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Anonymous 02/13/2024 (Tue) 22:11:18 No. 4296
How do you become consistent with learning? Long story: I need to learn to write DNA sequencing data analysis pipelines in Python, which requires me to learn Python first. Although I am familiar with the basics of programming, I cannot be disciplined about studying.
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have you thought about using chatGPT to help with the python?
>>4296 Soooooo there's 24hrs in a day, spare 1 or 2 to read through material: https://docs.python.org/3/tutorial/index.html. You can have it done in a weekend(since you got the basics down). Its hard to keep going considering all the other "fun" things you could be doing instead. It's taken me 4months trying to get through a certain book(I'm only up to page 250/1000), procrastinating, Just keep at it, every step counts.
>>4296 I once was in the opposite situation. I knew Python, but I had to learn Biology for Bioinformatics
>>4296 the secret to learning is making what you want to learn the main source of pleasure and fun
idk i have adhd i cant learn shit without not remembering it XD
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>>4296 Make it an obsession.

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