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mp3 player Anonymous 09/08/2024 (Sun) 09:34:25 No. 742
I want to buy an mp3 player but I don't know which one is the best, so I'm asking you to help me choose one, please. I found this: https://www.amazon.fr/AGPTEK-Bluetooth-Enregistreur-Supporter-T%C3%A9l%C3%A9phone/dp/B0CKV9HDP2/ but I don't know if its true or false. xhat do you think of it?
Edited last time by admin on 09/10/2024 (Tue) 18:24:48.
wow, an actual dataminer thread
>>743 nigger I'm not asking you to post their mp3, Im asking for one
>>744 maybe you should go post links full of pf trackers on 4chan.
Stop data mining! Don't be Evil!
>>745 >>746 dumbassed. Im banned grom 4shit
>>747 Please stop being Evil it damages your Soul and if you keep it going for too long the damage becomes permanent!
>>748 are you a bit?
>>748 are you a bot* (sorry)?
>>750 No, I am not. I just hope to be useful in the Fight against Evil, that is why I tell you to stop data mining!
>>751 what can we talk about tho
how is this a dataminer thread aren't all amazon links ugly like that?
It's not the appearance of the link that is data mining, it is the link itself!
>>753 No, the part after the "ref=" is optional. A clean link would look like this: https://www.amazon.fr/AGPTEK-Bluetooth-Enregistreur-Supporter-Téléphone/dp/B0CKV9HDP2/
>>756 ahh naruhodo. i don't really use amazon lol. not surprised tho as those companies will spend more money i will see in my entire life to farm even a few more bytes of data.
>>756 OP here, can you clean my link please?
>>758 sure thing
>>759 did you did it?
holy shit
>Admin Hikarin, are you participating in data mining too?
>>762 mayhaps
>>763 Take off your clothes, we'll gonna have to purge you!
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>>766 Anata wa baka!
Poor OP, he asked for MP3 player recommendations and all he's getting is lewd pictures of an idiot...
>>768 >idiot say that again
>>769 this you??
>>742 I bought FiiO m3k back in 2019 and I have been using it to this day. Unfortunately, it seems that FiiO m3k MP3 player has been discontinued.
>>771 thank you for proposing, you're the onlly one doing it. sorry I won't buy a fiio because I avoid chinese companies. http://www.agptek.com/index.php/product-category/portable-audio/ here's a american brand that do mp3, but there's too much I don't know which one to use
>>772 >I avoid chinese companies too bad. if you googled digital audio players (DAPs) you would uncover a brand new world of mp3 players
Edited last time by admin on 09/17/2024 (Tue) 14:10:13.
>>773 could you recommend me a DAP?
>>775 I actually never had any so I can't, but when I was looking into it most popular seemed to be Shanling and HIBY devices.
>>774 >&sv1=affiliate&sv_campaign_id=531573&awc=55801_1726495061_98d5abb310bf6d48c9351cae902c7a56 Anon...
>>777 what? is this the line to data mining? >>776 ok. im searching a mp3 player not too much expensive like maximum 100 buc
>>778 >what? is this the line to data mining? Yes. This is what the clean link looks like: >https://www.sony.fr/store/product/nwa306l.cew/Walkman-C2-AE-s-C3-A9rie-A-A300
>>779 ok thank you very much. also look what I found on 4chan /g/ archive when I was searching 'mp3 player' I fell for the meme of modern MP3 players, bought a Shanling, 6 months later the battery got so swollen it broke its glass back. The OS was also atrocious Chinese shit. Then I bought a Sony player, it had absolutely no optimization, just an old Android with a Sony player app thrown on top, only got 10 hours of playback on a full charge WITH optimizations (I removed a lot of crap, such as Gmail, telephony etc.) Now I have an iPod Classic "7th" gen, rockboxed and fully modded and I couldn't be happier I don't know what to chose. chinese products shit sony products shit apple good but I don't want the apple because its too expensive and I don't know how to modd it
>>772 I'm from #771, what's your reason to avoid Chinese companies exactly especially for MP3 players?
>>781 because they're shot and the bad reputation when you hear 'made in china'
>>782 i thought you were worried about spying... anon chinese have strong believe in "you get what you pay for". cheap made in china products are cheap made in china products. i wouldnt really worry about quality - pricier chinese stuff is state of the art. they sometimes cheap on quality control but its whatever imo
>>783 ok thanks
>>783 I will keep searching. pic related is what I also want to buy to use with a mp3 player
>>785 owo, what's that? looks very solarpunk. is it soviet made? specs & price? probably not mp3 but flac
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>>790 clip earbuds
>>742 I like the Aigo Eros Q. It supports Rockbox and has the same screen resolution as the iPod Video.
>>795 damn nice
>>795 what kind of earbuds do you use? is the sound of your mp3 player good? what are the pros and cons of your mp3. player??
>>798 >what kind of earbuds do you use? I use a pair of QKZ KD7, I've more recently also bought a pair of Skullcandy Ink'd+, mainly for aesthetic purposes. >is the sound of your mp3 player good? To be honest, I'm not an audiophile, I'm not good at detecting differences in audio quality etc. I just like having a separate audio player like this, I've had them in some form continuously since they were more commonplace. >what are the pros and cons of your mp3. player?? Well, there's Rockbox support, the port is native now. And there's a lot of themes for it because of it having the same resolution as the iPod Video. Also, the lanyard loop allows you to attach cool cell phone charms to it, like you can see in the photo. As for cons, I dunno really. The model I have uses USB Micro for charging, but there's a more recent revision that uses USB-C instead. It's only USB 2.0 either way so the first time when you transfer your entire library, just do it all directly to the microSD card.
>>799 thanks, the problem is I don't trust chinese products even if they're appealing like the surfans. I'm not a audiophile either but I don't want a bad sound, that's all
>>799 https://desuarchive.org/g/search/text/chinese%20mp3%20player/ >I fell for the meme of modern MP3 players, bought a Shanling, 6 months later the battery got so swollen it broke its glass back. The OS was also atrocious Chinese shit. Then I bought a Sony player, it had absolutely no optimization, just an old Android with a Sony player app thrown on top, only got 10 hours of playback on a full charge WITH optimizations (I removed a lot of crap, such as Gmail, telephony etc.) Now I have an iPod Classic "7th" gen, rockboxed and fully modded and I couldn't be happier. thats why I dont like chinese product
>>802 Well, my Eros Q supports Rockbox and I haven't had any battery issues for the 3 years I've had it.
>>803 oh ok
>>804 I mean, it's cool how people are keeping old iPods alive, oftentimes they're quite good. But it's just not for everyone, and I kinda want to encourage the manufacture of new players that are powerful enough to run Rockbox. Most of them aren't because they have too little RAM, it's kinda strange how older hardware was often more capable. I think there's actually one Shanling model that has a Rockbox port too.
>>805 whats rockbox
>>807 Replacement open source firmware for a wide array of music players. https://www.rockbox.org/
>>808 how to install it, is it easy?
>>809 For most of the older players it's super easy because there's a special utility for it. For the Eros Q it's a bit harder but it's nothing you won't be able to do if you're on this board I think. There are clear instructions as well.
>>8080 ok thanks
>>810 The reason it's harder is because they haven't implemented support for it in the utility by the way, so you have to do it manually. It's not like it's inherently harder, the port is just not considered "stable" yet, even though it's very useful and has been so for a while. I think a big reason why it's considered unstable is because there's no support for Bluetooth yet despite the player having that, but there's no such support in Rockbox at all.
I got reminded of those 'plug and play' MP3 Players USB that you connected to any pc, drag the files and disconnect. Sometimes i think of getting one of those again because having my phone on the streets is a mayor danger to me lol
>>813 ,hy? do you fear getting your phone stolen (me too)?
I use the Sandisk Clip Jam and it's great. - doesn't require to change batteries all the time, can be charged like a phone and the battery works for days on end with heavy usage - can sort by metadata (album/artist/name/...) - doesn't break easily - can run OGG, MP3 and FLAC (FLAC!!!!) (maybe it can do more, I just haven't tried) - storage space 8gb, but can be extended by arbitrarily large Micro-SD card
just go ipod classic or eros q. both runs rockbox. ipod is easy to upgrade, if you take gen 5th. they might be a bit expensive but its almost the same than a spotify subsciption during a yr. also if you got an old android phone, you could just use that and load it with tons of flac/mp3s

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