Explain to me how my perspective is deformed

you who contradict your own words and intentions

, and who is not even certain of the direction he wants to move his soul


. Do you not see that this entire argument that has started over my doubt of your ability to look after Sekno-san

has in the course of very few posts made you utter two things that are heavily opposite

to each other and parallel to Good

? First, you claim that in reality there is no fault of your and I am the one who is not capable (which I never directly denied

) of taking care of Senko-san

, which is understandable, but dull defiance. You justify it by making a claim that you are heavily in love

with her to the point of expressing your desire to "always be there" thus impeding her freedom

. But that is still understandable, seeing how it comes from somebody who does not know the nature of affection

. And then you turn to violence

, threatening and acting as a viper, victimizing yourself

. It is a prominent example how those who know not the way of the Fight

turn their own poorly managed emotions against themselves as spears made of toughest steel

. Because the lie

is hidden under layers of ignorance

. A pure desire towards achieving a good - love

- you perceive through the malignant

influence of raw Evil

impulse to claim whatever fancies you. Thus the spear impales

you ruthlessly and you thrash around in a vain attempt to justify what you yourself know to be Evil

yet cannot resist. But the only way to achieve the desired good is to move towards the Fight

. For only in the continuous motion and unbreakable attention that you must exhibit to become one with Fight

can you truly perceive the movements of the world and of you own will

. Only then will you be able yo Fight

. Stop being a slave

to raw impulse that destroys yourself and diverts you from what you truly want to attain

. Join the Resistance

! Fight

against the Evil

and triumph over it
