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Anonymous 03/02/2025 (Sun) 13:17:20 No. 7613 [Reply] [Last]
I hate imageboards.
73 posts and 11 images omitted.
>>7613 Then why are you here ? Be a man and accept that you are a degenerate like the rest of us here
wiping my ass feels like it's sandpaper who the fuck though it a good idea to make such toilet paper oh god this is painful as hell and i think there's some blood
>>7780 i understand your pain hikarin. i wish we had bidets here in the US like they do in Japan
>>7780 this but washing my ass in a bidet
Damn I think I'm going insane. Not feeling good enough to do something useful and this feels like pure hell

Anonymous 03/28/2025 (Fri) 08:29:17 No. 7885 [Reply]
Can any hikarin skate?
Yes I used to skate as a child on my belly, after I fell face down on asphalt several time though I figured bicycles are better

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Anonymous 03/22/2025 (Sat) 00:07:58 No. 7811 [Reply] [Last]
This could be me and you hikarin
Your fortune: Very Bad Luck
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>ERP wtf is that? anyway don't be so nervous all it takes to start enjoing it is to relax for a few seconds!
Yep, that's how these disgusting freaks get you, you must never drop your guard for as much as a few seconds
hehehe that's right
Whoever is ERPing just kill yourself please
>>7886 Don't worry hikarin you'll grow up and one day understand the unbound joy of doing role playing

Anonymous 03/25/2025 (Tue) 15:23:01 No. 7848 [Reply]
Did you eat your green veggies today hikarin?
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>>7851 did the protein shake you??
>>7852 nope, i shook it instead.
>>7855 you big and muscular???
>>7857 something like that. i can bench my own bodyweight at 200lbs. bulking until the end of April then starting my cut to lose the fat.
omg muscular mans use imageboards

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Anonymous 03/17/2025 (Mon) 05:26:34 No. 7777 [Reply]
rin win
my poor schizo
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Anonymous 03/09/2025 (Sun) 16:24:16 No. 7704 [Reply]
hikariiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin lets post something! ima take the lamest route because i'm a dumbass sooo let's take a random article from anywhere and write 1-2 sentences about what you think of it. not something ultralame like "i think it's cool", but rather something that will make hikari3 more talkative! unhealthy imagination is most welcome look at this lame article, it's even lamer than me it's six pages of worthless junk that exists because academia is designed by intellectually impaired people who put value in publishing tons upon tons of absolutely useless "research" >Over the past fifteen years, researchers have been improving the technique of non-intrusive load monitoring(NILM)[7]. In essence, the technique consists of three steps: feature extraction, event detection, and pattern recognition. robots in your house spy on your patterns so you can build an efficient energy distribution system! totally not glowing >green buildings imagine having a little space station for hikarins! no one else would be allowed of course and you'd have to pass a test for knowledge of hikarism

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>>7742 that's ok, sometimes a rude wake up call is what one needs
take a look at this i think it's slop but it's very reminiscent of anime in certain ways. asian films in general tend to be even more gross than western somehow, though there are some interesting gems here and there. i think the premise would do for a good hentai
i found some gay reading material actually it's a sort of reiteration of platitudes that make me want to shoot myself, and it sort of stinks of stoicism, but gnash your teeth as much as you want, there is a sort of truth in it. and to be fairly honest i'd be grateful if somebody taught me how to accepts fuckups calmly when i was a kiddo instead of melting down like a pussy. too late now now i'm a hikarin
why is this happening to me fuck you!! ... I CAN'T FUCKING SLEEP this isn't even a recursion, it's a neat tangible loop to hang yourself
>>7704 >paranoid about glowing robot spies don't worry, I'll monitor your load for you

Anonymous 03/18/2025 (Tue) 14:55:04 No. 7800 [Reply]
You've been taking it too easy lately. To not be an idiot, please take it easy moderately!!
Okay I'll take it easier from now on >>7797 Speaking of which. Generate a random string of characters. For example, sdmAnh. Make a word using it. For example sudiman. Google it. For example, www (dot) asiadreams (dot) com/sudiman-arpan-general-manager-at-padma-resort-ubud/ Laugh at yourself Sometimes I've been able to find very interesting and new things this way, by simply making up some random words.
I think everything would be better if we all took it easier
Your fortune: Better not tell you now
take it till you like it
Your fortune: Godly Luck

Anonymous 03/05/2025 (Wed) 18:53:48 No. 7675 [Reply]
Look at this stupid fucking cat
Your fortune: Excellent Luck
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>>7793 puss puss puss
>>7794 ahh it's you the retard lets make this site more active!
From now on I will not reply to you unless you say something interesting and new.
>>7797 something interesting and new
>>7798 KEEEEEEK!!!

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A normal day! Anonymous 02/26/2025 (Wed) 23:51:36 No. 7587 [Reply]
A normal...relaxing day, where would you like to go today?
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Wrong, it always gets worse until you die Mathematical proof, the higher the value the worse things are: D(e)ath = max f(n) f(n) = (1+1/n)^n
>>7587 i want to go around the park and pick up garbage it's too cold out today though...
>>7785 activist?
>>7786 uhhh i wouldn't really call it activism. i mean maybe. i just go around town and clean up trash. i don't like the parks and walkways in my town being trashed but sadly NPCs don't care and the homeless make things worse.
>>7787 good. you're great

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Anonymous 02/24/2025 (Mon) 23:33:01 No. 7559 [Reply]
whats hikarins soft drink of choice?
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>>7566 i was just curious what the boards i use will say syrno has nothing to do with it i am super civil
syrno is definitely a culprit, i can see through all his disguises
green tea.
>>7559 Pepsi 100%
Coke is pretty good :D







