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dogus retro Anonymous 09/26/2024 (Thu) 13:00:23 No. 838
this game as only 21 spells per classes. I want more spells for each classes!!! at least one more spell! I can do it in a private server but I don't know how to do nor how to create a spell on a peivate server. I want a new spell in the game so bad its insane, who agree with me? I even created some few spellq for clasess. exemple, the ecaflip. a spell that does damage 25% air or water or fire or earth and if the next element is the same as the former one, the damages are boosted (exemple air and then air again). I even gave it a name: flush It suits the classe so well because its a chance/random/ chance class (so it can deal little or BIG damage!) or another cool exemple: split shot (for cra classe) >the spell does earth damage and can be cast only in straight line but when you click on a square a orange horizontal line of 7 squares appear (its the damage line). anyway, dofus retro thread

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