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12/21/23 Recent news post: Check here. Also, new board added: /i/ - Oekaki.
11/25/23 Accepting banner submissions; check this thread for more details.
11/17/23 New blotter! Use this to keep an eye for small updates.
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syrno!!zmOAdD Admin 11/25/2023 (Sat) 11:33:38 No. 343 [Reply]
Banner Contest Details: hikari3 is currently in need of better banners. We are accepting submissions in this thread. If we like you're banner, we'll put it up Requirements: 1. 600x200 is preferable, but anything works as long as its in that ratio. 2. Should be anime/Japan/otaku culture related in some way. 3. MUST LOOK GOOD!! just generally visually appealing Also, don't make it board specific, these banners are global. ok, goodnight i am going back to sleep. i am looking forward to what you guys make
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>>349 I let this stupid post sit here for like half a year it's about time I make a real submission.

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Bug Anonymous 05/11/2024 (Sat) 01:13:29 No. 507 [Reply]
Mousing over "(OP)" highlights the first shown reply, not the OP post.
>>507 Test
True, apparently tho, it works correctly in pop-up view (when the reply isn't shown on the screen)

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Anonymous 01/28/2024 (Sun) 20:27:34 No. 451 [Reply]
>NO raids, politics, useless posts, pepes, and woahjacks. so, no fun?
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What about friendly raids for the spreading of niceness? >>451 Politics is unavoidable and banning it would be like putting a lid on a cauldron and hoping things don't boil over. Instead, politics should be allowed but under very strict circumstances with strictly enforced rules on special hidden board that's text only. But such a board doesn't belong on Hikari anyway. Just allow it with some autistically strict rules and ban anyone and everyone who breaks them.
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>>501 No, let's not add a politics board, the internet for a long time was not filled with political discussions and I believe this site has captured a community where we can recreate that, nothing good could possibly come out of a politics board, if you want to discuss politics, go somewhere else.
>>502 >the internet for a long time was not filled with political discussions Uh nope people have always discussed politics on the net. What's changed? Politics became entertainment and that's why political "discussion" is awful. Its just team sport tribalism now. Since politics is entertainment, every piece of media ends up getting politicized. Okay, that's not saying there isn't political value in something like Barefoot Gen or Battle Royale, but people will read their tribal love/hate bullshit into everything they see. Show an anime to a right winger and they'll explode into a rage about Jews or trans people. Show the same thing to a Reddit liberal and they'll rant about how anime fans are Nazis. What do either of these things have to do with anime? Nothing. In the past, political discussion was limited to political discussion. Nobody was going to have a tantrum over a video game unless that game was explicitly political. Yeah I'm not saying add a pol board we don't need that here but its a bit futile to ban politics. It doesn't address the problem. I say let people make posts about politics just under very very strict conditions.
>>504 You know what is meant by politics. Donald Trump, Conservatism, Liberalism, Leftism, Rightism, Communism, Nazism and their related flags and symbols etc. etc. Obviously, it would be stupid to try to make the claim that anime has never had political influences or themes but it is the kind that makes for interesting and impartial discussion. Most importantly, it only comes up when it needs to. You won't have people just randomly explode into ideologically charged rants on a thread for fucking Japanese cartoons like on other websites. We're basically in agreement but I just want to point out that politics are not inevitable and all you have to do is just ban it so you won't have to see it again.
>>451 I think that all of those suck but >politics is a bit sensitive. If actual politics were banned it would be good. But "politics" became a very loose buzzword and just expressing your dislike towards certain groups such as roody-poos and friendgots counts as "political" even when it actually isn't, but supporting or claiming to belong to those groups does not count, of course of course.

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Anonymous 04/30/2024 (Tue) 21:49:03 No. 496 [Reply]
Tor and I2P mirrors would be cool for this site.
they'll be here eventually
>>497 As someone who's dabbled with browsing I2P in the past, this seems like a good idea. I can come up with a term for I2P users. Eepfriends (i.e 'eep' as in 'eepsite' + 'friend') perhaps?
>>496 Because when its not slow its not bbs right

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Anonymous 09/27/2023 (Wed) 00:02:53 No. 228 [Reply] [Last]
We need more people here. The site has felt super dead lately, and I typically try to post as much as I can, but I can't be the only poster here. And I don't want this site to die
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>>474 Just depends on the board really I also see a lot of twitter screencap threads which I feel the same way about. I just hate the loop back cycle of website screenshots.
>>475 oh, i totally see it with twitter screencap threads
>>476 Yeah, its maddening thats why I like it here. If I wanted to see content from another website I would just go there.
>>228 the best thing any imageboard can do is ban all /pol/ (anyone who cares about politics, doesn't have to mean the /pol/ board specifically) discussion and deny them any way to post their propaganda even when they try to pass off their neo-internet garbage by associating it with otaku culture. that way 99% of bad posters are just barred from the site and the rest like tiktok shit become trivial to delete because the one thing that all of the shitposters have in common is that they use /pol/
Maybe we should make a hikari3 manga. I'll start by thinking of a title and then someone who knows how to draw can make the rest of it.

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Anonymous 03/17/2024 (Sun) 18:47:30 No. 479 [Reply]
i can't seem to respond to posts anymore without getting a notification that says something like 'image needed to create thread' and 'flood detected' if i try again. am i being a dum dum?
>>479 Hm I wonder what is wrong is it still doing it?
>>480 yes, i've given up on trying to respond now

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syrno##zmOAdD Admin 06/27/2023 (Tue) 00:53:56 No. 45 [Reply]
out of curiosity: how did you find this site?
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>>51 Same here
I think I found the place while surfing through wiby.me
>>45 /g/ actually
>>464 Yeah i shilled us on that thread
>>465 You struck once again.

Is that possible? Anonymous 02/12/2024 (Mon) 08:21:21 No. 461 [Reply]
Is it possible to add other subheadings other than "syrno is lazy" or "love palace"? And maybe create a submission thread for that as well?
>>461 there actually was a suggestion thread for this. "syrno is lazy" was one of the two suggestions we gave lol nobody had any ideas
>>462 Well, maybe we can add "Don't be a dum dum." or "Spam is not okie dokie."

Anonymous 01/18/2024 (Thu) 23:55:43 No. 439 [Reply]
Where is the information about message formatting?
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>>441 that's legal where i live
>>442 if incest is legal there too would it be okay to date and bang your 16yo imouto? thoughts?
>>439 It used to be in FAQ, but apparently it's not there anymore
>>444 because message formatting is in a drop down menu in the posting form. if you have JS disabled, you can still see what you need to type within the buttons
>>443 NTA but yea. I live for my imouto, though I don't have a 3D one. Maybe that's why I am a siscon in the first place.

Anonymous 01/22/2024 (Mon) 00:43:29 No. 447 [Reply]
Did the website font change, or is it just my web browser having a spasm?
>>447 i don't think it's changed at all for me, what does it look like on your end?
>>448 I think it's back to normal now







