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Anonymous 07/07/2023 (Fri) 08:16:18 No. 2
What kind of projects are you working/worked on /t/? Or if you're not working on something, do you have any ideas you'd like to work on? Share your progress or showcase your works
I'm making a text-based game in bash out of boredom LOL In the future I would liek to try the Linux From Scratch book There's also a github repository I found that has a bunch of projects you can try out for yourself. The one that stood out to me was the emulators, so I would definitely love to try that one someday
>>3 >github repository send link pls
>>4 https://github.com/codecrafters-io/build-your-own-x This one I want to try: >C: Writing a Game Boy emulator This one also looks cool too: >C: Write your Own Virtual Machine Lots of fun projects
>>3 i tried linux from scratch years ago. it's a fun project. would recommend
>>5 emudev seems fun. it's definitely waaaaaay outside of my skillset but eventually years down the line I want to get into it http://emulator101.com/ this is a nice resource if you want to try getting into it. you can also try looking into CHIP-8, that's basically the easiest emulator you can write
i made a small little python script some weeks ago that downloaded images from gelbooru was a fun project
i wanna have an old computer case and put new hardware into it
Town simulation game, written in python. Despite python, responds as quickly as in the Windows NT meme.
>>2 I always wanted to make a roguelike, like Caves of Qud, Dwarf Fortress or Cogmind, but I constantly jump from idea to idea
Me and some friends are working on a game in Unity
>>53 What kind of game?
>>54 FPS game inspired by something like Quake
>>55 Making an FPS game sounds fun
i have severe adhd and i keep misplacing my stuff also i sometimes forget that i already have something and end up buying another one and basically wasting money so i had an idea of creating a sort of inventory manager for personal belongings and i dont mean for consumable stuff like groceries if i buy extra, i can just use later no biggie and yea i could just write everything down, but using a computer makes it easier to manage it i have thought about a general structure for it itd display like an rpg inventory menu separated by types, like clothing, tools, misc, etc and you can make searches based on characteristics for adding new items, you can just write a text file with a simple human-readable format about the characteristics of the object like a recfile, or j- actually no, json is kinda retarded to manually write, maybe yaml or toml anyway you can give it a name an icon to represent it (you keep a bunch of files in a dir and you just name the file here) additional stuff like if it is a computer, you might wanna include things like cpu information, how much ram it got, harddrive size, etc you can also add extra info to give it more soul like if you have a phone, you can list the damage it has sustained over time, like 'cracked screen', 'broken frontal camera' then you give them numerical values of how much you estimate they decrease the durability of the object and so its 'durability' stat is calculated based on that and goes from 'brand new' to 'ruined' lets see what else uhhhhhhh quality levels, yea that sounds cool to tell chink shit apart from high quality german engineering also affection levels? just so you can set your favorite apart from your other clothes bc a gift you got from a friend is more precious than something you bought for yourself oh yea, ig 'origin' is also a good attr to have (shop, gift, diy, found on the garbage) and ofc there is a description field where you can go full dark souls on your stuff and give it deepest lore and shit well whatever all of this is extremely easy to do i have fucked around with databases in the past, i bet i could put this shit together in one weekend whats gonna be a real pain in the shitter is the visual design holy cock and balls, i really hate that i dont usually do graphics idk what to use to display it tbh an UI framework such as qt? or maybe i should use a graphical lib meant for games? yea the frontend is the only real part idk what to do with the backend cant be that hard maybe probably possibly anyway, what do you recommend i use for that? please just dont give me cringe shit i am not gonna install pip just to install some gigantic convoluted glorified C bindings id rather just straight up use C instead
oh yea i forgot to mention theyd also have a 'intended storage place' field where i can fill in where i usually keep it like 'top shelf' bc i need to always put the same things on the same place every time or i will literally lose them and never find them again for like 8 months
>>74 That a look at Obsidian and Dataview's plugin I use it to keep track of my wishlist of things I want to buy I have them classified by category and each item has the necessary information included in a note, like where to buy, the price, if I already have it, ... You can display/filter/search them as you like with the plugin, has it has an SQL-like structure and query language
(46.93 KB 853x480 twirl.jpg)

>>77 but that sounds BO-RING now i want a rpg-style display of the things i have i wanna add shiny colors and fire effects to my stuff i have been thinking of using multiple languages for fun do the visuals in python or another easy lang using some library and the database stuff in C if i remember right recutils has C bindings ig i could use that hmm hmmmmmm! i remember i once messed around with uhhhhhhhhhhh love2d a gamedev- wait no, oh fuck no im not gonna a full on game framework just for visuals nuh-uh aha! i already have sdl2 installed bc ffmpeg requires it so yea, im gonna use that then no idea how viable its gonna be tho lets find out
Currently working on a mobile phone gacha game because money. (not some extreme capitalist, just need monetary support for my future projects)
>>2 Fire emblem style strategy game in zig, using SDL and opengles 2 I only started last week dont ask for screenshots
>>5 I wish I had seen this sooner I had no idea what to do so this helps a lot, thanks!
Been inspired by Cyberpunk 2077. Maybe some type of metroidvania + cyberpunk style
starting my first project probably gonna be some kind of minimal text editor, with simple save and search feature in python; nothing too interesting but I want to make something to learn to code with. >>274 much more creative idea than me, what software are you going to use?

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