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Anonymous 04/24/2024 (Wed) 14:23:33 No. 4844
How healthy do you eat? I used to eat nothing but microwave food with a lot of soda because I had no cooking skill. How am I still alive
>>4844 whatever i find is whatever i eat and usually it isn't unhealthy. if it doesn't have vegetables in it i go out and buy one myself
I eat food
I think I eat healthy. I eat a lot of vegetables and fruits, but I don't table nutrients or anything.
>>4850 i think i eat.
i like aloe vera drink but its very expensive
>>4844 I eat a bunch of meat and carbohydrates and not much fiber, it is still much more fiber than average in the current year I guess... Eating more fiber is directly correlated with less all-cases death and colon cancer is one of the leading death causes so the more the better, how bad normies do is irrelevant.
>>4851 I think, therefore I eat.
>>4844 Anything that can be eaten with yam or banana. also i've been eatiing a lot of salad recently....
I eat whatever my mum makes
is there gradations of healthy? CAn one even tell?
Today I drank only orange juice and eat one slice of cheese
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>>4844 I'm vegan BOOOOOOOO!!!!! BOOOOOOO!!!!! BOO THE VEGAN!!!!! so I'd consider myself a fairly healthy eater. People often talk about vegan food like it's some atrocity to man but in my experience it's delicious if you know what you're doing and what to buy. I live in Florida, which for whatever reason has some of the greatest vegan restaurants in the country (especially fast food). There's a very good restaurant near Orlando (I think?) called Plantees (le corny vegan restaurant name blah blah) and their food tastes even better than it looks (and it looks very good).
>>4953 I went on a vegan diet for about a week where I basically just ate salads every day and nothing else. I was so depressed and angry that it made me want to kill myself even more than normal but that quickly changed when I ate normally. Maybe it's because I'm so dependent on the shitty modern diet or maybe because I didn't try to buy fancy vegan food but I just can't imagine a life without meat and dairy.
>>4954 Sucks to be you I love salads
>>4844 Just like >>4925 Though I don't like certain things (most fish, a large portion of vegetables, etc) so my mother doesn't make it for me. I also like to snack on bread and maybe some sweets throughout the day.
>>4953 Lol. Sure, you could say opinions like you're "protecting animals" or "being ethical" or something like that, but saying that vegan food is healthy is objectively wrong. You're slowly starving yourself to death, and also a lot of vegan "food" such as the "substitutes" to animal-derived food are just lab-made shit.
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>>4957 >saying that vegan food is healthy is objectively wrong I'm sure what you eat is healthier >just lab-made shit Sure is >slowly starving yourself to death Yay!
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>>4953 I would never become vegan, but I might consider becoming vegetarian one day. I don't think the vegan diet is very healthy, as I believe that we humans do need to consume some animal-derived products, even if it's just eggs and milk, well, most of my daily protein already comes from eggs anyway, but that's because meat has been quite expensive around here for some years now Also, I hate these vegan products that try to emulate meat or animal products, I've tried a few times and I never liked them, I also don't trust the industrial process that these things go through.
>>4968 >as I believe that we humans do need to consume some animal-derived products, even if it's just eggs and milk Humans are flexible eaters and can survive on vegetables if no other option is available. The problem is that animal products today are filled with extreme amounts of toxic shit that can make you ill. Why do people make fun of vegan food for being "lab-grown" and then proceed to eat tons of shrink-wrapped poisonous garbage?
>>4967 >>slowly starving yourself to death >Yay! Live example of how cults like veganism tend to attract mentally ill or nihilistic people.
I ate a box of papa johns pepperoni pizza earlier
>>4976 No, we are not flexible eaters. You need the fats, you need the vitamin A, B12, B2 and B6 for basic brain function and none of those are retrievable from the vegan diet. >oh but fats are actually They come bundled with seed oils and other bad bad stuff in vegetables. >>4977 said all there really was to say.

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