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Anonymous 10/30/2024 (Wed) 04:52:05 No. 6233
I have my fan on low setting, but now I'm super cold so I turn it off. Now I feel too hot, so I turn it back on but now I feel too cold. Why does it have to be like this
> "I have my fan on low setting, but now I'm super cold so I turn it off. Now I feel too hot, so I turn it back on but now I feel too cold." Why would you use a fan in the first place? Just don't use the fan, I don't see the point of people installing these in their houses. Honestly, don't you have like a radiator or like a boiler to heat your house? That's the most useful case, why would you use a fan? It's stupid. You're better off using something that can heat your room, than using a fan.
>>6234 i don't think you read the post correctly
Is your fan a factory megawatt turbine or something? Also, try dressing differently. Also, how the fuck do you feel hot in the end of the Autumn? As for me, my temperature is exactly perfectly suited for torture. It's just cool enough to make me feel uncomfortable and shake sometimes, but isn't cold enough to warrant getting warmer clothes. I hate it!
That does happen a lot to me too. I don't know if I have a strong fan or something similar. During summer I have to sleep with no fan on just so that when I wake up I am not too cold and feel inclined to take a hot shower. Sometimes I just keep on turning it on and off. The most effective way to prevent feeling cold with the fan on that I have found is wearing socks or covering my feet. They're generally the coldest part of my body, so if they feel comfy then the rest of the body doesn't suffer as much.
Make a swamp cooler fool friend and don't point it directly at you. Just get some bucket and some cloth to whick up the moisture while the fan blows on it. Also stop wearing polyester snd cotton based clothes. Wear merino wool, linen, hemp, and silk.
i hate the heat... for some reason i always run very hot, you can literally feel heat radiating from my skin. this means i do very well in the winter but suffer during the summer.
>>6239 > "i don't think you read the post correctly" How come? What did I miss?
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>>6234 >>6289 i think anon was referring to a rotary fan, like one of these. it's...quite normal to own one of these, they're a common household appliance, especially if you're hikineet...
>>6573 rotary fun rotating_hikarin.gif
>>6573 > "i think anon was referring to a rotary fan, like one of these. it's...quite normal to own one of these, they're a common household appliance, especially if you're hikineet..." Yeah, but I still don't understand why the OP would complain about being too cold or too hot. They should make up their mind, and utilize a heating system at their house to change different room temperatures.
>>6580 Yeah, good boy.
Syrno are you screwing with me? You made these emotes what is the point if I can't use them to express my emotions?
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>>6241 The world is a vast place, and there are places that it is not Autumn currently. >>6579 Many houses don't have systems like that, I know mine doesn't. Only 2 of the rooms in the house that I am in have an air conditioner. In my room I have to rely on a tower style fan, and even with it going on max speed it can get really hot in here.
Maybe you're just too hot hikarin
>>6233 tried turning it on soft and wearing a sweater?
>>6605 > "Many houses don't have systems like that, I know mine doesn't. Only 2 of the rooms in the house that I am in have an air conditioner. In my room I have to rely on a tower style fan, and even with it going on max speed it can get really hot in here." Well, that's good. At least you have some comfort. The energy is simply insulated, good thing that you're not wasting it.

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