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Anonymous 09/27/2023 (Wed) 00:02:53 No. 228
We need more people here. The site has felt super dead lately, and I typically try to post as much as I can, but I can't be the only poster here. And I don't want this site to die
>>245 All the "comfy" boards would be wise to team up, since they all have pretty small userbases, and a cohort of admins working together would much better be able to take care of moderation and general site improvements. Obviously they would have to agree on a common set of rules but it's probably the best solution.
>>248 Imageboards are for me and I'm not willing to use any namefag forum or instant messenger. >>250 Sounds like a webring. It would be good if a cohort of admins worked together to improve their communities and organize their webring so that the sites and boards work well together. They'd agree on standards that sites would need to fulfill to join them.
>>244 >I like this site more than wapchan. I'm a /kind/ refugee. Same, wish /kind/ came here instead. Would fit this site better anyway, /kind/ and retro topics don't mix well at all imo.
>>252 As opposed to /kind/ and /b/? No one stepped up to maintain /kind/, at least on wapchan there's isn't arbitrary rules like "no 3dpd" and instead rules against slurs (something that should exist on any /kind/ incarnation)
>>253 3dpd is bad and """"slurs"""" (arbitrary labeling) are fine. If you think otherwise you're literally a normalfaggot and belong on Facebook.
>>254 Thanks for proving why /kind/ is a fundamentally flawed concept when the majority of altchan users are edgy losers like yourself.
>someone posted CP
>>255 If not following the herd makes me an """"edgy loser"""" (latest buzzword), then I'm proud to be an """"edgy loser"""".
>>256 Yeahhhh that was not very awesome :(
4chan's 20th birthday is soon, and i noticed another imageboard was putting together a "Welcome To" image for their imageboard to post in nostalgic metathreads over there. maybe we should do something similar for hikari?
>>259 What board is it?
>>260 pissu
>>259 Maybe it could be a good idea to get some people here, but what would be on the image?
>>262 outside of the mascot, i'm actually not really sure. /jp/ spinoffs are apparently way more abundant than i initially thought. i was hoping everyone here would be better at coming up with ideas than me.
>>259 there's a thread in /jp/ discussing imageboards, maybe you could advertise there? I don't actually post here and mainly use 4chan, but I've been lurking for some time. I like it here.
>>264 Can you link the thread?
>>266 I think it would be a good source of new friends, we should link it there
>>267 Saw that nobody else linked it, so I did Hopefully it stays comfy here though...
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>>266 Hello! I just came from there, what is this site like?
>>269 Welcome! The boards themselves are nothing special but it's generally more relaxed here. Get comfy and enjoy your time here
>>270 >generally more relaxed here That sounds nice, I shall take a browse around then.
>>270 I came from the same thread as >>269 and I like it here a lot already. there was another chan board I found a while back that was posted in some /jp/ threads, but I don't think it even became as active as this site. then all the sudden one day it became impossible to post and there was a sticky posted somewhere from the site owner. some story about how he was going to off himself and that he was betrayed in his real life. I wonder if anyone else here also saw that site. it was "inu" something,, anyways glad I found another smaller imageboard to enjoy.
>>228 Ironic how the site has been way more active after this post
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>>274 it seems that it has... because I am new here too. hello. this is actually my first interaction with an imageboard, aside from the occasional lurking, but my irl situation is complicated and i'm pretty desperate to just meet other folks who are as chill as i am.
>>274 >Ironic how the site has been way more active after this post Meta threads are always the most active ones on small image boards.
>>233 I guess, but I think it would be better if there was more new posts to look at every time I go on the site instead of seeing the same thread for a few days.
>>228 It's feeling slow again Is there anywhere else we could advertise?
Do a paid advertisement on 4chan maybe? It would bring in a lot of new people and activity, but the main problem is that it's gonna hit a lot of the wrong people.
>>379 sounds scary
im a hikari newfriend, i literally stumbled here because some retards on an imageboard i also used where raiding you guys, and i got to say the quality of posts here are top quality, not every post has to be a shitpost, but i would prefer more If im being honest, scout before you shill
>>379 anyone with a brain would use an adblocker and not see the advertisement
>>228 I just came here for the same reason as >>407 , and it's like I found an oasis in the desert, god knows how much I need imageboards with this feeling.
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Hello, I'm new too. I don't really remember how I found this site, I have a list of imageboards to check out and this was one. This imageboard is ok. I'll probably visit it every once in a while. I've spent quite a while lurking the internet for good imageboards and I think there's a spectrum, from 8chan spinoff "free-speech" boards to "comfy" or, more accurately, "enforced comfy" boards like /kind/. It's ok if you like that, it's just not for me. I think this imageboard leans towards the comfy side, if /kind/ represents the most extreme. It's just that for me, part of discussion *is* arguing. I'm on an anonymous imageboard for a reason, I don't want to have to censor myself like I have to on other sites. Although, obviously, too much of that and you get the other side of the spectrum, which is worse. I'm over exaggerating a bit how bad it is though. This board is fine. Probably the best one I've found since wapchan started. /t/ seems nice as a more light-hearted lainchan and /jp/ is cool too. I'll come back again
How can we replicate the success of the gyate booru imageboard?
>>415 They constantly spam other boards, but I don't want us to be like that
>>414 >It's just that for me, part of discussion *is* arguing I think arguing is fine here as long it's not extreme. I've seen some light arguments here, but I also get what you mean. I wonder what places perfectly balances both sides of the spectrum. I'm mainly use imageboards so people don't know about my lolicon tendencies... Hope we see you here again soon!
>>228 I came here past month because I was nostalgic about imageboards, so I found this place and I think it's on my top 1 now Currently I am only lurking on lainchan, this one and a chan of my country. Most of the chill boards are dead, or there is no discussion.
>>418 Lainchan seems kind of dead which is sad
>>418 They are dead but it's better than posting on 4chan, a site where you get made fun of for liking anime, being asocial or trying to discuss anything other than politics, sex or trending TikTok content.
>>471 I hate how tiktok took over 4chan... If I wanted to use tiktok I would go to tiktok.
too many VPN IPs are b& so it's hard to post here
>>471 >>472 is tiktok that prevalent on 4chan now? i've not noticed...
>>474 Just depends on the board really I also see a lot of twitter screencap threads which I feel the same way about. I just hate the loop back cycle of website screenshots.
>>475 oh, i totally see it with twitter screencap threads
>>476 Yeah, its maddening thats why I like it here. If I wanted to see content from another website I would just go there.
>>228 the best thing any imageboard can do is ban all /pol/ (anyone who cares about politics, doesn't have to mean the /pol/ board specifically) discussion and deny them any way to post their propaganda even when they try to pass off their neo-internet garbage by associating it with otaku culture. that way 99% of bad posters are just barred from the site and the rest like tiktok shit become trivial to delete because the one thing that all of the shitposters have in common is that they use /pol/
Maybe we should make a hikari3 manga. I'll start by thinking of a title and then someone who knows how to draw can make the rest of it.
>>484 >I'll start by thinking of a title and then someone who knows how to draw can make the rest of it. It doesn't work that way, unfortunately. We could write some story of hikari, but this site is so superficial it's hard to come up with an indulging background.

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