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Anonymous 08/15/2023 (Tue) 17:53:09 Id:ec73db No. 285
Whats the hardest game you've completed? Did you enjoy it? I completed Dark Souls, although I did use summons sometimes, didn't for bloodborne, although that was easier. Dark Souls was great. My favourite part of it was just exploring the different areas and their enviroments, it has some of the best map/level designs I've ever seen. People talk about the bosses a lot, and I enjoyed most of them, but they're sooo stressful.
Doom Eternal Nightmare Mode
Celeste I don't play a lot of precision platformers that's probably why, but still a fun game
i don't know if this is necessarily the *hardest* game i've beaten, but the first one that comes to mind is Little Witch Nobeta which i sadly ended up not really liking that much outside of a couple of things, like the story and a couple of bosses during the endgame stretch was really interesting, and Nobeta herself (and a certain other character)
hollow knight. I didn't enjoy it. incredibly hard to play on laptop's keyboard
Ninja Gaiden 3
>>285 Darkest Dungeon and Noita Mainly because a lot of the difficulty comes from the roll of the dice
>>291 Would you do it to hornet?
Wait.. you guys complete games?? My playing list is almost as big as my backlog
>>446 Not very often since I can get easily bored with a game after a while. The more challenging games are the ones I finish usually for the achievement My recent accomplishment is Celeste
>>446 i always try to beat one game before starting another. the trick is to avoid online/live service games (and also try to cut down on things like using the internet)
>>285 Imperishable night (Touhou 8), specifically because of stage 6A's final spell card. It took me way more attempts to clear that one spell card than all of stage 6B.
I don't know if this is embarrassing to say but the hardest game I beat without any difficulty options was probably GTA 3. I played the PS2 version and it controls like Max Payne with OoT controls and no bullet time. Tons of missions past the first quarter of the game 100% weren't playtested by anyone, and usually rely too much on trial and error, have horrible time limits, or both at the same time. Walkthroughs just barely make the game easier. I've heard people say that San Andreas is harder purely because of the train mission, but I'm blaming that on the PC port being half-assed since I've never failed that on PS2.
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>>285 after months, i finally beat No More Heroes 2 on the hardest difficulty! ...paradoxically, even on bitter, this game wasn't super hard to me, it was literally just one phase of the final boss that i was stuck on for months. the frustration of that one boss was almost not worth beating the game, but also the fun i had with everything else outweighs that.
>>285 Recently I've 100% Elden Ring I'd say it was the hardest Souls game I've played so far (and I've finished all the Dark Souls), mainly due to its different approach and mechanics, which I was not used to, but the easiest to get all the achievements in Now I'm playing Tears of the Kingdom in my Steam Deck
>>623 Agreed. I'm playing it for the first time with a friend and we're slowly going through 100% completion. Even some of the missions are a headache to get through, not considering the tedium of 100%.
One's have had to retry bosses the most are ds3 and the trails of cold steel series. Trails could be hard but always had room to try different strategies, was very satisfying to figure one out that finally worked. DS3 when you lost it would happen quickly but in a jrpg where boss battles can go 30 minutes - an hour losing towards the end hurts much more, esp when you realize you were just stupid/confident.

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