99% of libre games are shit, what's so hard about installing an emulator and playing one of the thousands of available great retro games? It's not like the ROMs are going to spy on you through the emulator.
Though I guess Minetest is a good libre game.
>normie activities on it like (...) lurking 4chinlets
Anon, I'm pretty sure that 4chan is viewed as the racist hacker website and is NOT a normie activity. If there is such a thing as being put on a "list", browsing 4chan probably triggers that.
>have a couple retro consoles so I can play as many games I like without being attached to a botnet. PS2 fat and PSVita meet my needs
You are not attached to a "botnet" by running an emulator on a PC either... if anything PSVita would be more "botnet".
>only buy books from used stores in cash
What's the point of buying books in 2024 when you have LibGen and Z-Library available... If you want to read books NOT on a computer, you could get an e-ink device... unless it's an Amazon Swindle, you should be able to just disable the internet and transfer your books with USB.