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N.E.E.T & Hikikomori Anonymous 08/12/2024 (Mon) 09:45:07 No. 5755
this thread is for the use of NEETs and Hikikomori only. If you're none of them, please, try not to post here, thank you. I'm a NEET since 2020 but it will soon ends I'll be at work again :( What about you? how do you spend your time?
>>5755 I just finished morrowind. I tried daggerfall in the past it feels too grindy for me. it's a shame because it is otherwise maybe the best of the 5: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=16YEMiNxNCs
Work sucks Sometimes I think it's easier to die of hunger than bothering yourself with prolonging this meaningless torture
>>5757 not a NEET (sorry) but i just want to say that life is only meaningless if you don't find meaning yourself. that's kinda the point i think. you don't have to find it through work, in fact i'd advise you don't try and find it through work, but finding your purpose can be an amazing and eye-opening journey!
>>5764 the paradox is that if you think life has a meaning, or if you remove the meaninglessness of life, then even if life is useful from an utilitarian perspective towards that meaning, the whole thing itself becomes meaningless, like a computer following instructions. I call this meta-meaninglessness (because it applies to meanings) and auto-meaninglessness (because it is recursive) in the end life is life and meaning is just a word I tried really hard to write this correctly but it still sounds like teenage angst, I'm sorry everyone
>>5765 i do not understand your point. my mentality is i want to be satisfied on my deathbed. i want to experience lots of things and catch a glimpse of the unfathomability of the world i was born into. doing nothing but rotting and hating your life is 10x more suffering than actually trying and failing and trying again. i have come to realize that trying to angstily philosophize my life helps nothing. life is to be experienced. there is nothing more important or true than that.
>>5766 the point is that "finding meaning" is paradoxical: if a person finds a purpose X and pursues it, they become a machine with a clear task, their life becomes the meaningless mechanical process of achieving X. only through meaninglessness can we ponder the idea of meaning
>>5772 this is just silly. you say it's paradoxical but you don't make sense. you're no more a machine before you find a goal then you are after, surely you're not equating having dreams and goals with being a robot? "finding a purpose and pursuing that purpose actually means you have no purpose". like sure, i guess i can concede that there is no objective purpose for humanity or you specifically, but the entire point is that it's a purpose for YOU. it's subjective. that does not detract the beauty and reward of searching for purpose and achieving it. "only through meaninglessness can we ponder the idea of meaning," not only does this just go to prove my point that it's important to find your own purpose as one will not be given to you, but the statement is kinda just empty pseudo-intellectual nonsense. i could just as easily say "you can't understand meaning without having meaning yourself" and ignore the interesting nuances that come with the topic.
The ultimate and undeniable purpose of Life is fighting against Evil. You just blind yourselves arbitrarily by these material things:disgusted:.
>>5773 I didn't want to use the word robot because it sounds rude, but yes, and maybe "mechanical" is a better word than "machine". the paradox is precisely the contradiction of meaninglessness in meaning. it is a subjective annihilation, you cease to operate as a subject and become an object we are discussing the meaning of life on the anime website, anything we say is pseudo-intellectual nonsense
>>5775 albert camus is known for the concept of absurdity, or the perceived divide between the meaningful man and the meaningless universe. i do not think having purpose makes one machine-like, if anything the opposite. the universe itself is very systematic, rigorously so, and is much more mechanical in metaphorical and literal terms than a man is. the ability to transcend our hard-coded instincts and find something truly meaningful separates us from other animals, who are much more automaton-like than humans are. in practice, meaning makes us LESS mechanical, not more. we have more drive, passion, emotion, when fueled by purpose. it sometimes even drives us to our deaths, which goes against the original instinct (or instruction, in techier terms) as old as life itself. you can try to use lofty abstracts but reality argues otherwise. also yeah that last statement is fair enough lol. >>5774 so true schizochama. good to see you. don't think you've posted in a few days!
You're embarrassing! All men are born with internal sense of duty and purpose and they perceive that their goal in life is to Fight. This gross discourse about meaning is born of lack of introspection. You seek meaning where there is none! Once you turn inside yourself and start seeking to maintain Spiritual Purity you become Warrior and thus you are gifted by happiness and meaning. But you seek to maintain entertainment and other comforts of your life. But all these things are material and you subconsciously perceive their transient nature, they are unstable and unreliable, so you struggle to find any meaning in them. The same is with other people, they can't provide meaning. The only thing reliable and consistent is your own Spiritual Power. Seek to be Fighting well against Evil and you will see what I mean. Meaning is within yourself and your duty, as dictated by God who guides you by placing you in such predicaments, that turn your life in its destined direction. If you only listen to his Voice of Events and learn to be guided by them properly, you shall acquire tools of Figthing against Evil. But if you seek to bind Events to your liking, you yourself shall be bound and dejected. Fight is the only way and it requires cooperation with the forces that oppose Evil. Join the Fight and you shall see!
>gifted by happiness and meaning I meant that you receive them as gift. Sleep is my Enemy and makes my brain like gel. There goes vocalization of breasts moving, which I don't remember.
>>5776 it is mechanical because the drive, passion, etc. are subordinated to a task. you may replace self-preservation (the old instruction) with X (the new instruction) but the concept stands. if anything, the contradiction is a hint that meaning and meaninglessness are categories that don't apply to human life >>5777 staying hydrated is important too
>>5779 if your inference is that anything with a task is a machine, in that case it's quite literally inescapable besides death. you are designed, whether it be by God or the universe, to live and procreate, if nothing else. this is an inescapable aspect of our existence. not doing those things doesn't mean you have no task, it just means you're bad at your job. so at that point there is no real reason to make the distinction at all. you either have a task or you are dead. i know which one sounds better to me!
>>5780 "designed" is an overstatement. jokes aside, you can decide the task is X or Y (self-preservation, reproduction, etc. even happiness) and at that point you become the flesh automaton maximizing that task. the concept of meaning collapses the second you stop being a subject
>>5781 what i'm saying is with that logic you are a "flesh automaton" from the very start. even newborns avoid pain and death. fuck if you mean automaton as in "self-operating machine" then that encompasses all life on Earth. we are a so-called flesh automatons from the moment we are born, if not before. also i do not see how having a task stops you from "being a subject". what do you even mean by subject vs object?
>>5782 the word meaning would become pointless if you tried to apply it to an object like a rock, the same is true for the simple forms of life. the unicellular organism doesn't have a reason to do what it does, it just does (be it metabolize, move, mutate, die or whatever else). for the sake of the discussion we were assuming until now there was a subject, an extra-material consciousness so to speak if there is no subject to begin with, then it becomes even more clear that meaning and meaninglessness are concepts that don't apply to life
Why do you call me schizo when I give you all the Answers? You suffer because Evil has not been overcome. Rise you head and join the Fight!
>>5756 The cities remind me of the procedural generation towns in the old total war games
I've never had a job. I've never had a license to drive either. I'm alone though. I've been wanting to kill myself for longer than I can remember.
>>5785 i mean it in a loving way schizochama. unless you prefer gnostichama? >>5788 i'm sorry to hear that anon. although i know words from an anonymous image board won't do much i do believe everyone, including you, can find a life they enjoy. i hope you keep living and keep trying.

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