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Anonymous 06/21/2024 (Fri) 00:31:54 No. 5400
What's something you do to waste time. I need to find something fun to do to pass the time
Your fortune: Bad Luck
>>5400 Anime, manga, video games and music. What else is there to do?
>>5400 Learn a language or learn to program or creative writing. Play video games, watch tv shows, go out and explore. Find a local cafe or coffee shop that has a nice vibe and hang out there for a while.
semen RETENTION. you try it out and you realize this thing is all the fun you'll ever need.
>>5404 I heard semen retention can make you smarter. Is it true? I've tried doing it before for 2 weeks but I just couldn't go for a full month and a half
>>5400 Learn Japanese (very easy) and learn to draw (difficulty unclear, probably hard). I'm doing the former (intermediary level) and I'd like to eventually start doing the latter. The former can help with the latter if you're aiming to draw in a moe style as the gods intended because I can imagine there being a lot of resources in Japanese.
>>5405 Of course it isn't fucking true. What, do you perhaps also think that carrying a good luck charm and starting a diet of only mosquitos and mud will earn you favors with the sun god? Anyone who falls for these myths and seriously tries to go through with them deserves to be mocked.
>>5407 you didn't need to scream so loudly that you don't have any willpower. going against desires, be it eating mosquitos or nofap is enlightenment in itself. it's not to win any favors, or to become god, it's simply to become better and more enlightened that you. no it won't make you smarter, only wiser, stronger and freer
>>5408 I don't want to go against my desires. They're not an evil burden that is imposed on me by some demon, they're what I want hence they are my desires. The idea that self-restriction is strength, freedom and wisdom is laughable. It is passivity, bondage and stupidity. I'm not religious and I don't need the miserable existence that you are trying to promote.
>>5405 Ejaculation control (semen retention) is a technique within Taoist sexual rituals or fangzhongshu but its only one practice among many and shouldn't be done in isolation. Its done to make orgasms feel more intense and sex last longer and is supposed to be good for you physical and spiritual health but all those people online saying it will make you smarter by itself are morons. Most of them don't know anything about Taoism, Chinese sexology, spirituality etc. >>5409 Your loss buddy. Mastery of orgasms mean better orgasms. Being able to control your body at will makes it more pleasurable. The average person jerks off in two minutes. As for religions you should know Christians invented the circlejerk and free love and they used to have orgies in the Vatican. Yet, all the people doing this had perfect self mastery. Having will power and self-control doesn't mean denying worldly pleasure it means mastering these pleasures so they don't master you. Bend them to your will and you can enjoy them much better.
>>5409 >another failure of a """human""" who claims that refraining from self-indulgence is le evil christcuck psyop
>>5410 You completely misunderstood what I said. First of all, If you want to train yourself to get "better orgasms" then by all means go ahead. In that case you are merely postponing an immediate desire in order to enhance it. Likewise, there are people who don't feel the need for such training and want to ejaculate at their own pace. Which is better will depend on the person in question. The person I was talking to was not just referring to a repression of sexual desire but of desire in general as a lifestyle and as a means to enhance the spirit (like "enlightenment"), which is undoubtedly a religious perspective. I don't know why you cited Christianity as a way to counter what I said when it is well known that chastity is an important tradition for it. I was also not talking specifically about Christianity but of most major religions where again chastity is an important part of its belief system. Second, your idea of being "mastered" by your pleasures is also an argument built on the conception of desire existing outside of me and my will i.e being imposed on me. It is only in a situation where certain desires are deemed bad or inappropriate (e.g a religious situation) where they need to be separated from me and given a label. My desires and pleasures are just as much a part of me as any other thought, so I don't see any reason not to indulge in myself completely and enjoy myself as much as I want.
>>5412 >I don't see any reason not to indulge in myself completely and enjoy myself as much as I want. i hope you see one day
>>5413 Trash like him ends up dropping dead from AIDS or a drug overdose, hopefully sooner than latter.
>>5413 >>5414 Right, I apologize for discussing some things that the propaganda you two consumed wholesale didn't cover. Next time you try to spread your trash here, at least come with some arguments if you come across someone from outside of your usual rabble.
>>5415 i stated my argument. desires that are left unchecked grow into disease and the longer they grow, the more pain you will have to go through to cure yourself. and at some point the amount of pain will become so large you won't be able to overcome it. and then you loose to your desires, become animal and die like animal.
>>5415 Whoa, sorry for insulting your wisdom, Mr. Free-Thinker Philosopher-Artist. Can I be honored to suck your cock?
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>heh, I'm battling religion by indulging in the pleasure of daily anal penetration and wearing diapers
>>5417 You can't even hide your anger. Try again on another website, you insufferable faggot.
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>>5403 You got any TV shows to recommend? I've been trying to find something interesting
>>5421 Japanese animated TV shows. Everything other than that (especially non-Japanese) is garbage.
>>5422 Why is that? The west has some pretty good animated shows (Well, not lately but we've gotten good animated shows in the west before)
I've been playing Gitaroo Man on the PS2 to pass the time. It's a neat rhythm game you should check out
>>5423 Depends on your measure. As a Moe supremacist I find most westoid cartoons to look plain repulsive (and a small portion I'm just indifferent towards).
>>5421 Not sure what kind of shows you're into but I really enjoyed Succession, The Flight Attendant, and I've also been diving into 70s anime recently so I watched Space Battleship Yamato.
>>5417 Oh yeah, this just crossed my mind. Aren't you the same guy who made a thread complaining about how school was boring and got replies telling him to make a blog? I vaguely remember him using the same expression except it was "can I suck your girl cock" or something. It would be pretty funny if you were.
>>5432 I know it's hard to adapt for someone who just recently came from dicksword or another attention whoring platform, but here on imageboards everyone is Anonymous. 5417-san is 5417-san, that's it.
>>5433 You are fucking stupid. By the way, why did the mods delete a post calling someone stupid but left the two rule 8 breaking posts up?
>>5436 Because you stopped taking your medicine.
>>5400 Research magic, esotericism, and the occult. Get a PS2 emulator and play classic 2000s horror titles. Learn a language. Fantasize about launching a missile towards the sun. Masturbate but do it well. Most people don't masturbate properly. Recently I've been looking at footage of volcanoes erupting and destroying everything
>>5437 >gaslighting evil
>>5437 I assume the mods are on some sort of drug since they seem to be fine with allowing the kind of lobotomy patients who use words like "christcuck psyop" to stay here. What's a fun thing to do to pass the time? Become a Buddhist nun through semen retention so that you can escape Samsara, vote for my political party and tell others to do the same.
>>5444 >>5446 You don't need meds, you need cyanide.
>>5446 That was a quote though. >>5412 >If you want to train yourself to get "better orgasms" then by all means go ahead. In that case you are merely postponing an immediate desire in order to enhance it. Oversimplification. Mastering desire is not just postponing. Its about taking control of a sensation, nurturing it, exploring it, being able to control it and bend it to your will. Its like breaking a horse so you can have fun riding it. >The person I was talking to was not just referring to a repression of sexual desire but of desire in general as a lifestyle and as a means to enhance the spirit (like "enlightenment"), which is undoubtedly a religious perspective. What's wrong with a religious perspective? I resent that. Its not a religious perspective because there are plenty of secular NASA scientists who've never touched a human female that rationalize their unhealthy sexuality by feeding us some rationalist argument for it. I bet most of the no fap freaks aren't even religious. >your idea of being "mastered" by your pleasures is also an argument built on the conception of desire existing outside of me and my will i.e being imposed on me. The objects of your desire usually are outside of you, unless you're one of those freaks who jerks off in front of a mirror Like maybe only mainstream Christianity and Buddhism are explicitly anti-desire. Even then its pretty overblown. The whole "religion represses sexuality" meme. >My desires and pleasures are just as much a part of me as any other thought, so I don't see any reason not to indulge in myself completely and enjoy myself as much as I want. So if you take a bunch of chems and start seeing angels that tell you to rape and murder people with an axe you'd indulge in that? Drama aside the problem with human desire is it can never be satiated. We always want something and once we get it we end up disappointed and chase after something else. Porn is a good example. People search for the video they like, jerk off in like 30 seconds, feel shitty about themselves, and then start surfing for videos again. Rinse and repeat. There's a reason people used to emphasize chastity and self-control. Its not just practical as society has few resources but it also prolongs the sensation of pleasure. Using Taoist techniques and Christian gnostic sexual alchemy leads to way better jerk off sessions than fapping one out in 30 seconds. A Taoist master would still tell you that jerking it whenever you just feel like it all the time will make your masturbation shorter, weaker, and less of a thing you actually look forward to or really enjoy. Its the difference between wolfing down fast food whenever you get the itch and preparing a gourmet meal you'll really enjoy.
>>5421 I've been watching the DCAU shows from the 90s to early 2000s. I just finished Justice League Unlimited and it's one of the best animated shows I've watched. This continuity of shows overall is mostly very good I might watch some of the Marvel animated shows from the 90s but they don't seem as good (Especially the animation) but I remember really liking X-Men TAS when I was a child.
I don't know what to do anymore because I can't focus enough to learn anything new to build up fun skills. >>5450 The whole nofap thing originates from the concept of sexual transmutation.
nofap isn't for everyone. it only fits those of proper body and mind. just as you can't embrace statues if you don't have a strong body, you can't nofap you don't have strong will. and what is your petty sexual pleasure in comparison to full metal will?
>>5455 This is literal cultspeak manipulation tactics.
>>5450 >What's wrong with a religious perspective? I resent that. Its not a religious perspective because there are plenty of secular NASA scientists who've never touched a human female that rationalize their unhealthy sexuality by feeding us some rationalist argument for it. I bet most of the no fap freaks aren't even religious. Because religion is useless. I won't start a long tangent about my views on religion but I will simply say that I have no interest in it nor the scientific view of reality that NASA scientists believe in. Spirituality and religion are just thoughts that are made sacred and mystical and my thoughts are neither sacred nor mystical. I get along just fine without creating an imaginary realm of "spirit" in my life. These scientists that you talk about still have some ideas founded in religion even if they call themselves atheists. Just because some or most of the no fap freaks are secular doesn't mean that no fap itself isn't based in or inspired by religious ideas. >The objects of your desire usually are outside of you, unless you're one of those freaks who jerks off in front of a mirror Like maybe only mainstream Christianity and Buddhism are explicitly anti-desire. Even then its pretty overblown. The whole "religion represses sexuality" meme. The objects of my desire may be outside of me but the desire itself isn't. Am I receiving denpa signals or did this come from within me? The no fap freaks make it sound like I'm just a doll that gets assailed by thousands of desires per minute and that I need to ward them off or be consumed by them. In reality, I own my desires as much as I own my thoughts. I don't need spiritual training in order to do that, and I certainly don't need to repress myself. >So if you take a bunch of chems and start seeing angels that tell you to rape and murder people with an axe you'd indulge in that? Drama aside the problem with human desire is it can never be satiated. We always want something and once we get it we end up disappointed and chase after something else. Porn is a good example. People search for the video they like, jerk off in like 30 seconds, feel shitty about themselves, and then start surfing for videos again. Rinse and repeat. This is exactly the way that the no fap freaks frame desire. You're just like that guy who said that I should get AIDS. Apparently if I say that I don't want to become a nun, that can only mean that I jerk off every 30 seconds, take drugs, get penetrated anally, wear diapers and kill people with an axe. Maybe your criticisms are better aimed at the people who do these things rather than me who has never taken drugs, rarely looks at lewd images and has actually never wished to kill someone with an axe. Neither do I think you should aim it towards desire in general. In fact, desire is a pretty empty concept. The only thing that's for sure is that all living beings constantly have desires but you can desire an infinite number of things in an infinite number of ways. Why does it automatically have to translate into such insane hedonism? If I think that hedonism doesn't make me happy, it's not because I'm repressing myself, but because I never desired it in the first place. Unlike the no fap freaks, I don't care about making grand statements about how people should or shouldn't exist. All I'm saying is that I do whatever I want whenever I feel like it.
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>>5459 >Am I receiving denpa signals A fellow denpa fan, I see.... Hehe... Not much of us around these days.... Isn't it? It can't be helped...
>>5459 www.reddit.com
>>5416 so instead of becoming stupid you become the other side of the coin? Just bust a nut dude. >>5417 >>5416 You may be able to keep going all you life feeling just fine because of your 'i am better than all of these gooners' high (projecting your past self onto others btw lol) but you will never be happy. >>5454 is in the know, monks would cut their shlongs off to try and emulate the goddesses they couldnt fuck kek
Edited last time by admin on 06/24/2024 (Mon) 23:07:28.

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