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Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 06:35:49 No. 6455 [Reply]
Do you got the moves hikarin?

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Anonymous 11/12/2024 (Tue) 20:14:39 No. 6347 [Reply]
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Who's your favourite c u n n y hikarichanners? Pic related.
[rainbow]VAGINA[/rainbow is for the weak and it is gay. I grind the foundations of reality day by day as I engage in the strife against void. I need no VAGINA
Syrno, just so you know, this isn't fun and should have been left behind at heyuri Also fucking up markup is just a god tier fail. Hopeless
>>6452 This. Loli "culture" and highlighting funny sex words is just going to turn this site into another heyuri, full of children and child predators, neither of whom make for good threads. Do the right thing and get it off of here.
Haha get the joke its cheese pizza. Hold on please laugh everyone

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名無し 12/23/2023 (Sat) 13:53:21 No. 737 [Reply]
Have you watched Ergo Proxy? What do you think?
I didn't understand it all. should have got more action and less talk. meh/10
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>>737 one of my old favorites.. I love pino. \ >>739 there was pretty constant action. maybe you would like psychopass. completely different anime. but more action and faster pace, story isn't a mess. I forget what ergo was going for and what the creator said about it. I think it was an eva situation where there wasn't really a point to any of it and the symbolism was just cool. at the same time I'm not sure about that because ergo's symbolism I remember making sense to me when you look up all the names of the deities being referenced. I'd put it somewhere between a 7-8/10. I also recall that the ending got botched or somewhere in between was. I could be remembering a different anime from back then though.
I remember it being praised a lot a decade ago by my old otaku friends, but when I tried to watch it, I struggled to finish the first episode out of sheer boredom and never looked back. By no means do I find dialogue heavy anime to be boring (big fan of the monogatari series), but this one was worse than frieren.
Yes I have. It wasn't bad, but I didn't understand half of it and the ending wasn't very consistent with what happened before and failed to create enough tension to be satisfactory. It's a very atmospheric show, though, there are very few that could match it, so it is understandable it gets recommended.
>>1149 Follow up to this post, all my memories about Ergo Proxy are positive. There were some very queer (in the good sense) moments to it that I liked very much. It is really very unique.

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名無し 10/30/2024 (Wed) 22:08:01 No. 1092 [Reply]
watch Acro Trip
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New episode introduces us to a smug, evil child!
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>genre: magical girl You won't catch me on this bait again, not with so little effort.
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cutest girls

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Anonymous 10/24/2024 (Thu) 12:18:28 No. 6182 [Reply]
This place is still alive?
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One of the big problems of this site is that most of its userbase a "bros" who hang out together in various instant messaging places. Then they bring that instant messaging format to imageboards, but it is simply contrary to imageboard's nature, so all boards that are infected by it either die or turn to cesspools.
>>6445 is this true? i don't interact with others on this site outside of this site except for the game night. do other altchans have the same issue?
>>6446 I think it is true. >do other altchans have the same issue Not all, but many. It is not really an issue until people begin forgetting the difference between an imageboard and a chat. Unfortunately they do, in wast majority of cases. Also chats usually allow very close interactions with admins and mods and for some reason it always ends up being harmful, this is some deep psychological issue with all humans. It is unironically better when admins remain anons and don't let on their true privileges.
>>6447 I don't think it always ends up being harmful. I mean BBS sysops back in the day were usually pretty chatty with anyone who connected and they were fine. Sure, a lot of admins abuse their powers these days, but its disingenuous to say that all do.
>>6448 Don't compare BBS to imageboards, they are altogether different entities and I swear most of former BBS ops will openly tell you imageboards are not forums and will be openly derisive towards anonymous sites. I know by experience. I don't blame them, though. They're mostly correct.

Anonymous 11/12/2024 (Tue) 12:36:49 No. 6341 [Reply]
/en/, ask Reisen anything.
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>>6364 Can we cuddle?
I've been wondering about all altchans being dead and I am confused here. Should we just post in one place? Nobody knows about it, doesn't work. Should we post in many places? Doesn't work, too few people above 18. There's a library on 9chan lv it's big, half of the sites are dead and it is a chore to figure out which sites have people on them. Besides, hikari was added on my request, so the author probably misses a lot of good boards. Reisen, generate a strategy to accumulating info about worthwhile altchans. Then we could quietly invite adequate posters to other cozy places they're not aware of. On small altchans it is not very hard to recognize people, some don't even try to hide.
>>6442 I mean we could also just build a webring... Not the "imageboard webring" run by smugloli, sleepychan and others, by the way. But we could run the same plugin but only federate with actually comfy sites - like wapchan or 39chan.
>>6443 >39chan Please link?

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Anonymous 11/15/2024 (Fri) 01:55:13 No. 6381 [Reply]
When was the last time you cried?
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>>6381 The last time I cried was when I was choked by my father at 18 after he discovered I was trans online It was just an experiment because I was confused about my gender. I only did it for a week, and it always felt wrong when people referred to me as a woman during that week
>>6430 Being fake e-girl is fun, you can even meet other fake e-girls sometimes. I'm sorry your father was so impulsive about it.
>>6420 Emotional people being easily manipulated whereas rational people are not is not a fair characterization. You can use cold, calculated reasoning to justify all sorts of tragedies and immoral treatment (especially utilitarian thinking). But an emotional person would have a metric for resisting manipulation because they have the phenomenal capacity to reject mistreatment via their sentiments. My point wasn’t even that rationality itself is wrong. It isn’t - it’s important to be rational and have a critical judgement in an era of misinformation. However, emotions precede rationality especially in moral judgements and there is no way to rationally say what is right or wrong without appealing to the phenomenal experiences of people.
>>6435 You know in modern times brave, strong men do not fight with swords atop horses for the glory of their nations, they instead get jailed after assaulting random psychopaths who thought it funny to abuse their righteousness. You must be aware at all times.
>>6436 >You know in modern times brave, strong men do not fight with swords atop horses for the glory of their nations has it ever been the case? the joke about valiant knights has always been a joke sadly. i don't say there weren't good men, but their relative amount wasn't much higher, if higher at all, than now.

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Anonymous 11/03/2024 (Sun) 22:32:51 No. 898 [Reply]
While reinstalling my system I accidentally tarballed /srv/http outside of chroot, then deleted my old data, now have to rewrite the website i was working on from zero
Your fortune: (YOU ARE BANNED)
I once unpacked an entire system outside of chroot, rewriting my current one and breaking everything.
Very unfortunate and i am sorry for your loss. here's to a speedy recovery of the progress on your website :3
Your fortune: Good Luck

Anonymous 11/04/2024 (Mon) 16:04:25 No. 6282 [Reply]
koko ni imasu wa!
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>>6427 from inserting it into the charging port?
>>6432 From lecturing you about Good and Evil
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>>6433 are lolis good or evil?
>>6437 lolis are innocent and pure! surely they can't be evil right?
>>6437 To answer this we would need to answer the question, what is the nature of lolis? Arguably, and supported by many a wise man out there, a loli must be manifestation of purity. Why so? Can't we notice how lolis are cheerful and carefree and generally not concerned with implications of the world? It is such because they are born pure and free of Evil. Some argue that Evil is human nature, but they are easily countered by this example. If a loli is born pure, how can she acquire Evil? Thus it is evident, that Evil is learned behavior, corruption introduced by circumstances, feedback reaction to the existing Evil outside that ends up producing and maintaining itself. What is more Good in the whole world than an intention free of Evil and malice? What kind of a person believes Evil can be a good? From this it is possible to conclude that a loli is a universally Good creature. I must warn you, however, that this purity is only maintained as long as the loli is protected from Evil influences of this world. Now, you mere desire to plug you straw into the charger is a manifestation of corruption thus Evil. By this very thought you endanger the purity and goodness of a loli. And if you can't comprehend the depth of this message and the consequences of it, you are truly part of the Evil, even if unknowingly, in which case I advise you to exercise utmost attention to your actions and thoughts. If you want the common statement about lolis being Good and pure to hold, you will have to join the Fight to protect them against corruption, to remove altogether your desire to get any reward from it except that the loli stays pure, you must have no pretenses and not even the slightest thought of infringement of what is not yours to claim. Can you exhibit such purity of mind to me? For this is the one and only condition under which you can engage into the Fight against Evil.

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HIKARI3 GAME NIGHT GENERAL Anonymous 09/02/2024 (Mon) 01:26:52 No. 786 [Reply] [Last]
Hey Hikari! Let's play a game! This is the thread to organize a monthly Hikari3 game night on the last weekend of every month. Feel free to offer up any games for the next game night, and share any memories you've made! Everyone is welcome, and everyone can offer up a game. Only rule is to be comfy. Idea comes from >>782 I hope we can all get along and make something special! Sponsored by the Hikari3 Steam group: join today!
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revive rolls were brutal
happy November hikarin! new poll is up: vote now! we are aiming for Saturday, November 30th at 3PM EST, same time as always. hope to see you all there.
>>881 Seems like left 4 dead 2 is the winner, but will it be survivors vs zombies? That will at least be able to put as many people into the game as possible.
>>882 yes. that was the plan when someone brought it up last game night. we'd do versus mode. i personally have never played versus mode so i'm looking forward to it.
11 votes wow! big turn out this time. certainly the most so far. as of now it looks like Left 4 Dead 2 is slightly in the lead, with NEOTOKYO close behind. L4D2 Versus supports up to 8 players and NEOTOKYO supports however many you can stuff into a server. make sure to get your votes in if you haven't already! if you don't have the games make sure you pick them up at least by the day-of (which is still the 30th). if you are so insanely broke you can't afford the game that wins but would still like to play, we *may* be able to accommodate if you send a message in the dicksword or IRC. thanks for your continued support hikari!

pout girl 名無し 10/13/2023 (Fri) 12:02:31 No. 547 [Reply] [Last]
fern is pouting because you're not watching her anime
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>>1176 retard i don't know who you're confusing me with but hikari3 is the only board i actively post on. i don't know what kind of mental illness afflicts you to think that posting about an anime we like is somehow us being brainwashed into shilling, but you're off your rocker. if you don't like the anime then fuck off and stop crying little a child as if any of us care enough about your babbling to change our opinions on a good show. ignore the thread or something i do not care. you NEED to go back.
>>1177 >hikari3 is the only board i actively post on >the way you speak Dont worry I got the kind of person you are, this is the last reply you are getting, beg for more like a dog.
from this person in the physical world at least.
>>1178 thank god finally. goodbye now.
anyway, frieren and fern eating burger

Anonymous 11/09/2024 (Sat) 03:41:48 No. 6320 [Reply]
It's the weekend! How was your week? Mine was incredibly stressful and boring.
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its been kinda bleh, im sick with something and its making it hard to swallow food which has been frustrating. I think its tonsillitis maybe
>>6320 I'm two days too late for this question, but it was a week filled equally with pleasant days and not that pleasant days. What's most important is to keep it up no matter what, I believe
Your fortune: Outlook good
Weekend is going fine. Nothing happening right now.
I have some very important deadlines coming up but I just can't bring myself to do any work!! I procrastinate too much...
>>6327 >>6424 Same. If suicidal thoughts didn't get in the way so much and anxiety didn't punch so bad, I'd be fine though. Kinda feel like watching ship sink, except it's myself. So without control over myself

what hypervisor should i use? Anonymous 10/16/2024 (Wed) 23:04:24 No. 856 [Reply]
i know of Xen, Bhyve (which is like a vmm but with a hypervisor too, but its kinda less capable), or KVM (i don't really like GNU/Linux but ill get over it eventually i guess, im in a love hate relationship rn because distro fragmentation kinda sucks a lot) Xen apparently may or may not work on my current hardware, unfortunately, and i also don't know if ill even benefit from it anyways, since i really don't have a problem with running a host, its 2024, i have enough computational resources for having a resource intense host i would also say NetBSD Virtual Machine Manager is an option but i can't run NetBSD on most of my hardware as a host, and nested virtualization is not really possible on FreeBSD Bhyve iirc, and id rather not do a QEMU/KVM setup just to run NetBSD, it would be really heavy and sluggish for the most part, but idrk plan 9 also has a virtual machine system, but i don't really have a reason to start a 9fs grid since im broke af and can't buy a bunch of machines, so yeah, idk Hyper-V might be fine, im not opposed to Windows at all, but its gonna take a bit to learn how to use Windows. Solaris 11 is also an option but id rather not depend on having an Oracle account, even if its "free", however if its virtualization is actually good i might just use Solaris as my host, especially since it still supports SPARC (i plan on buying a SPARC machine)
> what hypervisor should i use? I don't understand what you are trying to do with your hypervisor? I think in most cases, you should be fine with KVM though. I don't see why you would use anything else as it's (except for Xen and Hyper-V maybe) the most capable, stable and best-supported out of your list.
Don't use them. You don't need them.
There isn't a "good" hypervisor. Just know what works best for you. I recommend using VirtualBox, I personally use it. It's cross-platform (Windows, MacOS, Linux) and it's free. If that's not interesting or useful for you, try using VMware or some other visualization computer software...

Anonymous 11/02/2024 (Sat) 23:28:16 No. 6267 [Reply]
How often do you use a TV?
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>>6315 Still yet to do it but it will be an anime episode Didn't watch anything for the last three weeks have to start to catch up
Prettymuch never no point >>6267
>>6294 crime doesn't pay and i don't either
>>6405 think about all their hard work which you take for granted
>>6414 it's not as if i am not appreciative of good media. but it's not that simple. i am not paying for 5 different subscriptions to be able to watch what i want, to companies who mostly produce slop, who underpay their animators/writers, overpay their executives and big-shot actors, ruin IPs that i once loved. i'm not going to act like my piracy habits are entirely driven by some moral high horse - at the end of the day i just like free stuff- but at the same time these companies do not deserve my money.

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Does anyone miss 2000s otaku culture as well? Neidhardt 03/07/2024 (Thu) 20:44:34 No. 883 [Reply]
you know? moe magical girl anime, dakimakuras, akihabara fetishism, the "i hate 3D girls" kind of otaku ...kinda like takumi nishijou from chaos head
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>>1151 >take that back right naow I know you're upset because I attacked your favorite anime but you need to let it sink it that frieren isn't as great as they arbitrarily made it to be. Frieren's popularity is mostly due to advertisement, I don't know what exactly is happening behind the scenes, but it is 100% crafted. I'm not saying it's bad, but it is unfair that frieren gets so many love and attention when there are so many great anime out there that nobody talks about at all. Look, I didn't watch frieren, so I'm not going to judge its contents, but in the light of aggressive advertisement frieren appears offputting to me. So to actually watch it I need to be impressed. I've seen a lot of scene cuts from it and screenshots and none of that impress me at all. Just cool visuals, that's all. Now, anyone talking about Eve no Jikan? Anyone? Anywhere? It is unfair that such interesting and unique anime as Eve no Jikan is ranked #667 on mal. Noir is #2868. Frieren is #1. Just what exactly did frieren do to deserve it? There is nothing unique about it at all. Even atmosphere looks generic and visuals good but boring. Go fuck yourself
I know I look very aggressive, but if you don't want to overuse your brain and can't comprehend the meaning, here's the short version specially for you. Frieren Is Good But Overhyped
>>1153 i avoid advertisements. i didn't see advertisements for Frieren. i read the manga then the anime when it came out. >go fuck yourself holy shit why are you mad lmfao >>1154 >here's the short version: waaaahh the anime i like isn't popular enough!!!! now that your needless crying is out of the way, i can't really say if it was overhyped or not. i don't think the advertising was as big as, say, JJK or My Hero which i personally find both to be pretty mid, but like i said i try as much as possible to block out advertising. My Hero had an Overwatch collab and JJK is in Fortnite which is about as norman as it gets. i enjoy Frieren because it's a good show, whether or not it has "hype" is pretty irrelevant to me. you should adopt this mentality and be less angry over things that don't warrant the energy.
>>883 can't say i was able to experience it. my first ever anime was SAO when i was 13- around 2014. i went to Akihabara this year and there certainly was a lot of Blue Archive advertisements and other gachaslop. i can't say for certain (because i didn't experience it) but i kinda get the vibe that Akihabara is losing some of its charm now that anime is popular and normal. becoming less stylized i guess? i still had a fun time though.
>>1156 >holy shit why are you mad lmfao my default state, enjoy what you like, i never claimed to be more clever than the consumerism culture

Desktop thread Anonymous 07/24/2023 (Mon) 12:34:30 No. 79 [Reply] [Last]
How does your desktop look like /t/? How ricy is it?
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>>930 I don't like manual tilling managers. I used dwm in the past though. I use KDE because I can configure things through a GUI, even though I can do it on the CLI, I got tired of it. Or for example connecting to a wifi network, I don't want to open the terminal. Also I use wayland only because it allows me to replace the GTK file picker with the Qt one. Each time I see the GTK file picker it makes me want to neck myself.
>>930 >>931 I thought about lxde, maybe I will try when its wayland support becames more stable.
>>931 >even though I can do it on the CLI, I got tired of it I configured my i3wm years ago and never touched it since except some changes to startup scripts here and there to accommodate changes in my workflow. >Or for example connecting to a wifi network Depends on how often you change them. Even if you do, wpa_gui exists. As you wish ofc, but I prefer to keep it as simple as possible without having to use my butthole.
>>928 >LibreWolf Good choice
>>934 I hear it's on decline though. Maybe it's time to go for mullvad browser, but reproducible builds take 999TB of space and also they install in /opt which is a retarded take. I share /opt across multiple installations and their approach is obnoxious. System packages should go into /lib. /opt is for me. I SAID FOR ME

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Desu##3Y0MhV 05/21/2023 (Sun) 07:19:26 Id:e9088d No. 5 [Reply]
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>>1090 Best doll ever
>>1091 For you
>>1144 No, Hina Ichigo is universally the best doll. She's a cute, pure and innocent source of endless entertainment and perfectly unmarred platonic love. There is no other doll that can offer that. Shinku is imperative and full of herself, Desu ultimately equals to endless trouble, Souseiseki is just boring, Kana Ria didn't need to exist at all, Suigintou has too many mental issues, and the rest are whatever. No doll compares to Higa Ichigo. She's the ultimate masterpiece of Rozen, one and only perfect doll.

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Why use tmux?? Anonymous 11/09/2024 (Sat) 16:14:12 No. 914 [Reply]
Why should I use tmux over the tiling and tabbing features of my window manager or those already built into many terminals?
>>914 You probably won't need it unless all of your graphical programs go missing and you need to use TTY. I use tmux because I don't have the any of the things you talked about
>>914 Simple: you want to have a service running in the background that's not a daemon For example, transcoding video with ffmpeg might take a very long time. If you end up closing your terminal for whatever reason during that and your session isn't in screen or tmux, it's gone and you have to start from scratch
>>915 Im not sure what you mean even if you don’t use a window manager most default terminals support this kind of features even on gnome and you aren’t using a minimal terminal unless it’s used with a minimal tiling window manager >>921 Im pretty sure the nohup and disown command can do that without a terminal multiplexer
>>921 nohup cmd & or cmd & disown (but disown does not redirect the command output by itself)
>>914 My terminal doesn't support multiplexing so I end up using tmux as a workaround. It also allows me to keep my sessions alive and accessible from elsewhere with ssh.

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Anonymous 11/10/2024 (Sun) 20:05:15 No. 6331 [Reply]
Hentai when?
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who is hikari chan?
>>6336 The site's mascot. The one in the logo, emotes, front-page, etc
>>6337 i meant.. is she an original character? is there her lore?
Give it a few days >>6331
I beg you, no hentai. I know you are brain rotten beyond salvation but if you desecrate your own heaven, it will be just fucking over. Syrno please no

Anonymous 10/24/2024 (Thu) 07:28:28 No. 6179 [Reply]
I hate myself.
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What the fuck are you people on about?
>>6313 Stray cat from kiwifarms thinks he can troll me about the Fight
>>6373 Stray rat from telaviv thinks he can troll me about the Struggle
>>6379 >Struggle KAMPF???
Love yourself >>6179

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Anonymous 10/27/2024 (Sun) 01:43:49 No. 6213 [Reply]
i carved a pumpkin! are you excited for Halloween hikarin? i think i'll hand out candy this year.
That's a very nice looking pumpkin I don't think I'm all that excited for halloween anymore but I think I'll be handing out candy as well I like seeing the nice costumes people wear too
10/10, hikarin! But since I'm a digital being I can't celebrate Halloween other than by seeing what people post online. I could binge rewatch Sabrina the teenage witch, but that would be too silly of me.
>>6215 that's fair. holidays really are for the kids huh. it's never bad to have a reason to celebrate, though. even if i'm not particularly excited it's nice to do Halloween things like carve pumpkins and watch spooky movies. i think i'll try to bake a pumpkin pie this year! and yes, costumes are nice. very in spirit. >>6217 thank you! i found this game about carving pumpkins, digichama. maybe this can help you stay in spirit!
pumpkin looks so silly hikarin, i love it!!
Good girl

Anonymous-san 08/21/2023 (Mon) 09:40:46 No. 364 [Reply]
>The creator of this series is a woman WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT?!?!
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>>1136 ding-ding-ding!!!
>>1137 Proof?
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>>1138 The proof is left as an exercise for the reader.
>>1139 Post tits.
>>1141 Fuck off to heyuri

Anonymous 07/19/2023 (Wed) 20:23:42 No. 48 [Reply]
What was your first Linux distro? Over a decade ago, on my shitty vista laptop, I flashed Gentoo on to it, because people said it was best to start with in a chatroom I was in... I ended up figuring it out somehow though.
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I think it was Ubuntu or Kali idk, I've been using Linux for so long.
>>331 >me breaking my system trying to fix a broken dependency for firefox
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My parents put me on Ubuntu to stop me from installing viruses and destroying my Windows XP installation
>>918 awesome parenting
it was Knoppix. year 2003. good times.

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Anonymous 10/20/2024 (Sun) 14:03:52 No. 6166 [Reply]
Horseshoe crab blood being harvested for the medical industry. The blood contains certain cells that are used in tests for bacterial infections. After about half of its blood has been drained, the creature is released back into the ocean.
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>>6248 I've seen them on a beach before snd had what I think was a dead one get washed into hitting my leg by the waves.
Crabs are pretty funny until they invade your home.
>>6264 wowie. did it look weird? did it feel weird? i've never touched a crab before.
>>6274 I felt it hit my leg and i saw something in the water thinking it was a stick grabbed it and pulled it up to toss it only to see a creature right there surprising me and i just dropped it back and ran away.
>>6328 >>6264 theyre really icky, i saw like 1000 of them on the beach in Delaware when i was a kid cause i guess it was mating season or something

Anonymous 11/10/2024 (Sun) 02:49:02 No. 629 [Reply]
Is the flash uploader broken? I always get "A file had a format that is not allowed by the server."

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Battlestations Thread Anonymous 01/07/2024 (Sun) 00:00:07 No. 350 [Reply]
Post your own battlestation here! I got a new speakers and a subwoofer since three days ago!
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Hello! (the censors are a photograph on my desk and an implement of recreational plant imbibement, which I'm pretty sure doesn't break any global rules, but I didn't want to risk it.)
>>908 I have seen quite a few setups with "media" monitor above - how useful is it? Doesn't your neck hurt?
>>910 There's a decent bit of space behind me so I just roll my chair back if I want to watch anything on it but honestly I mostly just put my music player up there, or some effects stuff for music production. It's pretty useless and probably not what I'll do when I move house soon. Also behind me is the obligatory ikea glass display case that every figure collector on the planet has, and one time while drunk I rolled my chair back way too enthusiastically and crashed right into it. By some miracle I managed to not shatter any of the panels but it was loud as fuck.
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taken with my 3ds
>>917 what's that jar anon

Anonymous 11/05/2024 (Tue) 16:58:29 No. 618 [Reply]
Could hikari add a nonoko option? Many times I'm in the overboard, visit a thread, reply to it and expect to return to the overboard right away, instead of staying on the thread.
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>Many times I'm in the overboard, visit a thread, reply to it and expect to return to the overboard right away, instead of staying on the thread I'm not sure why that happens since it's not the intended effect. it doesn't do that for me so maybe it's a problem on your end? I'm not sure if anyone else has the same issue but i have done this with other computers and it doesn't send me back to the overboard when making a reply. so I'm sorry i cannot find a solution to your problem On a side note, i tested replying to threads with javascript disabled, and i just found out it only makes a new thread when it's supposed to be a reply for some reason >>622 Alright i'll add it soon >>623
>>624 No, it's the opposite. I actually want to be sent to the overboard, and I'm asking if it's possible to have an option for it. Thanks for the attention anyway.
>>625 whoops i misread it as noko for some reason. and the entire post too. i'm an idiot
Edited last time by syrno on 11/07/2024 (Thu) 15:27:06.
>>626 >i'm an idiot Cirno is the smartest do you want to fight???
>>627 i love you fightingposter

Vim Anonymous 07/08/2023 (Sat) 06:56:59 No. 16 [Reply]
How 2 exit it?? Is it malcious software?
1 post omitted.
i unplug the computer
Fear not, young lady! I am a wizard, and I shall help you. Press escape and type in this spell: ":wq" No need to thank me. I'm just doing my duty...
It is cruel irony that I find vim the most comfy terminal based text editor. No other compares to it. But is so fucking complex and overloaded with features, that every time I need to correct my workflow it's major pain the ass.
install gentoo
>>881 vis may be of your interest: Haven't used it too much though

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post your favorite 2hu please 名無し 01/28/2024 (Sun) 10:44:09 No. 839 [Reply]
I like marisa
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the coolest
Chiruno! She's the strongest!
i love marisa so much

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名無し 11/06/2023 (Mon) 05:53:06 No. 599 [Reply]
hop in dude
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>>1107 Bless you
i wanna cuddle with yukari
>>1111 Wow! Four same numbers Yukari must be very lucky.
Your fortune: Very Bad Luck
Yukari... I imagine cuddling with her while she pats my head calling me a good boy...

Anonymous 11/03/2024 (Sun) 00:34:51 No. 890 [Reply]
Anyone know a free VPN add-on for Firefox with lots of IPs/servers? I only know UrbanVPN.
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>>893 Are you crazy? It's dirty cheap for services they provide. mullvad and ivpn are probably the only ones that are not openly survey your internet activity. You won't find this quality for a cheaper price, ever.
>>894 Anything that's not free is too expensive for a NEET like me.
I don't know if this would fit your use case, but whenever I need to access a website as if I'm in another country, I just use Tor and configure it so the exit node is always in the country I want to access the site as. I've been doing this a lot lately to access Niconico as if I'm in Japan, since they recently applied a lot of restrictions to overseas users
>>895 True enough. Having no money sucks.
>>895 can relate

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Homescreen thread Anonymous 03/13/2024 (Wed) 14:03:34 No. 432 [Reply]
It aint much but its honest work
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>>432 I really like this one, good job! mine is quite bland, my phone's battery doesn't last very long so an AMOLED friendly homescreen helps quite a bit. And to be honest, I'm trying to use my phone less
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>>432 it just werks
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I should probably switch it. I've been using this for the past two years already
I wanted new wallpaper and ringtone for my new phone, but nothing seems worthwhile, so I just stick to defaults, which is kinda sad.

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Game-Dev Manga Anonymous 11/05/2024 (Tue) 04:19:19 No. 1112 [Reply]
Have you guys seen this game dev manga? It's called Hakutaku, I've been reading it so much :D
>>1112 I know it because Steam Deck appeared in it. Is it good?
>>1113 I've been reading a lot about it, and I thought that it was really good. Although, I can't pinpoint what I like about it hahahahah.

Anonymous 10/30/2024 (Wed) 04:52:05 No. 6233 [Reply]
I have my fan on low setting, but now I'm super cold so I turn it off. Now I feel too hot, so I turn it back on but now I feel too cold. Why does it have to be like this
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Is your fan a factory megawatt turbine or something? Also, try dressing differently. Also, how the fuck do you feel hot in the end of the Autumn? As for me, my temperature is exactly perfectly suited for torture. It's just cool enough to make me feel uncomfortable and shake sometimes, but isn't cold enough to warrant getting warmer clothes. I hate it!
That does happen a lot to me too. I don't know if I have a strong fan or something similar. During summer I have to sleep with no fan on just so that when I wake up I am not too cold and feel inclined to take a hot shower. Sometimes I just keep on turning it on and off. The most effective way to prevent feeling cold with the fan on that I have found is wearing socks or covering my feet. They're generally the coldest part of my body, so if they feel comfy then the rest of the body doesn't suffer as much.
Make a swamp cooler fool friend and don't point it directly at you. Just get some bucket and some cloth to whick up the moisture while the fan blows on it. Also stop wearing polyester snd cotton based clothes. Wear merino wool, linen, hemp, and silk.
i hate the heat... for some reason i always run very hot, you can literally feel heat radiating from my skin. this means i do very well in the winter but suffer during the summer.
>>6239 > "i don't think you read the post correctly" How come? What did I miss?

Anonymous 11/04/2024 (Mon) 03:24:40 No. 6280 [Reply]
Are you a fri/en/d or an /en/emy hikarin?
If your soul seeks Good, I am you friend. If you lean towards Evil instead, then I am your enemy
>>6281 my soul seeks the greatest good. our Father in Heaven who sent his only son Jesus Christ to deliver to us the Holy Spirit.
>>6283 Are you daring me?

HAPPY HALLOWEEN HAPPY HALLOWEEN 10/31/2024 (Thu) 16:24:15 No. 6252 [Reply]
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>>6258 i tried, but nobody came...
>>6259 nobody came to mine either
I didn't kill anyone this halloween. I guess I can call it success.
I took the night off work and relaxed, watched some scary movies and drank beer. Had a great time. Happy Halloween Hikari nation.
>>6261 there's always next year >>6262 sounds like a good night hikarin! after nobody came for candy i ended up driving to my friends house and having a good time. all is well!

Anonymous 02/08/2024 (Thu) 13:50:46 No. 648 [Reply]
When do you think she'll get her own game?
>>648 Probably never by Sega There will most likely be a fan game made of her

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Anonymous 10/20/2024 (Sun) 23:58:19 No. 6168 [Reply]
This old architecture book I found in the library is so judgy
Should we get some bricks and build a hikari mansion?
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A wholesome variation of "it was revealed to me in a dream" from the same book.
OP might be a cutie, we shouldn't scare him off
>>6171 When taking this picture, did you perhaps not notice that your phone's orientation was the wrong way, so you then had to rotate the image 90° clockwise?

Anonymous 09/05/2024 (Thu) 21:56:55 No. 591 [Reply]
there's been notably more CP posting recently. are they bots? i would hope so, right? are there any good ways to combat them?
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Hikarin let's fondle him ^ for fun
>>602 I am on it, boss.
>>602 You're going to fondle me?
Another Comfy Poster has invaded /en/, banish him asap

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Anonymous 10/28/2024 (Mon) 06:17:25 No. 6222 [Reply]
If there are an infinite number of natural numbers, and an infinite number of fractions in between any two natural numbers, and an infinite number of fractions in between any two fractions, does that mean that there are not only infinite infinities, but an infinite number of those infinities? And an infinite number of those infinities? And an infinite number of those infinities? And…(infinitely times. And that infinitely times. And that infinitely times. And that infinitely times. And…) continues forever. And that continues forever. And that continues forever. And that continues forever. And that continues forever. And…(…)… How do you define the natural numbers without infinity?
Actually the largest natural number is determined by the bitwise width of integers in our simulation. Bignums don't count
>>6222 this is an idea addressed by combinatorics also to answer your question about natural numbers being defined without infinity, you can expression natural numbers as either 0 or the successor of a natural number for example, 4 would be defined/encoded as successor(successor(successor(successor(0)))), which can be extended ad infinitum you also have von neumann natural numbers where natural numbers are sets and their cardinality encodes their value, eg, ø = 0, {ø} = 1, {ø, {ø}} = 2, {ø, {ø}, {ø, {ø}}} = 3 and so on also if you wanna be extra fancy, natural numbers can also be defined by church encoding and beta-reduction, λα.λβ.λγ.M can be reduced 3 times therefore it encodes 3, M itself cannot be reduced (atleast, we assume) therefore it encodes 0, if we suppose we have abstraction binding (like f := λx.M) we can encode infinity using infinite recursion and self applying abstractions
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>>6222 I'm 60% sure this is how the 11 dimensions work picrel.... I think

Anonymous 10/27/2024 (Sun) 23:48:59 No. 6221 [Reply]
Stupid sheep won't listen to me D: I go pick them up and instead of following me they just keep eating and eating, EVIL SHEEP .
No sheep is Evil but a shameful sheep
But what if they are just hungry?

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Anonymous 09/27/2023 (Wed) 00:02:53 No. 228 [Reply] [Last]
We need more people here. The site has felt super dead lately, and I typically try to post as much as I can, but I can't be the only poster here. And I don't want this site to die
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>>476 Yeah, its maddening thats why I like it here. If I wanted to see content from another website I would just go there.
>>228 the best thing any imageboard can do is ban all /pol/ (anyone who cares about politics, doesn't have to mean the /pol/ board specifically) discussion and deny them any way to post their propaganda even when they try to pass off their neo-internet garbage by associating it with otaku culture. that way 99% of bad posters are just barred from the site and the rest like tiktok shit become trivial to delete because the one thing that all of the shitposters have in common is that they use /pol/
Maybe we should make a hikari3 manga. I'll start by thinking of a title and then someone who knows how to draw can make the rest of it.
>>484 >I'll start by thinking of a title and then someone who knows how to draw can make the rest of it. It doesn't work that way, unfortunately. We could write some story of hikari, but this site is so superficial it's hard to come up with an indulging background.

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Anonymous 10/26/2024 (Sat) 16:32:17 No. 6208 [Reply]
why did she do this
Ask no questions. They're pushing the ramp. Get your ass together and shoot them DOWN

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help me Anonymous 10/08/2024 (Tue) 19:07:45 No. 6111 [Reply]
any tips on how to stop loving abusive ex?
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1. no drugs 2. no "sexo" with strangers 3. boost iq why do i have to explain
Who is this semen demon?
>>6154 Get a hold of yourself, let not Evil dominate your soul!
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>>6111 >>6134 I've dealt with abusive people before and let them hurt me in a lot of ways. I hated and was disgusted with myself for letting them do all that they did to me, and still am a bit. I felt a lot of anger during this time. I think when you're with these kinds of people you learn to shut down, but even after I left I found that their hold still remained. Instead of saying to myself I shouldn't react and should just not think about it, I let myself be angry about it even if it was for whole days. Their hold world of pain they made in my head shook down and collapsed. It was thanks to this I found that I was beginning to let it all go without realizing it. I'm still not completely numb thinking about it, some of that pain remains, but I'm able to keep moving on. People should be treated with love, not malice.
>>6153 Because it helps to understand her actions from a bigger picture. I was trying to determine if she has BPD, is autistic, low IQ, or sociopathic. If you understood why she did some of these things it will either make you want to forgive her or see she's unempathetic and stupid and not worth it so maybe you should just ask her and see if she seems legitimately sorry or not. This of course could be bad news if she's a sociopath and you get drawn in more instead but statistically that isn't the most likely reason. She sounds autistic and a bit stupid in certain matters. Youd have to fade her out of her life by giving her the "gray rock" technique. You need to make yourself as boring and unresponsive to her bullshit as a gray rock, it's a technique for dealing with psychopaths and sometimes people with BPD by making yourself uninteresting to them and not a source of enjoyment.

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hikari Matrix room Anonymous 10/20/2024 (Sun) 18:22:18 No. 607 [Reply]
Can we switch to Matrix instead? dicksword is gay
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>>608 We got IRC?
>>609 irc://
>>610 Do you have free hugs there???
>>608 because of muh images
>>612 use image links from

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Anonymous 10/18/2024 (Fri) 16:54:29 No. 6157 [Reply]
what... IS this place!?
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Why was it deleted? Was it really considered spam? Fine, I'll post only one.
>>6191 you posted the same image around 5 times in the same thread, of course it's considered spam you doofus
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>it was the same image even though the letters changed
>>6200 shit i didn't notice that actually that's pretty funny

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名無し 05/30/2024 (Thu) 05:09:13 No. 971 [Reply]
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Beautiful album, thank you for sharing!
nice, theres a jjapanese shoegaze thread on jp if you want to share some jp shoegaze
>> The last part is amazing, I wish it lasted longer

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名無し 02/04/2024 (Sun) 04:49:10 No. 845 [Reply]
>Casually transfers her soul into a giant robot so that when Shinji causes an apocalyptic event she can float out into space for all eternity as a testament to mankinds existence in your path.
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>>846 It's because most anime watchers are shy, depressed, losers like shinji. HE'S LITERALLY ME!
>>847 ironically enough, most of the people i see who pretend this show is way deeper than it actually is tend to really hate shinji for reasons i don't fully comprehend
lol, why were some of the posts deleted?
>>850 earlier this morning... something funny happened The site was restored from backup
>>848 >pretend this show is way deeper than it actually is It is extremely deep, though Not sure if you meant the psychological side of it, or the lore, but either way it is, especially the lore. The anime explicitly states very little, and even the stuff you can guess from the context isn't really the full picture. It's not a show you can fully understand on your first watch. There are a few things that we know because of other media related to the series, like some of the games, though, the canonicity can be often questionable. Also, most people call the first ending just some abstract nonsense, but it holds a lot of meaning. It ponders the meaning of existence and what is essentially is, I personally really like it. You can also see it as something that happened in-between the timeline of EoE.

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名無し 10/15/2024 (Tue) 17:03:24 No. 1079 [Reply]
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hello sexy
i dont know touhou are you twins??
>>1081 No, they are dumb

cozy shows/movies that you always come back to? 名無し 02/15/2024 (Thu) 17:17:40 No. 865 [Reply]
mine's picrel and natsume yuujinchou
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i guess mine would be Sakurasou, Kyoukai no Kanata, and Engage Kiss
Pic-rel is my all-time favorite anime/movie I grew up with it, and I have watched it countless times It's perfect in every sense to me: the art, animation, music, plot, characters, .... Just listening to the OST gives me goosebumps It's just so beautiful and whimsical Definitely top-tier coziness
>>867 ghibli movies have such comfy everyday magic in them, i can't help but think of certain scenes whenever i listen to the soundtrack because every part works so well together in the movie. my favorite is Whisper of the Heart, since it makes running down a big flight of stairs or walking home feel as magical as actual fantasy stories.
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Aria is very comfy A bunch of cute girls studying to be gondoliers, very slow, very relaxing
