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Anonymous 01/30/2025 (Thu) 01:26:13 No. 7212
For the yellow of the sun and the red of the flower, MELT THE ICE THAT SURROUNDS YOUR HEART, SPRING UP TO LIFE!
(150.21 KB 850x1202 rikker_23oi435.jpg)
i was supposed to post chuuni, L
What do you even mean by requesting me to melt the ice around my heart? And what do you mean by springing up to life? Can you draw a clear distinction between emotional cold and a proper resistance to irrelevant disturbance? Do you know which way proper affection must be directed, and which way you must be as unfeeling as a solid rock? Or did you perhaps want to say that everybody, following your example, should embrace what is commonly known as the "spring of youth", indulging themselves in futile pleasures, running as a wild god, seeking a place where they could get a sweet bone to gnaw at, so they may feel justified about not missing out on wasting precious years of their life chasing temptation? Do you perhaps think that by surrendering to desires and running after pleasure will make you happy, will make you feel fulfilled? But pleasure is not good, and running after pleasure, making it a goal in itself is Evil. Do you not know how the desires turn you into a sick person? First you are running to find community, to associate with people, but the belly of a desire is boundless, so once you satisfied one compulsion, another arises, and then yet another and so until you are compelled to seek more and more, but in the end, you never feel truly satisfied, never stop this frantic flailing about the world in the vain hope to achieve constancy of mind in the realm of perpetual chaos and Evil. Did you now learn already that true contentment is found in the Fight? Only by directing your mind towards this selfless dedication to purging Evil can you approach happiness. Only withing the Fight you can clear you mind to sumanegree that you can distinguish between what is conductive to good and what leads away from it. Only by exercising utmost attention to your every action, every thought, every judgement you can truly relieve yourself from the pain of incessant desires. Join the Resistance today! March against the Evil to prove that it can not stand against those who follow the way of the Fight!
>>7214 Broad has been inactive for a good 2 days (not unusual but it is unquestionable that there was a rise in usage), matching up with the chinese new year (...). I want the broad to spring back to life, the rest was poetic nonsense.
>>7219 Too few regulars, probably. I check in nearly every day, but I guess there are simply too few people doing the same. Judging by who sirno welcomes here, his target auditory is closer to heyuri type of posters, so it's understandable they are incapable of inhabiting a place that does not reward them with free gratification and instead go to already more populated boards. It's a malady all small boards suffer, but trying to fight for that kind of auditory unironically only makes it worse in the long run. So I guess syrno will simply have to wait years until this place earns a stable auditory, if it ever does. Some small boards never manage to gather enough people to stir life.

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