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Anyone alive in here? Anonymous 10/08/2024 (Tue) 21:11:43 No. 6112
For fuck sake anyone in here?
Silence please, I'm trying to sleep.
>>6114 >>6113 Anyway you know any offline 2d platformer or action games for android? Shits rare. Also they have to come out before 2021, mobile's a bit old.
>>6115 emulation emulation emulation there are good gba emulators for android. I guess an old phone should be able to emulate genesis, psp and maybe even ps1 without much trouble it is hard to make efficient games for android because of the developing environment, this produces the strange situation where emulators can sometimes be more battery-efficient than native android games
>>6116 >emulation Emulation sucks ass for mobile,man. That's why I'm looking for shit built for it.
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>>6112 im here ok im just trying to relax ok geez can yu chill. but oki i have a gift for you ok ! open if you dare
>>6117 I also need some action platformers
No, we are all dead .
Your fortune: Very Bad Luck
>>6123 Bullshit
Well anyone here know any
I don't know a lot about mobile gaming, but I agree that emulation would be the way to go. Why do you say emulation sucks on android? Last time I heard, it was already pretty mature, even with PS2 games.
Fix my mental health and I'll post but until then I alternate between binge escapism and breakdowns from realizing how deep I dig myself with inability to stop the fucking impulse. I'm nearly dysfunctional.
That is to say I just don't feel like posting most of the time. I can't explain. It's all rushing so fast I can't stop at any specific thought. Good night
>>6112 I dont have anything interesting to say, ...
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>>6132 >rushing so fast hikari3? are we talking about the same board?
this is so sad
>>6136 No, about my head
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Huh..? did the domain change? I swear it was Hikari.ch
>>6140 It's always been hikari3...
>>6140 mandela effect??

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