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Anonymous 02/24/2025 (Mon) 23:33:01 No. 7559
whats hikarins soft drink of choice?
>>7559 i don't drink soda much, but i like pepsi. the real sugar kind. what about you?
my favorite drink is water, the only other thing i drink is tea and only when i can be bothered to wait for the teapot to boil
>>7561 very healthy, hikarin. good on you. nothing like a nice glass of ice water huh?
>>7559 I drink so much monster it's not even funny, if you wanna count that I would probably have one billion kidney stones i f it wasn't for the fact that I also drink an awful lot of water.
Heyuri cross poster?
>>7562 sure not a care in the world. i'm so happy i can't care about anything that's not as fast as tap water
>>7564 syrno likely has 'yuri background so this board naturally has posters from there. at least op is sort of civil
cold tea, lemon cold tea
hikarin tea
tea (builders)
>>7566 i was just curious what the boards i use will say syrno has nothing to do with it i am super civil
syrno is definitely a culprit, i can see through all his disguises
green tea.

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