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GAME NIGHT @ March, 29th at 3pm EST. VOTE HERE

Join Steam group as well

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HIKARI3 GAME NIGHT GENERAL Anonymous 09/02/2024 (Mon) 01:26:52 No. 786
Hey Hikari! Let's play a game! This is the thread to organize a monthly Hikari3 game night on the last weekend of every month. Feel free to offer up any games for the next game night, and share any memories you've made! Everyone is welcome, and everyone can offer up a game. Only rule is to be comfy. Idea comes from >>782 I hope we can all get along and make something special! Sponsored by the Hikari3 Steam group: join today! https://steamcommunity.com/groups/Hikari3
The final weekend of this month (Sept 2024) would be the 27th, 28th, or 29th. Anyone have any ideas? I'm offering up Team Fortress 2 or Mario Kart 64 (using Retroarch Netplay).
>>786 >Anyone have any ideas? We could always go for the classic. I'm down for anything though, maybe you should create a strawpoll for people to vote on options?
>>788 i've actually never played 100% OJ... but if you recommend then it could certainly be fun! a strawpoll is a good idea but i'm waiting for some others to give input and will make a poll when we garner some frens to join us and offer some games of their own. kinda trying to gauge how many people are actually interested yknow?
>>789 Same. Maybe OpenTTD? It is open source and it is fun for both spectators and players. I think Baldurs Gate 2 has an internet coop mode. Veloren would be interesting too but latency might be an issue. Zero-K has a coop campaign. Maybe OpenSpades or Xonotic if there is enough people?
>>793 down for Xonotic what time are we thinking? basically is hikari more european or american...
>>793 i have little experience with boomer shooters but xonotic sounds fun! we'd need at least a handful of people tho, so tell your friends lol. hope more hikaris show interest. >>794 i'm American on EST, but if we do a Saturday i can probably make any time work.
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what about neotokyoº?
>>797 this looks like it could be fun as well. i love cyberpunk media. does it play more like CS or is it a team deathmatch?
>>797 i liked it. it had one of my favorite maps ever. it was a post riot street with enterable row of buildings on both sides. at least thats how i remember it its been more years than i can count. i think i made a collage of all boobs in red light district map
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>>805 i think it was this one
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>>806 or maybe nt_engage? cant tell... maybe its time to reinstall
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yup... nt_engage. love it!
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>>804 I think you can play deathmatch I forgot. but the most interesting game type is to play 'capture the ghost'. your team must tale a robotic body and put it back in your zone where the helicopter is, then you win. the robot gives you bonuses like sereing everyone on the mini map but all the other teqm can see you on the minimap. https://youtu.be/2rfhXsUlGgg?si=D2_PJiWMfqsLeGzt here, watch this gameplay. Also the game is not THAT good because it looks very outdated
>>809 that movement looks too much like for*nite, gets my ptsd going
>Xonotic mentioned Count me in.
i'll give it a few more days before i make a poll, but it seems right now the options on the poll will be Xonotic, Neotokyo, OpenTTD, and 100%OJ. thanks for showing interest fellas
so the steam group has a chat - would be cool if you guys shared stuff from your games.
>>813 what kind of things do people normally say in a steam chat
>>814 just screenshots would be cool i think
alright. i think that's all we'll get for game submissions. that being said, i've made the strawpoll; please vote! remember that even if your game does not get elected this time, there is always next game night as well. as a reminder, we are aiming for Sept 28th, which is a Saturday. i hope everyone will join us regardless of what game gets picked and have a good time together. https://strawpoll.com/3RnYXV1Vpye
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>>818 i hope to meet many hikaris
How about some Sven Cool?
>>821 do you mean Sven Co-op?
>>822 yeah, typo
so far we have 8 votes, with Neotokyo on top with 3 votes. we have 9 days remaining, get your votes in! once again i hope you'll all come to play even if your entry or vote doesn't win. >>821 how many players does it support? it's only up to 4 right?
Will we have voice chat? If so I'll have to grab my mic from storage.
>>825 we certainly can do voice chat. that would probably be more fun.
>>826 How will we do the voice chat?
>>827 voice chat is no good only good for mic spam
>>827 some of the games have built in voice chat. if not that, we could use mumble or even the dicksword. >>828 i disagree. you can always mute mic spammers, and sometimes games are more fun when talking to the other players. of course you are not obligated to voice chat but i'm open to the idea.
tomorrow i will consider the poll closed to give everyone ample time to prepare. as of now Neotokyo and OpenTTD are tied, so we can either play both or flip a coin to see which wins. on that note, we need to decide what time we'll be playing. i'm going to offer 18:00 Eastern Standard Time as a starting point but everyone please let us know what times work for you for Saturday! thank you to everyone who voted!
maybe it is a little to late to bring this up, but maybe the poll should have allowed choosing multiple options. for example, the people that voted for xonotic might also be interested in neotokyo but not in openttd
>>831 that's... a good point. i don't use strawpoll often i didn't know that was an option. next time i will definitely do that. thanks for the suggestion.
>>830 >18 eastern time thats midnight here. an hour or two too late for me
>>833 i'm free to start earlier as well. how about a 15:00 EST start? that would be 21:00 for you, and would probably work better for other Euros as well.
as of now i'm considering the poll closed. Neotokyo and OpenTTD tied with 3 votes each, and the coinflip gave Neotokyo as the winner. so i think we'll start with Neotokyo and if interest permits we can play OpenTTD afterwards. syrno was kind enough to make a voice chat on the dicksword for Saturday, so if you would like to voice chat either join me there or use the in-game voice chat. as of now we are aiming for 15:00 Eastern Standard, but we can start a bit earlier or later if need be. hope to see you all there!
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>>835 hell yeah neotokyo.. see ya
>>835 >15:00 Eastern Standard fug, now i have no more excuses
see you all in about 3 hours! if you don't want to play but instead just to watch, i'll stream my gameplay to the dicksword. you don't need to speak, just watching is fine, but i know some people said they wanted to watch and not play.
we are starting now! we are playing NeoTokyo on dr.N0's MYSTERIOUS sLAUGHTER HOUSE in the server browser.
we've switched to Bulletnauts No1 Casual Pub
so How was it guys? on neo tokyo especially
>>841 we're actually still playing neotokyo haha. although i think we're wrapping up soon. neotokyo is very fun!
and that's a wrap! thank you for a surprisingly successful first game night. neotokyo was a blast! i'm glad i got to meet so many hikarins. see you next time!
Neotokyo was really fun actually. I enjoyed the other people (non-hikarin) playing too
did you used microphone? I couldnt play with you because I'm not at home :sad:
>>846 Yeah, we voice chatted.
neotokyo was super good choice because we all learned it together lol
>>847 what would you estimate the average h3/v/ poster's age to be? ethnicity?
What are we gonna do next game night?
>>855 good question. taking suggestions now. feel free to suggest whatever games, including ones suggested/played last time. i've been busy with work and haven't gotten around to asking lol.
hey guys. sorry i'm currently on vacation so i have not been setting things up. does nobody have other games to put up? if not i'll add the same games as the last poll.
this thread is very missable i would love to play something with hikari again, maybe i will even use my microphone because you were nice last time that anime board game is interesting
>>860 you're more than welcome to mic up next time hikarin. what anime board game are you referring to?
>>861 100%OJ!
I second L4D2, if there's enough people we could even play versus.
sorry again for being quiet, i've created the poll for this month. it's looking like Saturday the 26th, or if that's not enough time we can do Sunday the 27th. i've added some of the previous options + L4D2. i made a ranking poll instead of a multiple choice poll so you can rank your secondary choices higher. https://strawpoll.com/e6Z2ADL9JgN
reminder to vote for your preferred game! only 3 votes so far including myself. i know i made the poll a bit late this time but get your votes in!
voted. i will join you on dicksword
last day for voting! we'll meet at the same time as before, 3pm tomorrow. if that doesn't work for anyone speak now or forever hold your peace.
>>869 sorry should clarify that's 3pm EST, or about 23.5 hours from this post.
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looks like 100%OJ won this time! see you all in an hour and a half.
come join the dicksword! we are playing 100%OJ.
that's a wrap! thank you everyone for coming out. we had a great time, 100%OJ was very fun! feel free to post suggestions for the next game night. i'll make a poll after the first week of November.
revive rolls were brutal
happy November hikarin! new poll is up: vote now! https://strawpoll.com/Q0Zp7bNEEgM we are aiming for Saturday, November 30th at 3PM EST, same time as always. hope to see you all there.
>>881 Seems like left 4 dead 2 is the winner, but will it be survivors vs zombies? That will at least be able to put as many people into the game as possible.
>>882 yes. that was the plan when someone brought it up last game night. we'd do versus mode. i personally have never played versus mode so i'm looking forward to it.
11 votes wow! big turn out this time. certainly the most so far. as of now it looks like Left 4 Dead 2 is slightly in the lead, with NEOTOKYO close behind. L4D2 Versus supports up to 8 players and NEOTOKYO supports however many you can stuff into a server. make sure to get your votes in if you haven't already! if you don't have the games make sure you pick them up at least by the day-of (which is still the 30th). if you are so insanely broke you can't afford the game that wins but would still like to play, we *may* be able to accommodate if you send a message in the dicksword or IRC. thanks for your continued support hikari!
Technically, it is possible to put as many players as you want in l4d2, but I don't remember how exactly. Back in the day it was pretty common to play 10 vs 10 for example.
>>886 interesting. i will keep this in mind if we end up having more than 8 people show. thank you for sharing.
the poll has been sitting with these results for over a week, so we'll call it closed. Left 4 Dead 2 is the winner! we will be playing on Saturday, the 30th at 3pm EST. see you there hikarin! reminder to join the dicksword and the steam group!
We're starting the game night! Join the dicksword, we're playing L4D2
there are only three of us... we are still playing if anyone else wants to join!
thank you for coming! took us a bit to finish the final mission of The Passing hope to see you next time! also, if the time we pick does not work for you, please feel free to voice a better time. we may be able to work with you! poll will be up at the end of the first week of December. suggest any new games you may like to play before then.
I'm always busy whenever you do this... life can be so unfair.
What's the dicksword like? I might join but entering servers blind is scary to me. Lurked a while and been exploring niche boards recently
>>906 it's mostly used as a means to report rule breaking posts (like pizza) and to get notifs for new posts. we do have game night on there too but beyond that we mostly keep the posting on hikari rather than the dicksword.
also! i should let you guys know that i will be quite busy at the end of the month because of the holidays and therefore will not be hosting game night this time around. i'll make another poll at the start of January! thanks for understanding. you're more than welcome to play something without me if it gets organized of course.
>>907 I see, thank you
happy new year hikarin! let's have lots more fun in 2025. i will withhold making a new poll for a few days to let people catch up and suggest any new games. the previous games we have played are NEOTOKYO, 100%OJ, and L4D2. feel free to include any other games you'd like to see and put up for a vote! games that can include more than 4 players are preferred, but there are no wrong answers. going by the same scheduling as before, we are aiming for Saturday the 25th, aka the last Saturday of the month. nice seeing you again hikarins!
well, there have been no new submissions so i'll go ahead and throw a poll up with the previously suggested games. get your votes in! we are still aiming for Saturday the 25th at 3pm EST, but if this does not work for you please tell us when you're available and we may be able to make something work. https://strawpoll.com/7rnzVLlBLnO
>>944 how do i know you are the real guy organizing these? where is frieren??
>>945 you're right... gomen... it's me i promise...
looks like TF2 has won this time around! sounds like fun. i'm down for playing casuals, but we can talk about it when the time comes. remember, we are aiming for Saturday the 25th at 3pm EST. i may even get on earlier depending on how my day goes. see you there!
we will be playing in approximately 3 hours! be there or be square.
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>>959 I am square. I dont liek games.
>>960 I a horny, I do liek short haired geek cuties
>>957 Damn, I could've joined if my laptop had a proper setup lol. I'll see if I can join next time
>>960 that's okay hikarin. gaems aren't for everybody. >>962 you are more than welcome to join next time. we play on the last Saturday of every month. feel free to suggest a came to go into the next poll as well. haven't had many people showing up the past couple times so your presence would be appreciated.
>>963 I don't really have a powerful laptop and I am still lacking a gaming mouse, so it'll take a bit before I am able to join lol.
>>964 that's alright. take your time. we don't usually play very intensive games for the record. i think TF2 is the most demanding we've played so far.
>>786 how about we could play some TF2
>>965 I can play TF2, haven't played it in over a year though. Almost touched 1k hours of playtime, used to be a medic main.
>>966 >>967 we played TF2 last time, but generally we decide what game to play via strawpoll. i haven't made the one for February yet though. if TF2 wins the poll then we'll play TF2.
happy February hikarins! during the month of February, the West will gain as much as 70+ minutes extra sunlight during the day depending on your location. look forward to more sunlight! here is the poll for this month. i changed up the poll a bit: i have added an "other" option, please use this if you have a game to suggest, or simply are not a fan of the options given. i also changed the rules so only your TOP 3 votes will be given points to get a better sense of what people are actually voting for. this month it seems we are aiming for Saturday, February 22nd at 3pm EST. if this time does not work for you, feel free to mention it and we may be able to accommodate. looking forward to seeing you all! https://strawpoll.com/ajnE1AQkNnW
seeing as we've had so many new people pop up, reminder to vote on the poll above and join us for our game night.
Frieren is quick to recruit new blood into his harem
>>982 hai! new here, how does game night work here exactly?
>>984 we vote on a game, then play that game (usually in dicksword). we aim for the final Saturday of every month at 3pm EST although this has some leeway. >>983 gotta snatch em up before another hikarin does
did you ever consider using mumble? its sound quality is highly superior to dicksword
>>986 hikari3 already has a dicksword for new post notifs and mod discussion, so we use it out of convenience.
Team Fortress is winning again, I can't stand this shit anymore.
>>989 there there maru... the hikarins have spoken
>>989 This is the nature of every community and the reason I don't participate. It sure is lonely as hell sometimes, but I figured it's impossible to find a person aligned with your tastes enough to play together.
>>987 but I don't have dicksword, now what?
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>>992 you can make an account or not participate. sucks i know
>>993 I just deleted mine a few days ago, I don't want to go back on that shit app again :(
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>>994 your experience is dependent on servers you join. just join hikari3s one and dont try to contact people that made you delete your previous account
>>995 that's the entire thing lol, I only had a single person added but we barely talked so I deleted it
>>997 I can't even create a new account, because it gets insta phone-locked, and my number is still attached to my old account (which hasn't been deleted by Shitcord yet)
I searched to see if there was anything for bridging dicksword and Mumble, and for my surprise, there was: https://github.com/Stieneee/mumble-dicksword-bridge I'll learn how to set it up and see if I can get it working this weekend, that way hikarins on Mumble can play as well.
LOL, the filter broke the link, just change dicksword to you know what.
>>1000 FAIL GET
>>992 if you join using a browser can you not use a temporary account anymore? dicksword used to allow temp accounts that delete themselves once you exit the tab. instead of logging in it would just ask for a name to use. alternatively, games we play often have built-in voice chat so you can use that as well. >>999 interesting. thank you for sharing. if there is a real demand for it outside one or two people maybe we could look into a proper hikari3 mumble server to bridge with dicksword (like we have with the IRC) but there'd need to be real interest for it. so far dicksword serves our needs just fine, especially since outside of game night we don't VC in there.
>>989 >>991 if TF2 wins again this time around i'll make a note not to include it in the next poll. even though i like TF2 variety is important.
>>1002 temporary accound could work I guess
almost a week until we play. VOTE VOTE VOTE >>976
Play serious sam or sacred (if you manage to launch this ancient thing, I personally couldn't get the coop going ever, though it supports up to 16 players in theory, not a problem since I have no friends)
>>1016 Sacred is a game of my childhood! Lovely mention. But it barely runs on modern systems, let alone hacking multiplayer to work.
>>1004 wanted to let you know that we now have a mumble for hikari3. it's bridged with the dicksword, so everyone can use their preferred chat option. i will probably start using the mumble for game night myself. mumble.hikari3.ch (default port) >>1016 i've never really played either of those. i've heard of serious sam but have never heard of sacred. i will look into them. thank you for the suggestions!
syrno are you masking as frieren
>>1026 nope, not syrno
we will be playing in about an hour and a half! i may even hop on a little sooner. TF2 has won again this month. it will be removed from the poll next month as to allow some diversity. there were 9 votes on the poll so i expect to see at least a handful of you guys. remember that we now have a mumble server (bridged with the dicksword) of which i will be switching to for game night from now on. see you soon!
>>1045 mumble is primarily for voicechat right? what if I am too socially anxious for that lol
>>1046 you can always join and mute. you don't have to speak if you don't want to. alternatively, TF2 has in-game voice and text chat you can use instead.
>>1046 The bridge KINDA works with text messages too. Right now it can send messages to dicksword, but the dicksword messages don't get sent to Mumble, for your case it's probably fine, since you can send messages and the other participants can reply by voice. I am trying to fix this problem but will definitively not be ready today, maybe by next game night...
we are playing now :) join us in the mumble: mumble.hikari3.ch
today was quite fun! thanks for everyone who came out. look out for the next poll the first week of March. TF2 will be excluded from the poll for next month since it won twice in a row. see you then!
happy March everyone. seems we'll really be coming out of the winter months here in the next couple weeks or so. reminder that the clocks change on Sunday the 9th so remember to adjust them if you are subject to DST. here is the poll for this month. only your TOP 3 rankings will get points. TF2 has been excluded from the poll as it has won the past couple months in a row (you're welcome Maru). we are aiming for March, 29th at 3pm EST. if this time of day does not work for you feel free to mention in the thread and we may be able to accommodate, as always. https://strawpoll.com/PbZqbQxzKyN all hikarins must vote and participate or be subject to 3 hours in a closet with the groper hikarin.
>>1065 Thank you Frieren
what about the fondler hikarin?
We should do garrys mod dark RP!
>>1066 you are welcome, dear sweet hikarin. >>1068 does the fondler hikarin wish to participate in dishing out punishments? >>1069 i dunno about Dark RP... we *could* but i'm not sure if that's really a good party game mode. personally i was thinking something like murder, TTT, death run, or even just sandbox. there are lots of modes we can try, and we don't have to stick to just one either. all hikarins feel free to suggest a mode since it seems like Gmod will be winning by a landslide.
>>1070 >i dunno about Dark RP... we *could* but i'm not sure if that's really a good party game mode. But we could do stuff like this. https://youtu.be/OAYXlLCb1qo?si=ceGOPhEWj6BP4uW3 https://youtu.be/_PmqeJ0fYyM?si=WG33NrlgL9lwVlP6 https://youtu.be/RImVPqpIqvo?si=G4UwydRMhZJHolX8 Also I always wanted to be a power tripping egotist mod on a Dark RP server and ban people for the tinniest infraction for not Rping properly.
>>1070 Maybe some nZombies? We should pick some maps/configs then which don't require a lot of mods or use a lot of resources. Some of them really love 900+ weapons pack mods. There's also Horde (https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=2401598805) but it's not as feature-packed as nZombies is. Prop hunt would be fun too. And maybe some scary maps?
>>1065 Euro Truck Simulator 2
Saturday we will be playing Garry's Mod. once people show up to the Mumble server we will decide which mode(s) to play. i personally am a fan of >>1072 idea of zombie survival and/or prop hunt, but there are plenty to chose from when the time comes depending on how many hikarins decide to join. i will see you there. >>1087 is this game even multiplayer?
15 people voted this time, I swear to God, if once again only 3-4 people show up, I'll wipe this whole board.
will you wipe gently?
>>1090 M-maybe...
>>1089 >Admitting that he is syrno

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