Reply]
i'm getting ptsd trauma from the time i finished dmc2 on dante must die is there a game that gave you this feeling?
The only games that gives me PTSD from my childhood is Mario Lost Levels
>>248 Monster Ock from Spider-Man 2000 gave me nightmares as a kid
timesplitters 2 on hard mode is the most impossible shit I've never done I thought I was about to die in real life when I beat the wild west mission because I felt my heart unindent my chest when it happened
>>247 CoD:WaW on Veteran.
>>247 Fucking God Hand. There are parts of this game that I was stuck on for days and days trying and failing miserably. When the game drops like 20 of the hardest enemies on you on the last level, I thought it was just beyond me, but I SOMEHOW managed to get through it just barely alive.







