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01/20/25 A total rewrite for the site is in progress. Read more.
05/21/24 Happy birthday hikari3! (News post)
12/21/23 Recent news post: Check here. Also, new board added: /i/ - Oekaki.
11/25/23 Accepting banner submissions; check this thread for more details.
11/17/23 New blotter! Use this to keep an eye for small updates.
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Drust0!uezEqy.DqQ 12/09/2023 (Sat) 14:21:34 No. 317 [Reply]
inspired by: Let's make our own webring Hikari3! How to participate? Post the following: * Link to your homepage * 240x60 .gif banner for your webpage Each anon will can then advertise other anon's sites on their homepage with their banner and a clickable link! I will also keep a directory of everyone's link on my site: (picrelated is the banner btw)
3 posts and 1 image omitted.
>>318 I have my own but I don't have a domain and it's not much of a webpage, I guess you could call it a very simple front-end for downloads.
(7.41 KB 240x60 worldwidewar.gif) added your banner to my page! hope more people join in
>>361 Thank I just woke up and I'm renovating my site I will add it when I get back to my PC
static site generator still needs some work, but its almost complete >>361 i have finally added your banner to my site :)
>>361 Really nice website anon! Cool design!

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How do you git gud? Anonymous 03/04/2024 (Mon) 12:24:36 No. 427 [Reply]
How did some of you learn to code? My attention span is literally worse than a toddler
Your fortune: Bad Luck
>>427 By sitting down and coding. Learn by reading and doing
>>427 I am having some of the same problems but am just trying to do projects on topics I am interested in. FOr instance I am making an IRC client in c++.

Anonymous 11/18/2023 (Sat) 22:01:03 No. 281 [Reply]
What are some good /t/echnology related jobs?
Defense software engineer

Anonymous 08/03/2023 (Thu) 23:42:30 No. 90 [Reply]
Do you still use CRT monitors? I do
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I have a couple in storage that were going to be thrown out. I've missed out on higher quality ones. My mother threw out our big CRT TV against my wishes. If you want a monitor with the CRT aesthetic, there's the Checkmate monitors.
>>187 >My mother threw out our big CRT TV against my wishes. My dad did too Not too long ago, I saw one of our neighbors throw out their old CRT on their lawn so I took it
>>113 1. High refresh rate (smoooooth ) 2. 4:3 (and other smaller aspect ratios) paired with the low resolution and that soft glow = cozy 3. Nostalgia
>>103 I have a similar monitor plus an actual CRT for a 2 monitor setup
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I've been using CRTs from 2020 till beginning of this year. If you use it too much, it can hurt your eyes, I've felt this. I usually use my computer for idk 15 hours/day, so this can be a pain in the ass. Now I'm using a LED 27'inch monitor with nice colors and it was the best thing I've done. I love CRTs and it's aesthetic, but I don't think it's suitable for me anymore. Here's one of my old photos using it.

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Anonymous 03/02/2024 (Sat) 16:50:51 No. 422 [Reply]
what programming languages does hikari use?
>>422 zig
>>422 Scheme
>>424 I want to learn Racket. It's sound so fun to craft your own meta-language I don't know what I'd use it for tho...

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Anonymous 02/17/2024 (Sat) 16:32:23 No. 405 [Reply]
Is the programming socks meme true? Do they really make you a better programmer?
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>>410 i think that may go against the rules anon...
>>411 Post a catbox pic link on the rizon chat.
>>412 heh
>>406 That's hot..
>>405 No but its still pretty thou.

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Anonymous 02/04/2024 (Sun) 15:29:26 No. 381 [Reply]
What's the absolutely kino wifi hacking app you use?
>libpcap >libnet use those both, they are easy to program with and are very powerful

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Anonymous 01/09/2024 (Tue) 23:32:41 No. 354 [Reply]
Can you guys browse I got perma IP banned from the site because I wrote a spamming bot shell script and bumped half of the threads on the site I feel guilty now later the admin restored everything Have you ever done something wrong on the internet hikari?
when I was a psychopathic 12 year old I spammed gore images on a porn forum. I used to frequent jihadi forums and other extremist websites to get my kicks. I was one evil little shit.
>>354 i tried to connect trough mobile data, workplace/college internet, the guy ip banned my entire country i think
>>354 >Can you guys browse It's not working for me as well
>>354 confirming also it seems to not be up.
does anyone know what happened to I know the site was infested with underage memefrens by the latter half of its life but I was hoping to get back on to lurk older threads when I found out it didn't exist anymore also the first (and so far only) time I've been perma ip banned from anything was when I got auth on a cube 2 sauerbraten server and kicked a random guy on the server because I wanted the place to myself. after the server owner banned me for that I uninstalled and then reinstalled the game to see if that would unban me and it did absolutely nothing

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Making the computer *yours* Anonymous 01/12/2024 (Fri) 04:54:10 No. 359 [Reply]
People tend towards ricing their desktops, but this is really just visual stuff. What kind of touches do you have to make the computer an extension of yourself rather than collections of other peoples software? I personally set the login PAM auth settings to have rootok as sufficient. getty logins run from uid 1 so you don't have to put in a password. Unprivileged users (including ssh) can't login without the rest of the authentication modules. Having a file that gets printed whenever a shell starts as a motd is pretty useful too.

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Anonymous 11/24/2023 (Fri) 21:36:59 No. 300 [Reply]
How do I use computers?
7 posts and 3 images omitted.
phones are addicting, i prefer comfy computers (but I have no choice other than using the smartōphone >>300 it's not hard!! just expose yourself to new things in computer... try programming, installing other OSes, messing with the bios... go on, explore the world!!
C and Unix are the bread and butter of computing. Install a Linux or Unix operating system in Virtualbox, preferably a Debian disto (Linux Mint is a good choice) or FreeBSD (GhostBSD is good for absolute beginners). Don't jump into something like Gentoo, OpenBSD or Arch too soon. Then go through this book: Just make sure you have a copy of your OS' manual as a handy reference. Once you've done that, pick the Scheme dialect of Lisp or C. Scheme is easier to learn and will teach you a lot about computing whereas C is hard but used in literally everything and you will have to learn it at some point. Which you do first is up to you. Lisp is a great choice for any beginner. For Scheme, go with Simply Scheme and then move on to SICP if you want to SICP For C, just use the King book

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Your fortune: Very Bad Luck
>>316 i am a proud practitioner of COMPUTER







