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Anonymous 01/30/2025 (Thu) 01:26:13 No. 7212
For the yellow of the sun and the red of the flower, MELT THE ICE THAT SURROUNDS YOUR HEART, SPRING UP TO LIFE!
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i was supposed to post chuuni, L
What do you even mean by requesting me to melt the ice around my heart? And what do you mean by springing up to life? Can you draw a clear distinction between emotional cold and a proper resistance to irrelevant disturbance? Do you know which way proper affection must be directed, and which way you must be as unfeeling as a solid rock? Or did you perhaps want to say that everybody, following your example, should embrace what is commonly known as the "spring of youth", indulging themselves in futile pleasures, running as a wild god, seeking a place where they could get a sweet bone to gnaw at, so they may feel justified about not missing out on wasting precious years of their life chasing temptation? Do you perhaps think that by surrendering to desires and running after pleasure will make you happy, will make you feel fulfilled? But pleasure is not good, and running after pleasure, making it a goal in itself is Evil. Do you not know how the desires turn you into a sick person? First you are running to find community, to associate with people, but the belly of a desire is boundless, so once you satisfied one compulsion, another arises, and then yet another and so until you are compelled to seek more and more, but in the end, you never feel truly satisfied, never stop this frantic flailing about the world in the vain hope to achieve constancy of mind in the realm of perpetual chaos and Evil. Did you now learn already that true contentment is found in the Fight? Only by directing your mind towards this selfless dedication to purging Evil can you approach happiness. Only withing the Fight you can clear you mind to sumanegree that you can distinguish between what is conductive to good and what leads away from it. Only by exercising utmost attention to your every action, every thought, every judgement you can truly relieve yourself from the pain of incessant desires. Join the Resistance today! March against the Evil to prove that it can not stand against those who follow the way of the Fight!
>>7214 Broad has been inactive for a good 2 days (not unusual but it is unquestionable that there was a rise in usage), matching up with the chinese new year (...). I want the broad to spring back to life, the rest was poetic nonsense.
>>7219 Too few regulars, probably. I check in nearly every day, but I guess there are simply too few people doing the same. Judging by who sirno welcomes here, his target auditory is closer to heyuri type of posters, so it's understandable they are incapable of inhabiting a place that does not reward them with free gratification and instead go to already more populated boards. It's a malady all small boards suffer, but trying to fight for that kind of auditory unironically only makes it worse in the long run. So I guess syrno will simply have to wait years until this place earns a stable auditory, if it ever does. Some small boards never manage to gather enough people to stir life.
I will now enter a random shit in my name field and see what tripcode I get.
Your fortune: Bad Luck
bad luck indeed
>>7214 When will the Fight end?
Your fortune: (YOU ARE BANNED)
>>7232 >>7233 g3t ratiod n00b
Your fortune: Godly Luck
>>7237 I dare you
Your fortune: Bad Luck
>>7238 r077ing to confirm mah supahrior!ty
Your fortune: Outlook good
Your fortune: Better not tell you now
Why do bitches have better luck always?
Your fortune: Very Bad Luck
The powah of caotik lucky!
Your fortune: Better not tell you now
im so tired of this stupid human experience thing
why? since you've been born HUMAN might as well suffer while you're at it! doesn't get any better than this!
Your fortune: Better not tell you now
>>7273 Sleep and be God, then resume your suffering with a sprinkle of hope derived from insanity Whatever doesn't kill you makes you stranger
Life is a Devil's punishment for those who did not serve well enough!
Your fortune: Better not tell you now
life is a gift God has given to us. there is joy and suffering in equal measure, but if you put your trust in Him, the Lord will not lead you astray. without hardship, it's impossible to truly appreciate blessings! do not underestimate yourself, the Lord would never give you hardships too much to overcome!
Your fortune: Godly Luck
There is no true intrinsic meaning to life, and every excuse is lies piled upon lies. And in the end, there is no God in the sky, only infinite boundless emptiness of cosmos. You were born to be devoured by the very absurdity of your existence. An unfortunate mistake, cruel joke - life born of chaos, you will never find purpose to existence, never find anything truly valuable, solid. All you can hope for is to grasp at the fleeting nothingness and hope you don't die in pain. There is neither hardship, nor reward for enduring it. Everything you identify like your feelings, everything you think that defines you as a person is nothing but a twisted trick of nature to keep the show going. Show must go on. What was born of chaos, will die of chaos.
Your fortune: Outlook good
do not worry little redditor, eventually you'll evolve from your angsty nihilistic mindset. godspeed.
please don't be angry i did not want to offend your christian ego in any way!
Your fortune: Outlook good
>>7281 i am not angry. i just hope you grow out of the nihilism. it's an immature and underdeveloped way to view the world. can't be good for your headspace. i pray you find something, even if it is not God, that gives you meaning. even Camus-style absurdism is better than the "le nothing matters" kind of pop nihilism i strangely see so many people adhere to.
>>7282 >it's an immature and underdeveloped way to view the world why do you think so? sorry for not believing right away but so far as my experience is concerned nearly everyone will claim anything he personally thinks wrong as immature and underdeveloped. >le nothing matters but it does not! circumstances push you along the way they need without any reference to your internal disposition, so ultimately what "matters" and what "doesn't matter" is dictated by circumstances and nothing else. it is impossible to make something "matter" unless circumstances lead you there. whatever you think you care about can be shattered by circumstances, and then instead of an apology you will receive a series of brutal blows meant to teach humility, so in the end you will be forced to accept that you don't care anymore. all experience is fleeting nothingness, and whatever comes along, is never sure to stay long enough to truly matter
>>7283 pop nihilism fails because it fails to answer anything in a meaningful way. sure, you can believe that there is no inherent meaning in the world. but what then? what do you do with this information? do you just mope around and cry all day? you may as well just die and get it over with if there really truly is no purpose to experiencing anything. it's basically that Smiling Friends clip where the character raves about how nothing matters but then cries and pisses his pants when faced with death. your reddit brand of pop nihilism is a means to an end, and will evolve into something greater once you realize that "nothing has intrinsic value" essentially gives you the freedom to make ANYTHING matter, and explore what truly matters to YOU as a living, breathing, conscious creature given the opportunity to experience the universe as an intelligent being. or, you could turn to Lord Jesus Christ as he loves you eternally, but i understand that religion is a pretty big leap from where you are now. i had the same sort of nihilistic feelings when i was a depressed teenager. >everything is determined by circumstance even within your worldview, this is only partially true. circumstance may guide you, may help mold you, but ultimately you make your own decisions based on free will. if we were to take a different person and given them your life, they would not come out the exact same way you did. nobody is predestined to be a certain way, everyone on Earth utilizes the cards they are constantly dealt in different ways. >whatever you think you care about can be shattered by circumstances i don't see how this is relevant. if your values are "shattered by circumstances" then this either means you have a lack of willpower or whatever you valued turned out to be wrong and you should value something else instead. nobody is *forcing* you to not care anymore. that's just you being weak and buckling under the pressure of the human experience. i recommend you read "The Myth of Sisyphus" by Albert Camus. seems like the most natural evolution for depressive nihilism. it is not a perfect philosophical framework but it's more mature and fleshed out than whatever you're believing in. plus it has real answers beyond "the world sux". https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Myth_of_Sisyphus
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>>7279 >>7283 >>7284 the error you 3 are making is presupposing that "meaning" is a category that can apply to life. to say that it doesn't have meaning implies that it could have, but that's not how it works. meaning is an abstract concept you made up in your brain, it doesn't exist in reality, it isn't an object or a force or whatever physicists study, it is just an idea in your head, a fantasy constructed by the brain to navigate reality. you can assign the idea a positive connotation, and either pretend to be sad when you notice that it doesn't really exist, or pretend that it does and you're happy about it but you guys fail to even grasp the "pop nihilism" you want to criticize. if you assume there is no meaning, there is no reason to be happy just like there is no reason stop being happy. there is no reason to live just like there is no reason to stop living. it is as true as it is innocuous - just like there is no reason to do X, there is also no reason not to do X, it balances itself out and you are left right were you started. the main benefit is that it gives you a more critical or detached approach to the imaginary concepts we have made to understand reality knowing that things like meaning or justice are abstracts in our minds, developed by society through history and acquired by the individual through their life in such environment, is a more productive way of understanding these things. once you do this you won't take them as seriously, and paradoxically, this "cynical distance" so to speak will help you observe and adapt to them better but debating if life has meaning is like querying a table for a column that isn't part of the schema, and then trying to check if the values are null. the check won't even run because the query is semantically invalid
>>7285 >to say that it doesn't have meaning implies that it could have true. every event has a reason. if the reason emerges from a certain pattern - it has meaning, if not - it doesn't. if life was created arbitrarily it would have meaning. if it was created by RNG, it doesn't. but we can only speculate. the problem isn't with reasons, though. the problem is that consciousness was a mistake
>>7282 >immature and underdeveloped way to view the world What a retarded thing to say, about any worldview. You are a narcissist.
>>7284 >Pop nihilism fails because I am a retard who doesn't understand conditionals Kek
>>7287 depressive nihilism is the worldview of angsty and suicidal teenagers before they either get filtered (suicide) or wisen up. call me what you will but i'd accept pure hedonism as a real worldview before that BS. >>7288 i don't see why you think this is such an own. are you referring to conditionals as in "if X then Y"? your own is that.... things have actions and results? yeah duh.
Edited last time by pwohmy on 02/04/2025 (Tue) 01:29:15.
Nihilism is for gaywads, exist because you do exist, all else comes second.
>>7289 >pop nihilism fails because it doesn't answer anything in a meaningful way it is the only correct answer to the question "why keep struggling?", "you don't have to". You might "understand" conditionals but didn't operate correctly under them >thing literally says there is no meaning >wtf why am i not inspired to greater meaning ... In any case those nihilist teenagers killing themselves are just as wise as anybody and braver than any of the smart people who are still alive.
>>7290 >needlessly embrace a situation that you consider unpleasant, because thanks for the input smart guy Not interacting further i don't want to get banned for not playing well with the less fortunate kids
Headache I feel miserable
>>7296 sorry to hear hikarin. hope you feel better soon.

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