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Anonymous 12/20/2024 (Fri) 14:10:55 No. 6783
what do you do when you are bored??
when i'm bored i like to read or do chores or play games with my friends. it's a bit too cold rn but i also enjoy going out for walks. however i'm quite busy and am not bored often anymore. what about you, hikarin?
Honestly? Look at porn.
I used to scroll but the internet has become so boring I mostly just read books and erotica now
>>6785 It's not entertaining at all.
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I keep myself busy, though lately I have been procrastinating and "socializing" with anons. I fit Kaczynski's "oversocialised" definition but since I am evil / soulless it doesn't matter, don't really know why I am sharing that... christmas spirit- Don't worry I have my own psychological reversal mechanisms. Wild spirit! I want to feel some wild pleasure. With. >>6783
what do you know of evil you fool
Dunno. I'm bored currently and I'm just doing what I usually do. When I'm truly bored I read. But now I have things to do, so I'm procrastinating doing them.
>procrastinating don't it destroyed my life maybe autism maybe adhd hyperfocus isn't a joke i might not notice people around me being murdered when i'm hyperfocused on some inconsequential bullshit. i'm serious, there have been precedents. everyone survived though damn
I will procrastinate and you can't stop me. I will ruin my life, but I won't stop procrastinating. I will hate myself for it, but what can I do? I cannot do things that I don't like.
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Babe answer my calls
>>6800 >I cannot do things that I don't like yes you can if they beat you hard enough
>>6802 At the moment I'm safe in my mediocrity
>>6803 You will regret it.
>>6804 That much is true. But present me is not future me I will let future me judge me, knowing well the consequences.
I have a strong desire to shitpost but nowhere to go and a fuckton of things I need to take care about.
Suffer, I think. Though I think boredom and stall are different things. Boredom is when you have fuck all to do and you're kind of meh whatever. Stall is when your options are both circumstantially and cognitively so limited that you want to shoot yourself because you realize you can never achieve anything that would make you respect yourself, nor can you even find a worthwhile distraction from so called life.
Your fortune: Average Luck
Stop lying my luck isn't average at all. If it was average I'd be lying dead somewhere in forest by now. But I'm alive and it's no luck at all
I aim to read or learn math but sometimes I end up just walking around my apartment or listening to music getting distressed for some reason. currently reading Euler's Gem, it's nice
Your fortune: Average Luck
AI generate hentai
>>6783 Learning random useless shit until I spontaneously metamorphose into a white man from the sheer wisdom gathered; I consider discovering this site part of my training. >>6800 That is not the Procrastination. >>6924 old time radio is reaching public domain
>>6928 >Learning random useless shit until I spontaneously metamorphose into a white man from the sheer wisdom gathered Thankfully I was born white so I can look down at you, but I did try to follow this strategy to become god and did i bite dust my friend did i bite dust. tl;dr stop creating expectations until it's too late you'll only get what's been preallocated to you by the almighty
Lets roll a fortune for the sake of the dead strife to become god!
Your fortune: Good Luck
I may not be almighty or know everything but my passion is of the same blend as God's, I am an angel.
Play vidya, go on forums, watch tv/videos, read comics, learn new stuff on internet, sleep, music, jerk off, play instrument, daydream, overthink, eat, ect-
>>6966 don't jerk off! be as hard as rock and as devoted as monk!
Woke up. Since I have so many internet friends checked all imageboards I regularly visit. Did bot find anything at all. Pretending I am not sad
>bot I won't bother fixing that. In a fashion, I am bot myself!
>>6979 Came back to say i know you're right but it gets to the point of urge, i will try to change
>>6783 Listen to music, read articles, read manga, play vidya, and code. Although I've been suffering from a burnout for the past week, so scratch the coding lol.
>>7052 Let's proceed together friend I am currently undergoing struggle against porn after a relapse. Defeated an urge just half an hour earlier. It's hard starting from scratch all over again but I plan to first overcome these urges to watch porn before I set myselfriendainst urges to jerk off
>myselfriendainst lol wtf fix: myselfriendainst
syrno are you fucking screwing with me? myselfriendainst myself. against
Your fortune: Bad Luck
oh dear god i wish i never learn how you came up with that idea
Your fortune: (YOU ARE BANNED)
>screwing with or should it be messing? can i use word 'screw' in the context at all?
Your fortune: Godly Luck

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