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Anonymous 05/26/2024 (Sun) 08:29:45 No. 5131
What time do you usually sleep? I typically sleep around 5-7 AM. I feel like I'm more productive past midnight
Around 3 AM but I have to go to work in the morning so it's not very good for me Anybody got advice for keeping a good sleep schedule?
I sleep random hours practically. Anywhere from 11PM to 11AM For 3 to 12 hours and sometimes midday naps.
>>5132 keeping my eyes in front of the fan makes my eyes feel tired which makes me sleep easier. maybe you can try that to help your schedule. although i dont have one myself so i cant really be giving advice on it
>>5138 Wouldn't that dry out your eyes? I have to put in eye drops before I sleep because if they feel dry I can't sleep.
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On weekdays I have to wake up at around 8 AM, so I usually try to go to bed between 12 ~ 1.30 AM. There were times when I had bad habits and could be at the computer up to 4 AM, though. It takes me some time to fall asleep but most of the time it's within 1 hour. I also often consume coffee or energy drinks in the morning, but back when I consistently went late to bed I had to drink energy drinks every day. Any lack of sleep is "compensated" so to speak, though. More long term, on weekends I get out of bed kind of late, around 11 AM, but sometimes it may be as late as 1 PM. And more short term, if I don't sleep a lot in the previous few nights, I start having naps in the afternoon. >>5131 What? You're just killing yourself by sleeping 2 hours. Unless you mean that you GO TO sleep at around 5-7 AM (and wake up several hours later). Though when my brother was 12 he sometimes would do all-nighters when the parents weren't at home, up to 2 consecutive nights. That's pretty bad, but I guess he was a bit crazy (well, all kids around that age are).
>>5140 >You're just killing yourself by sleeping 2 hours. Oops, I meant that's the time range I start sleeping at... should've been more clear. My apologies I wake up around 12-3 PM
>>5131 Same, usually 5-6am but sometimes 8am depending on work. My therapist said its because when its that late its the only time I feel in control of my life so I want to stay up longer to have that feeling.
>>5131 anywhere from 6PM to 6PM of the day after.

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