i read the light novel for Welcome to the NHK on a whim and really enjoyed it.
i always avoided it for the longest, because the only thing i ever heard about it was that it was..."a deconstruction/critique of otaku culture with an unlikable protagonist", and i've always hated discussion like that. it will never not bother me how japanese media consistently attracts people who don't like it here in the states. so i always try to avoid anime like that. but NHK i ended up really resonating with. i think some people do the story a disservice when they only discuss the one aspect of the story. i really resonated with the characters, Yamazaki especially.
that said, i feel like the ending was a bit contrived. it could just be me projecting my own bitterness onto the story, but i feel like everyone suddenly getting a happy ending was kind of unrealistic.
i'm downloading the anime right now, i've only ever seen people recommend the anime and not the book, i know there are a couple of differences between the two. the download is taking forever