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Anonymous 01/15/2025 (Wed) 06:17:32 No. 7000
>>7000 Install ARCH Linux
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>>7003 yesyes, arch is the superior os plus our anime girl is cuter
Why did jannies rig this get?
Oh my god gentoo get
Arch linux is gay. It's pragmatism is so rampant it's nearly useless. Plus it's systemd, so it's not actually arch linux but rather systemd/pacman.
>>7000 I thought stable dpkg shit was best until I figured out their apache installs are broken But arch is shit And have fun compiling clang All mainstream Linux is irredeemable
>>7007 > It's (should be its not it's btw) pragmatism is so rampant it's nearly useless in terms of practically, arch is literally the best. You can't beat it as a daily driver for several reasons > it's not actually arch linux but rather systemd/pacman k, then disable systemd if you dont want it. Distros aren't defined by their init system, Debian is debian, Arch is Arch, Fedora is Fedora, etc, regardless of what init system they use
Nice /t/ thread
>>7009 >in terms of practically, arch is literally the best It goes along with the hype no matter how gay it is. They were the ones to adopt zstd first, even though it's a three letter ticking bomb. All they did to justify it was to conduct a small severely biased comparison with xz, for example. All they want to do is to stay tuned to whatever agenda is the most colorful today. >then disable systemd if you dont want it You realize that's impossible right? There is no way around maintenance hell, the only way would be to use a derivative. >Distros aren't defined by their init system Was true until systemd kicked in and started converging entire userspace on its crappy dbus interface
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Imagine seething so hard that you had to rollback your board and make the 7000 post worthless
deal with it, seethe, dilate
>>7014 Might work on your desktop, but if your want to get system up and running quick, you're out of luck immediately because you have to go through all of the maintenance and packaging hell to hunt down every systemd unit and eliminate it.
>>7012 modget?
>>7015 this is very true, but i never did say it's practical. Personally i see no reason to stop using systemd, as i've never had issues with it
I wanna build a PC with linux and AMD components for privacy, while also using a windows 95 theme because windows 95 still looks great even today. Last time though I bought components and had a friend build a PC for me (spent too much on parts so got scared of building it myself, I'd thought I'd remember how to build it from watching him.), then it had issues and he fucked off, spent too much money on sending it for repairs, then found out the solution was just setting DRAM voltage number manually to match the RAM voltage which no one fucking told me. I'd like to try again, but I'm pretty stupid. .
>>7018 >then found out the solution was just setting DRAM voltage number manually to match the RAM voltage which no one fucking told me Tbh this is not something anyone but a schizo (a schizophrenic electrical engineer) would think about, voltages are standardized in every facet of electronics, I have never come across a bios with that level of motherboard configuration, clock frequencies, communication protocols even? sure, but fucking voltage?
>>7021 It was a lucky guess, because the reason my PC kept fucking blue screening was because of an issue with the RAM. Everyone told me it was an issue with the RAM, did tests, they were fine. Took it to two different repair shops, both said I needed a new mother board, didnt fix the problem and wasted my money. Just went fuck it, and tried to fix things myself, and just thought maybe it was a incorrect bios setting with the ram, and it worked. Wish I trusted myself more and did that sooner the first time round to save the fucking time.
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The 7k get is a lie
>>7128 Elaborate
Who Artix here?
>>7137 Artix is a linux distribution that tries (I wonder if successfully) to fix Arch's design flaws, mainly - systemd.

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