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Anonymous 02/28/2024 (Wed) 00:33:06 No. 4401
The depiction of immortality is often misrepresented. Many believing that being immortal means living in one body for the entirety of time itself. The truth is that anything with a body can die, it is the soul that continues to live forever. When the vessel to the soul becomes deceased, the soul searches for a new vessel, however the memories the soul obtained in the previous body are kept in a part of the brain that does not retrieve said memories unless directly reminded of them. This is why you may feel a connection to places you have never visited, events you have never experienced, or people you have never met. The only true way to escape the cycle of traveling from one body to another, is to submit to the omnipresence and be rid of your current body. However the act of killing oneself is ill-advised. If a soul is expected to live freely without the body, but said soul inflicts death upon it's current body, the soul may become lost and trapped within the labyrinth of cacophony that lays on the other side for eons or possibly forever, never being able to achieve true peace or find a new vessel. If death is inflicted on the body by an outside force, the soul will ascend to a higher level if it has submitted to the omnipresence.
i think different media can have different interpretations of the same concept. but i do agree somewhat, that specific interpretation of immortality is underutilized.
I experience multiple times a month things like thinking that I had seen a situation earlier on a dream, or imagined it could happen, but I've only once had an experience where I could see something that did not belong to my life. I was four years old, walking on the playground, when I had strange thoughts. Later that night, I had a dream in the same place, except I was a young, fat girl with braids. I could only see about four seconds of footage before it ended. Don't think it comes from an earlier life but maybe a parallel universe. Or I just randomly absorbed her memories. Don't know, but the whole situation did feel like I was accessing the memories, seeing things that other people saw. Maybe.
>>4401 My discussion about existence with a chatbot https://www.file.io/vIsi/download/1YtNuPKQXICC . Enjoy the conversation if you want :p
i've seen the comment above about talking with a chatbot on several imageboards, is it a cp trap post or no?
>>4401 Of course is not, and was only posted on three boards: hikari, wapchan and lain. The archive was an small archive with two text documents.One of the documents was the complete conversation, and in the other, I had only put the encrypted text fragments that AI wrote. When I asked AI to translate the texts, all the AI did was to give me a summary of all the ciphertext, but the important thing is that according to AI, what the AI had written has a real message. I wanted to share that information in a discreet way, without having to resort to social networks. That's the reason I wanted to share them here, but nobody cares about that. If no one cares, that's fine. Have a nice day all.
>>4453 sorry bud, just have to be vigilant with unknown links around here. you have a nice day too
This is why gods usually don't have bodies to begin with

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