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help me Anonymous 10/08/2024 (Tue) 19:07:45 No. 6111
any tips on how to stop loving abusive ex?
Need more details. Abusive how?
>>6124 Bit my left shoulder while sexo and ordered me to do the same, i rushed to the hospital and went ghost, she then proceeded to harrass all of my family members she could discover through insta and keyed my bike A lot of other shit has happened the past 15 months we have been on and off, considering seppuku for putting up with it
>>6134 She bit that hard you had to go to the hospital? She just seems off mentally or very low IQ. I don't think leaving her will get you out of the situation so easily. What else about her, does she one moment think of you as an angel and the next think you're literally Satan? Does she self harm? Is she impulsive? Does she kick animals? Does she have an intense desire for sex a lot? Does she ever apologize in a way she seems legitimately upset or does it seem insincere?
1. no drugs 2. no "sexo" with strangers 3. boost iq why do i have to explain
Who is this semen demon?
>>6154 Get a hold of yourself, let not Evil dominate your soul!

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