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/h3/ - hikari3 Discussion

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01/20/25 A total rewrite for the site is in progress. Read more.
05/21/24 Happy birthday hikari3! (News post)
12/21/23 Recent news post: Check here. Also, new board added: /i/ - Oekaki.
11/25/23 Accepting banner submissions; check this thread for more details.
11/17/23 New blotter! Use this to keep an eye for small updates.
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New Software Suggestions arithefirst!!KVmldb Global volunteer 01/20/2025 (Mon) 06:05:54 No. 656 [Reply]
Hello everyone! I'm arithefirst, nice to meet you. I'm the new developer at hikari3. I've been working with the staff for about 4 months. If you saw the news post, you will know about the new software we're working on. Here, you can add suggestions and feature requests you'd like to see for the new image board software.
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it might go deeper than just autism! want to go down the rabbit hole?
>>677 I want to post more on hikari3... but it annoys me so much. Also emojis in quick reply would be cool, even like ten random or most used ones.
>>681 I can't imagine these things irritating so much as to prevent from posting on this cute imageboard
the left sidebar of the site has RSS in the "thread navigation" box the URL for the RSS link is just "index.rss" so when you're in a thread and the url is the rss href will take you to which is a 404 so it should keep the url as the board if possible also since it's being rewritten, can i suggest rss logging posts, instead of just threads. there's another slow chan which does this and it's much nicer, because it reminds you there is still activity. sometimes sites dont get new threads for weeks, but discussion continues. or...maybe no one even cares about rss anymore and i see theres actually dicksword link that does what im requesting well some people dont use dicksword.. anyways thats my suggestion
>>697 We've been planning to add what you're requesting actually >>675 >>681 These have been currently fixed in the rewrite
Edited last time by syrno on 02/09/2025 (Sun) 13:06:53.

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Banner Thread syrno!!zmOAdD Admin 11/25/2023 (Sat) 11:33:38 No. 343 [Reply]
Banner Contest Details: hikari3 is currently in need of better banners. We are accepting submissions in this thread. If we like you're banner, we'll put it up Requirements: 1. 600x200 is preferable, but anything works as long as its in that ratio. 2. Should be anime/Japan/otaku culture related in some way. 3. MUST LOOK GOOD!! just generally visually appealing Also, don't make it board specific, these banners are global. ok, goodnight i am going back to sleep. i am looking forward to what you guys make
Edited last time by admin on 03/24/2025 (Mon) 01:20:14.
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Im now forever ingrainded in teh form of a banner, bless me with the fortune of knowing that this banner exists now
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>>349 I let this stupid post sit here for like half a year it's about time I make a real submission.
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Ironically low quality Should I change/put the text somewhere else ?
>>526 >Ironically You have to go back.
>>526 Perhaps in the bottom right. It certainly needs a thicker text outline a well. I'd experiment with other fonts that are similar to what the other banners use instead of this blocky one. If that were done, I think this would be an excellent addition.

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Anonymous 07/09/2023 (Sun) 19:50:01 No. 118 [Reply]
This imageboard is pretty cool, not gonna lie. Good job admin
>>118 the ergonmics make me stay here, its minimalist yet stylizised which its pretty cool
Thank you
>>118 I really love this imageboard, personally
Admin actually made LynxChan look tolerable
LOL it's only now that it registered with me that hikari means light. I feel so dumb now.

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adding new features Anonymous 07/04/2023 (Tue) 12:08:02 No. 88 [Reply] [Last]
are you going to add new feature files like jpeg, png, webm, webp, pdf files, other files, 3d image, etc...?
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artist san, i apologize for patting myself on the shoulder since it's clearly your achievement, but after some time brewing i say that this one is perfect after all.
>>726 yes! i nailed it! this should be called "whistle"!
>>757 i need to try playing with the eyes a bit tomorrow, maybe it'll turn out decent
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no it all looks like shit i guess i'm wasting time sorry anyway replace current spooked with your version >>752 it's just simply better.
>>759 thank you for your effort hikarinchama

Moderation requests thread Anonymous 03/17/2025 (Mon) 07:23:35 No. 755 [Reply]
Because syrno is a lazy fuck
I don't doubt the rin will win be had no call to spam it all over /en/

Love your Neighbor as Yourself Praise Jesus Christ 02/22/2025 (Sat) 23:31:10 No. 739 [Reply]
Any reason why sharing the Words of the Bible is met with Disdain and a Deleted thread? It seems fairly inoffensive to me. The only reason I evade your ban is because there never was a good reason for banning me, I never spammed, I simply made a Thread in /en. Let my Thread be
1 post omitted.
Well let's see, you go on a bunch of different imageboards and do the exact same bit, what do you think people are going to call you? Fucking 'rot
What other imageboards? Only seen him here
I saw him on the pissu doing his bit
Your fortune: Average Luck
>>744 do you mean kissu moe ?
>>745 pissu is what you refer to kissu outside of kissu. or so i heard

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What is there to be done for the site, so it's more active / has more people? Anonymous 02/01/2025 (Sat) 08:58:59 No. 670 [Reply]
I feel that there would be more interesting conversations if new people joined hikari3, so what is there to be done? (Unrelated pic)
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>>708 you're so cute
>>691 heavy moderation is a blessing actually. the problem with most of the internet right now is that there isn't enough. that's why everything is ragebait now, why everyone is a debate addict, why internet conversations have become so unproductive in general. the big platforms are horrifying free-for-all s because that's what generates engagement and thus data and ad revenue conversations between radically opposing views is literally useless. for example, two coworkers discussing which framework to use for their next project is a debate because it is going to have good faith arguments made by people that are knowledgeable on the subject, and it will produce actionable conclusions. two guys with antagonistic positions arguing on reddit about some vague platitude is the opposite of a debate. the more opposed the views, the less useful the conversation will be but there has to be some distance between the two parties for any debate to exist in the first place, so you could say that there is a productive "window of opposition", before which any debate is pointless and after which any debate is useless. it depends on the topic, but I would say that, at least on the internet, that window has become rather narrow why has it become so narrow? because the lack of moderation means that it is okay to insult and disrespect the other side, so discussions become more about "owning" the other than about learning, understanding or arriving at conclusions. every conversation is actually a personal debate and if you lose you become the soy wojak, forever
>>711 Well, the problem of cancer is not solved by adding moderators, it is solved by rangebanning trolls. The actual problem of imageboards is that rules don't get enforced
I insist that >>712 is right.
>>712 so far i think the rules here have been enforced well enough. consistent enforcement becomes more of an issue as more people post but as long as i've been here things have been ran pretty well i'd say.

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Anonymous 02/08/2025 (Sat) 19:01:27 No. 683 [Reply]
why my posts are getting delete
sorry. saw the jak and assumed it was spam.
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>>684 wojak should be removed though
>>695 agreed. normally soyjaks aren't allowed. they have their own containment site.
soyjaks should have been slaughtered long ago, the only reason they is probably because nobody cares to waste bullets on them
>>703 yeah, they've become horrible along with their altchans, most of them are just used as self inserts or uncreative insults nowadays, they seem to invite bad posts everywhere

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chrismas theme Anonymous 12/19/2024 (Thu) 08:29:17 No. 638 [Reply]
Do yall like the chrismas theme?
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>>641 maybe next year... :'(
>>638 i like the little snowflakes falling down. and the dark blue theme is making my eyes very happy
Alright that's a bit too much of spinning padorus, but you've earned your point
What's the song that's playing right now called?
>>651 Forgot to respond, the song was Merry Xmas Everybody by Slade

Anonymous 12/20/2024 (Fri) 01:45:58 No. 643 [Reply]
There seems to be an issue where when I tried to post a reply to a thread in /jp/ instead of posting the reply it created a new thread. This occurred when Javascript was turned off. Whyyyy
Sorry, I'll try to find a solution for this soon







