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Anyone a fan of the Science Adventure Series? Anonymous 08/28/2023 (Mon) 20:49:36 Id:ffbb35 No. 306
I'm playing through Chaos;Head atm. Hoping to go through the whole series in order starting with Chaos;Head. Played and watched Steins;Gate and Zero a long while ago too C;H is a really insane ride so far lol
i thought chaos;head looked cool, but learning it and steins;gate were all part of one series kind of scared me off, i didn't know what the proper order to play the games in was i feel like the universe really wants me to play steins;gate in particular, i learned huke was the character designer for that, and i love huke's art; he also did black rock shooter and worked on death end re;quest and rwby ice queendom
>>307 They are in the same universe, but the plot doesn't connect much at all. Doesn't matter which order you play in.
>>307 Chaos;Head and Steins;Gate aren't really related, as the other anon said. There's 3 separate series, really. Chaos;Head and Chaos;Child are one series, Steins;Gate and Steins;Gate Zero are another, and then there's Robotics;Notes and Robotics;Notes Dash. Other than Daru appearing in Robotics;Notes Dash, they're completely separate stories that just vaguely reference events from other series, like the Shibuya incident getting sort of mentioned in Steins;Gate at some point. You can play them in any order, but iirc there is a recommended one on some wiki somewhere.
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>>307 I've just finished Chaos;Head for the first time and it's a pretty wild ride, really fun! As the other anons said, they're in the same universe, but only loosely. Websites like @channel and some occasional references to each other (except with Robotics;Notes Dash as said above) but otherwise don't interact. Id say just pick one and play it, Steins;Gate is just the most well-known of them, but honestly feel any is fine to start with.
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>>306 I only played Chaos;Head & Child, Steins;Gate. my favorite of them all was definitely Chaos;Child. chaos head was good and has my favorite girls but chaos child just does everything else the best. the story and the art etc. just a shame there was no nanami or what was her name,.. the other sexy loli girl. norriii, kerpeww! girl. ah she was the cutest. I saw there was a new release of the games for switch a little while ago. I heard it was censored somehow etc. but I don't have a switch. someone tell me what they think of robots;notes and whatever else has come out since :p I'm curious. I was obsessed with this whole series years ago but I've fallen off with it since 2016 about. Chaos Head was always the most cozy for me. playing as takumi makes you feel like you're always escaping real life to play as another person, trying to escape their own life and it really gets you into it that way.. hiding in your little cave and playing online. only to be bothered by a bunch of sexy gurls, stalked by some make a wish kid who threatens you. the game gave me the dream of living in my own little hole in the middle of shibuya one day.
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>>589 >someone tell me what they think of robots;notes and whatever else has come out since :p I'm curious I played Robotics;Notes a couple years ago, and man I have a lot to say... Robotics;Notes is inspired by mecha anime. A lot. Back when I read it I hadn't seen a lot of mecha at that point, but I could still tell that it was just a huge tribute to that whole genre. Its story feels a lot like highschool club slice-of-life anime, a robotics club in this case. But then, a whole lot of conspiracy-theory shit happens and it takes a huge turn in a completely different direction. I guess it's sort of the same as Steins;Gate in that regard. Also, there's a lot of references to Steins;Gate. There's a twitter-like social media (sort of like how you could view @Channel threads in Chaos;Child, you can see Twitter posts here, can't really remember what it was called) and you get to see some posts by Kurisu there. Daru gets mentioned a lot and Nae (Mr. Braun's daughter) is a really important character (and all grown up now). I don't really remember the whole story, but it gets really, really deep into the whole Committee of 300 conspiracy. There's even a real mad scientist character here, who's something like the main antagonist. I feel like it's supposed to set up a lot for future VNs in this series, since I sort of remember it leaving a lot of unanswered questions about the organization. Also, there's apparently a regular Robotics;Notes and Robotics;Notes ELITE. The ELITE version is what I played because everyone says that's the one you should play. It looks a little different from a standard VN because all the character sprites are 3D (pic related). It was a little weird at first but I remember warming up to it pretty quickly. Also there's a lot of movies with animation that looks like it came straight out of an anime, so that's pretty unique too. About the other VNs that've come out, I haven't played Robotics;Notes DASH yet, but I hear that a new Steins;Gate VN is supposed to be releasing soon. The name and synopsis is unknown currently, it's only known as Steins:Gate ???. So that's pretty exciting. Also apparently, a completely new VN came out too, called Anonymous;Code. I have zero idea what it's about, but I know that it's in this same universe and not a part of the Steins;Gate, Chaos;Head or Robotics;Notes series.
>>307 here, i probably should've also asked which versions of the games should i play as well lol it also screws with me when VNs have multiple different versions, i'm always afraid some version will have content missing or something... i'm writing a thing about 16bit sensation, and that anime reminded me that i still need to play steins;gate at some point...

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