>take that back right naow
I know you're upset because I attacked your favorite anime but you need to let it sink it that frieren isn't as great as they arbitrarily made it to be. Frieren's popularity is mostly due to advertisement, I don't know what exactly is happening behind the scenes, but it is 100% crafted.
I'm not saying it's bad, but it is unfair that frieren gets so many love and attention when there are so many great anime out there that nobody talks about at all.
Look, I didn't watch frieren, so I'm not going to judge its contents, but in the light of aggressive advertisement frieren appears offputting to me. So to actually watch it I need to be impressed. I've seen a lot of scene cuts from it and screenshots and none of that impress me at all. Just cool visuals, that's all.
Now, anyone talking about Eve no Jikan? Anyone? Anywhere? It is unfair that such interesting and unique anime as Eve no Jikan is ranked #667 on mal. Noir is #2868. Frieren is #1. Just what exactly did frieren do to deserve it? There is nothing unique about it at all. Even atmosphere looks generic and visuals good but boring.
Go fuck yourself