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Anonymous 09/22/2024 (Sun) 12:11:56 No. 6021
Is it that site for underages that's supposed to be heyuri's kindergarten?
the software resembles kokonotsuba a bit too much i dont like those guys
it indeed is a kuz colony
>for all ages
>>6025 >A kuz colony. Weird how Kuz's name persists even as connections to him grow ever more tenuous. This is a site made by users who got on Heyuri long after Kuz stepped down. Many might not even know who he is...
I like this site. It's cute
>>6027 >site made by users dude the altchan userbase is like 1000 individual people, for reasons i wont further provide evidence though you probably feel the same, -"users" sounds like "the gurochan crew" You know this but >stepped down but pays for hosting
>>6029 >dude the altchan userbase is like 1000 Really? I feel like it's the same 50-100 retards, me included.
>>6030 NTA but h3 is the only altchan i really use, and i didn't come here from a different altchan either. i think there are probably a decent amount of people like myself who would enjoy altchans if they gave it a real try.
>>6031 There is nothing of value on altchans though. There aren't even enough altchans to be unhappy and miserable. Tohno is the only one, but it's the silent grave. It's the dead end where all your most desperate screams end up.
>>6032 >There is nothing of value on altchans though. Because nobody pulls their head out of their ass long enough to do some fun/chillaxed posting. Sites are only as good as the users populating them.
>>6031 >NTA but h3 is the only altchan i really use, and i didn't come here from a different altchan either. i think there are probably a decent amount of people like myself who would enjoy altchans if they gave it a real try I believe this is the case for many users of nashi as well. Someone mentioned Heyuri on SpaceHey (the MySpace clone) and they came from there. If there are really more people from outside the altchan sphere coming in I can only celebrate that fact.
>>6032 chans are ultimately another form of social media, so like the hikari said above they're as good as the people who use them. i have a fun time talking with everyone here. it's about building a community right? >>6035 i find altchans to be very comfy. very unlike the basket weaving forum. >>6036 i can't really say how many people are moving to altchans, it's not like i came here as part of a movement or exodus, i'm just myself. but i do think there are a lot of people who don't like the normiesphere of twitter and dicksword and would probably be a good fit. i do know there's a been a small resurgence of people moving away from mainstream websites and going to the "small web" or whatever and i guess i reflect that sentiment.
as a nashi user... I wonder who is promoting the site? there are only like 9 people who go there! >>6025 nashi is entirely unaffiliated with kuz and his nonsense, unlike heyuri (and as far as I can tell, kuz actually just pays the bills for heyuri at this point there since it's not like any of the current staff has the money to, they had to abandon a domain recently because kuz wasn't paying for it and apparently no one has $20 lol) >>6035 >Sites are only as good as the users populating them. yeah a lot of altchans are dead because no one is putting time to post this includes site owners -- I know nashi's owner is active, just not that much on nashi lol posts get replied to quickly enough, but you need new threads, new people, just like, something to keep people from just moving on to the next random site
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>>6043 i feel like many people stopped using altchans due to cp. and there werent too many of them either. back when i had dicksword i joined many altchan channels and everywhere i have seen the same faces. people prefer it too. the dicksword i mean. instant gratification and a tight community you can befriend. i prefer posting as an anon without the drama of human interaction. i just wish my three fav boards were faster..
>>6046 the CP spam is a total PITA -- I have janitor powers on a few boards (not saying which) and there will be days when the only posters are the CP spammer if I ran an imageboard, it'd have opening hours honestly, and I'd have posts go in a queue if they came up outside of them no one would use it as a result though unless I could find staff that I'd trust (so I could have it stay open 24/7)
>>6046 the CP spam is definitely unfortunate. i understand why it wards people off. it doesn't bother me too much since i just report and ignore it but it's pretty awful to have on here. we've talked about some potential solutions but nothing has really been implemented. i really like the look of h3 and would love for more people to come here... but the CP issue has to be kneecapped.
>>6048 >>6051 i think one solution would be desktop notifications with image preview for staff. but still whatever sushigirl did to vichan filtering worked and i have only seen two or three cp posts past few months. quite an improvement compared to the twice posts daily a year ago. only issue is people dont know it and i am not sure the community can be rebuilt to the size i remember.
Sushigirl is too happy and Epicurean
>>6053 you should smile more friend
>>6054 I can't smile while I Fight!
>>6055 You will come to learn that what you now shun is your by far your strongest weapon.
Cute, I like it.
Your fortune: Godly Luck
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Don't post, looks like the administrator is leaking IPs. This was on Heyuri's upload board.
>>6061 Heyurians seem to have a huge grudge towards Perth, and it seems that the Nashinals are no different. Anonwaha (and Heyuri to an extent)'s influence on altchans and it's consequences, everyone.
>>6061 i have no idea what you are trying to prove with that screenshot?
>>6063 ok now i see
>>6062 Interesting, I didn't know who that was. Good to know that Nashi isn't leaking IPs of randoms. >>6063 Read the post. That screenshot looks like the site's staff interface, with an IP showing. But I'm not a mod or anything, so I shouldn't under any circumstances be able to get ahold of it. Therefore, Nashi is leaking IPs.
>>6061 kokonotsuba has a setting for threads to show ips in the sage/age/fortune field but it displays a big warning and the ips are usually censored to the first 2 bytes... Honestly lol
I feel like this is relevant since people have by now totally conflated the two and call any website that lets you talk online 'social media'.
So, wait...we can post now, right? Nothing has really happened.
>>6086 what's an imageboard then?
>the graph says it so it must be true why would you care about people calling IBs social media or not in the first place
Because I have got to be the SSSrank HAKKER who had no social miedia Frosgrave told me so
Imageboards are social networking, there's nothing bad about it inherently.
Imageboards were a thing before social media. They're a type of forum. If you think about it we could just upload pictures without saying anything. At that point the site is just a photo album.
>>6090 >the graph says it so it must be true It's not a graph though, it's a table...
The site is really cute, and an all ages computer club sounds nice, but >secret lolicore board lols...
>>6142 Somehow loli are the new modern trend born of lack of women. Poor chaps are tired of their own gnarly hands and want the big deal so bad they go mad. Exactly what computers were made to prevent. Embrace your system. Boot balls deep into it. Women are not fun anyway.
>>6143 Lolis alone aren't the problem. Secret lolicore board on a site explicitly intended for age 13 and up... I don't expect this to end well.
Your fortune: Outlook good
>>6146 It probably won't.
Your fortune: Excellent Luck

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