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05/21/24 Happy birthday hikari3! (News post)
12/21/23 Recent news post: Check here. Also, new board added: /i/ - Oekaki.
11/25/23 Accepting banner submissions; check this thread for more details.
11/17/23 New blotter! Use this to keep an eye for small updates.
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Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 06:35:49 No. 6455 [Reply]
Do you got the moves hikarin?
I don't dance because it's embarrassing

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Anonymous 11/12/2024 (Tue) 20:14:39 No. 6347 [Reply]
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Who's your favourite c u n n y hikarichanners? Pic related.
[rainbow]VAGINA[/rainbow is for the weak and it is gay. I grind the foundations of reality day by day as I engage in the strife against void. I need no VAGINA
Syrno, just so you know, this isn't fun and should have been left behind at heyuri Also fucking up markup is just a god tier fail. Hopeless
>>6452 This. Loli "culture" and highlighting funny sex words is just going to turn this site into another heyuri, full of children and child predators, neither of whom make for good threads. Do the right thing and get it off of here.
Haha get the joke its cheese pizza. Hold on please laugh everyone

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Anonymous 10/24/2024 (Thu) 12:18:28 No. 6182 [Reply]
This place is still alive?
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One of the big problems of this site is that most of its userbase a "bros" who hang out together in various instant messaging places. Then they bring that instant messaging format to imageboards, but it is simply contrary to imageboard's nature, so all boards that are infected by it either die or turn to cesspools.
>>6445 is this true? i don't interact with others on this site outside of this site except for the game night. do other altchans have the same issue?
>>6446 I think it is true. >do other altchans have the same issue Not all, but many. It is not really an issue until people begin forgetting the difference between an imageboard and a chat. Unfortunately they do, in wast majority of cases. Also chats usually allow very close interactions with admins and mods and for some reason it always ends up being harmful, this is some deep psychological issue with all humans. It is unironically better when admins remain anons and don't let on their true privileges.
>>6447 I don't think it always ends up being harmful. I mean BBS sysops back in the day were usually pretty chatty with anyone who connected and they were fine. Sure, a lot of admins abuse their powers these days, but its disingenuous to say that all do.
>>6448 Don't compare BBS to imageboards, they are altogether different entities and I swear most of former BBS ops will openly tell you imageboards are not forums and will be openly derisive towards anonymous sites. I know by experience. I don't blame them, though. They're mostly correct.

Anonymous 11/12/2024 (Tue) 12:36:49 No. 6341 [Reply]
/en/, ask Reisen anything.
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>>6364 Can we cuddle?
I've been wondering about all altchans being dead and I am confused here. Should we just post in one place? Nobody knows about it, doesn't work. Should we post in many places? Doesn't work, too few people above 18. There's a library on 9chan lv it's big, half of the sites are dead and it is a chore to figure out which sites have people on them. Besides, hikari was added on my request, so the author probably misses a lot of good boards. Reisen, generate a strategy to accumulating info about worthwhile altchans. Then we could quietly invite adequate posters to other cozy places they're not aware of. On small altchans it is not very hard to recognize people, some don't even try to hide.
>>6442 I mean we could also just build a webring... Not the "imageboard webring" run by smugloli, sleepychan and others, by the way. But we could run the same plugin but only federate with actually comfy sites - like wapchan or 39chan.
>>6443 >39chan Please link?

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Anonymous 11/15/2024 (Fri) 01:55:13 No. 6381 [Reply]
When was the last time you cried?
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>>6381 The last time I cried was when I was choked by my father at 18 after he discovered I was trans online It was just an experiment because I was confused about my gender. I only did it for a week, and it always felt wrong when people referred to me as a woman during that week
>>6430 Being fake e-girl is fun, you can even meet other fake e-girls sometimes. I'm sorry your father was so impulsive about it.
>>6420 Emotional people being easily manipulated whereas rational people are not is not a fair characterization. You can use cold, calculated reasoning to justify all sorts of tragedies and immoral treatment (especially utilitarian thinking). But an emotional person would have a metric for resisting manipulation because they have the phenomenal capacity to reject mistreatment via their sentiments. My point wasn’t even that rationality itself is wrong. It isn’t - it’s important to be rational and have a critical judgement in an era of misinformation. However, emotions precede rationality especially in moral judgements and there is no way to rationally say what is right or wrong without appealing to the phenomenal experiences of people.
>>6435 You know in modern times brave, strong men do not fight with swords atop horses for the glory of their nations, they instead get jailed after assaulting random psychopaths who thought it funny to abuse their righteousness. You must be aware at all times.
>>6436 >You know in modern times brave, strong men do not fight with swords atop horses for the glory of their nations has it ever been the case? the joke about valiant knights has always been a joke sadly. i don't say there weren't good men, but their relative amount wasn't much higher, if higher at all, than now.

Anonymous 11/04/2024 (Mon) 16:04:25 No. 6282 [Reply]
koko ni imasu wa!
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>>6427 from inserting it into the charging port?
>>6432 From lecturing you about Good and Evil
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>>6433 are lolis good or evil?
>>6437 lolis are innocent and pure! surely they can't be evil right?
>>6437 To answer this we would need to answer the question, what is the nature of lolis? Arguably, and supported by many a wise man out there, a loli must be manifestation of purity. Why so? Can't we notice how lolis are cheerful and carefree and generally not concerned with implications of the world? It is such because they are born pure and free of Evil. Some argue that Evil is human nature, but they are easily countered by this example. If a loli is born pure, how can she acquire Evil? Thus it is evident, that Evil is learned behavior, corruption introduced by circumstances, feedback reaction to the existing Evil outside that ends up producing and maintaining itself. What is more Good in the whole world than an intention free of Evil and malice? What kind of a person believes Evil can be a good? From this it is possible to conclude that a loli is a universally Good creature. I must warn you, however, that this purity is only maintained as long as the loli is protected from Evil influences of this world. Now, you mere desire to plug you straw into the charger is a manifestation of corruption thus Evil. By this very thought you endanger the purity and goodness of a loli. And if you can't comprehend the depth of this message and the consequences of it, you are truly part of the Evil, even if unknowingly, in which case I advise you to exercise utmost attention to your actions and thoughts. If you want the common statement about lolis being Good and pure to hold, you will have to join the Fight to protect them against corruption, to remove altogether your desire to get any reward from it except that the loli stays pure, you must have no pretenses and not even the slightest thought of infringement of what is not yours to claim. Can you exhibit such purity of mind to me? For this is the one and only condition under which you can engage into the Fight against Evil.

Anonymous 11/09/2024 (Sat) 03:41:48 No. 6320 [Reply]
It's the weekend! How was your week? Mine was incredibly stressful and boring.
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its been kinda bleh, im sick with something and its making it hard to swallow food which has been frustrating. I think its tonsillitis maybe
>>6320 I'm two days too late for this question, but it was a week filled equally with pleasant days and not that pleasant days. What's most important is to keep it up no matter what, I believe
Your fortune: Outlook good
Weekend is going fine. Nothing happening right now.
I have some very important deadlines coming up but I just can't bring myself to do any work!! I procrastinate too much...
>>6327 >>6424 Same. If suicidal thoughts didn't get in the way so much and anxiety didn't punch so bad, I'd be fine though. Kinda feel like watching ship sink, except it's myself. So without control over myself

Anonymous 11/02/2024 (Sat) 23:28:16 No. 6267 [Reply]
How often do you use a TV?
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>>6315 Still yet to do it but it will be an anime episode Didn't watch anything for the last three weeks have to start to catch up
Prettymuch never no point >>6267
>>6294 crime doesn't pay and i don't either
>>6405 think about all their hard work which you take for granted
>>6414 it's not as if i am not appreciative of good media. but it's not that simple. i am not paying for 5 different subscriptions to be able to watch what i want, to companies who mostly produce slop, who underpay their animators/writers, overpay their executives and big-shot actors, ruin IPs that i once loved. i'm not going to act like my piracy habits are entirely driven by some moral high horse - at the end of the day i just like free stuff- but at the same time these companies do not deserve my money.

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Anonymous 11/10/2024 (Sun) 20:05:15 No. 6331 [Reply]
Hentai when?
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who is hikari chan?
>>6336 The site's mascot. The one in the logo, emotes, front-page, etc
>>6337 i meant.. is she an original character? is there her lore?
Give it a few days >>6331
I beg you, no hentai. I know you are brain rotten beyond salvation but if you desecrate your own heaven, it will be just fucking over. Syrno please no

Anonymous 10/24/2024 (Thu) 07:28:28 No. 6179 [Reply]
I hate myself.
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What the fuck are you people on about?
>>6313 Stray cat from kiwifarms thinks he can troll me about the Fight
>>6373 Stray rat from telaviv thinks he can troll me about the Struggle
>>6379 >Struggle KAMPF???
Love yourself >>6179







