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Anonymous 02/18/2024 (Sun) 23:35:56 No. 4332
Have you picked up anything new this year so far? (Games, hobbies, habits, etc)
>>4332 i've been neet this year, so i haven't bought as many new games as i'd want...
>>4332 I wish I was high IQ enough to have a hobby to enjoy >Try to learn to play the electric keyboard >Such an autistic illiterate retard that It's impossible
>>4334 I'm autistic and a retard but learnt to play guitar/and keyboard and even regular stringed piano. I don't know how to read music though. I grew up learning german but I taught myself japanese to the point where I'm conversational and play japanese games/read manga. learning in itself is a hobby, I'm like completely socially retarded offline. I didn't have supportive parents I got the german from great grandparents who died in 2005. I'm not an aspie or whatever, just a plain social retard. if I can do it, chances are you and everyone here really could too. studying anything for an hour can get you exposed to and slightly used to something. 5 hours of studying/practicing anything can get you into it enough to where 1 hour will start making you learn so much faster. I think you should try because you'll miss out on everything, if you don't at least make a hobby out of that, trying. go for it
>>4335 Thanks fren. I wanna try different creative outlets like music and drawing and see what sticks. I hope I can learn a hobby to enjoy some day.
>>4332 I've been watching movies way more frequently. I'm trying to clear my watchlist and get more cultured about cinema I'm also curing obscure games to try out. Some of them are Japan-exclusive, so I'm trying to practice my Japanese at the same time
>>4339 *curating Oops, mistranslation from my native language
>>4332 Yes! I've started horseriding. It's a lot of fun and I've made some new friends. (´∀`)
>>4341 I was reading "The Death of Superman" today (I'm also trying to pick up the habit of reading comics again), and, as is a habit of mine, I went on a Wikipedia stroll until I reached Christopher Reeve's page. I was reminded of how he got paraplegic after a horse riding accident, and it left me wondering how we humans are so fragile. From one moment to the other, our life can turned upside down just from a mishappen Anyway, random thoughts out, I'm glad you're having fun anon I have a friend who has practiced horse riding for many years, so I got the chance to ride a horse a couple of times. They are such majestic creatures! Now that I think about it, he also sustained a leg injury once but recovered without problems, so be sure to ride safely as well!
>>4339 what's on your watchlist and what have you watched so far? need more nippon cinema
I have started trying to learn about programming. It's nothing that serious yet, but perhaps one day I'll be able to make nice things.
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>>4343 Thank you! Yes, horses are absolutely beautiful animals, but you need to be very careful with them. People often think of themselves as the horse's master, but you should think of yourself as an equal to the creature and "treat it how you want to be treated". They are exeptionally intelligent both in a traditional way and also emotionally. Horses and their riders have a very special bond. :-)
the only thing i know about horseback riding is that apparently sometimes girls can lose their hymen from it
>>4347 I know that mine has not, and it would be nice if you think of the beauty of this ages old traditional sport, rather than such private things.( ´_ゝ`)
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>>4344 Speaking about Japanese cinema in particular, these are some of my favorite recent watches (in no particular order): - Love Exposure - Perfect Days - Woman in the Dunes - Haru - Godzilla Minus One - Tampopo - Hana & Alice - Hiroshima Mon Amour - Tokyo Story And here are some picks from my watchlist: - The Face of Another - Drive My Car - Harakiri - Seven Samurai - Jigoku - Kwaidan - Dreams - Everything Goes Wrong - Visitor Q - Onibaba
I decided I'd learn how to light a fire, build shelters, and forage in the wilderness. I want to get to a level where I can spend days in the wild alone without relying on civilization.
>>4332 Light reading. Sounds silly. But normally when I read it's either some heavy metaphysical stuff or non-fiction but picked up some light fantasy reading that a friend suggested and I've just been turning those pages like mad.
>>4332 Anime. I'm sure there was some adult swim stuff I don't remember as a kid, but mostly before this year I haven't really meaningfully watched one through.
i picked up making music. i mean i'd say that "making music" is a bit of an overstatement, but i downloaded a tracker program and i've been making pretty sounds with it and i've been enjoy it
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I've got 3 things right now I got back on Steam after 6 years of inactivity because I realized how ridiculously cheap games were on the winter sale, so now I'm clearing out a giant backlog of bucket list games that I've never beaten or played before My current semester gives me enough time to walk around like an NPC instead of using my car to go places, so I'm going on more walks and taking pictures of scenic places such as pic related with my 2DS I started collecting occlupanids and so far have a admordorsum groningensis and two palpatophora utiliformi
>>4375 correction: I have an admordorsum groningensis, a palpatophora utiliformis, and a palpatophora utiliformis grandis. the last two look almost exactly the same except the oral groove of the grandis one is slightly bigger
>>4375 >Taxonomoly cataloging bread tags I must admit I wasn't expecting that
I got really into serial experiments lain! I already watched the show and played the game a bit but I just started becoming truly lainpilled
>lainpilled see, this is the one instance where i wouldn't mind the anti-azumanga loser barging in...
I've been walking out more. Quiet walks in the morning make me feel very peaceful
>>4332 i picked up skateboarding again, used to skate back in the 2010s. it has been a lot of fun.
>>4508 I tried skating before, but I just found it more fun to lay down on the board and slide down a hill. I found it too hard to actually skate

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