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01/20/25 A total rewrite for the site is in progress. Read more.
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Anonymous 02/19/2025 (Wed) 13:06:19 No. 7512
Well, what do you choose?
>>7512 Believe likely yields more content
>>7513 you chose to BELIEVE her. you have now given your FAITH to the god. you can now pick a BLESSING. a. BALLS b. BALLS c. BALLS
Do you even recognize the ambiguity of the choice to believe? Do you think there is a way to tell how well a person can be trusted without knowing their desires? Do you think that just because it seems to you that they are trustworthy makes them so? Do you not know that whoever is not in control of their desires will necessarily be overpowered by them? And when such person that seems to behave in good faith is pressed by a desire they do not control, they will be confronted by a choice of two desires, one not to harm you, a supposed friend, and another to fulfill that other desire . How do you know which choice they will make? It is necessary that if they don't control their desire, pushing it to the right extent will make them betray you, all the while regretting and resenting it. They will cry and ask for forgiveness, but uncontrolled desire knows not morale. How can you so blindly choose to believe? Does it not seem to you that the only road that is free of ambiguity and doubt is the road of the Fight? Do you not think that the only way to have any trust in your associates is to know that both yours and theirs strives are pure and not impeded by desire? Does it not seem to you that the only way to achieve the trust you yearn so much is to stand on the road of cleansing from the burden of Evil ? The trust built on weak foundations of good faith that is not backed by any strength and courage will crumble apart during the first trouble, but the Fight will never cease, and the battle against Evil will never end so long as there is at least one person that does not control its desire. Purify yourself though standing on the path of vying with Evil! Join the Resistance! Join the Fight!
>>7515 nobody can ever expect to truly and fully understand the desires and inner workings of another person. this does not mean i won't put my faith and trust in those i deem worthy. life is about taking risks, and trusting others is an essential risk that one must develop a sense to do correctly. living life without faith or trust in anybody is a sad, lonely, meaningless way to live.
>>7518 whatever you say kiddo
I love how when you give anons the option of using emoji they run with it. Nobody correct me if I'm wrong, but I still view the average anon as being anti-emoticon: :-) >:( Although 4chas /a/ would sometimes accept ;_: they HATED if you used emotes. It's my own headcanon that it's those same anons spamming the hell out of emotes on sites like this and heyuri who are/were anti-emoticon back in the day. Because I'm one of them. and no, I don't want to believe the average anon was raised on dicksword and doesn't know any of this.
>>7521 I never really cared about emoticons but I still find emojis really annoying when are the default ones being used, but when the site have their own set of emojis I don't really mind and actually think it's pretty cool.
>>7521 i like emoticons. they're simple and cute and have sovl. default emojis are kinda lame but i use them with coworkers, family, and other normans. the emojis here though are very nice. i'm almost 24 and was raised on skype then dicksword. sorry hikarin
>>7521 I think it depends on the place. If admins and community don't tolerate emotes, you've no way around it. Besides, emotes are really obnoxious most of the time. Hikari3 is rather exceptional in this regard because Artist-san actually managed to create aesthetically pleasant emotes that align well with the site atmosphere. If somebody suggested using 😀😃😄😁😆 type of emotes I'd honestly want to strangle them, because it's very obnoxious. All hail hikari3
Also emotes on heyuri suck
(112.81 KB 500x341 praisehikari.jpg)
>>7525 all hail hikari3
Worshiping hikarin
>>7527 me on the right i am the bucket...
hikarin in the bucket!
>>7529 i'm on the left i am the ketchup
>>7527 I am in the middle, the cute girlmoder
>>7530 >>7530 and I'm gon FUCK IT
(863.00 B 56x60 spooked.png)
perv hikarin

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