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Anonymous 02/13/2024 (Tue) 11:55:10 No. 4285
Sup, do you know how to forget bad memories?
>>4285 I wanna know what the bad memories are
>>4286 Just some shit. Anyone know how to forget bad memories?
>>4287 well, it depends on the kind of memory. so long as they aren't anything traumatic, you forget them naturally with time. they may pop up from time to time. but there is no definitive way to forget anything in specifics. generally you're going to want to fight fire with fire. get a crazy new hobby or interest out of nowhere and you won't care about those things. you'll be focused on something else and they'll go obscure to you. that's the only way I can think of to actively try to forget something while pushing it away. most people will probably just tell you drugs and ero. maybe you can try all the above. trying to forget about particular things may only burn them into your relevant memory further.
>>4288 >GET a hobby Is that a medically verified way? I have this stuff for some time now even with doing that. Do have any more medically verified way?
>>4289 I guess you could say it is. I'm making an educated guess based off what I already know about memories. there is no sure way of deleting a memory. but your best shot is by just focusing on something else. fuzzy it up by making your life more eventful. even when you remember those things they may even bother you less because you'd be thinking about it more sparsely. you won't care so much. if you think about it negative memories sort of work that way. they're unimportant. they only have the meaning you give to them. if it just bothers you then it's useless. trauma is different though, trauma persists because your brain thinks it can learn something from it. but some mild embarassment and seeing a naked guys ass on the computer will go away. watch some vids on how memories work because while they're very interesting on their own you can probably have a better understanding of what you're trying to do. if you don't fully get what I'm saying now, then after learning some stuff you'll see what I mean. sorry pulled an all-nighter. lol.
>>4285 bad memories aren't something you get to just forget. in fact your brain holds on to bad memories better than it does good ones. today is the anniversary of my friend's suicide so i do wish there are some things i could forget but ultimately you just can't remove certain memories like deleting files on a computer. my advice is instead of trying to delete those memories you come to accept them for what they are and to make new, better memories to replace them with. you can't run from your past, you can only accept it and move on.
>>4290 I'll try that. Also, do you know 8f certain fruits or food helps with forgetting bad memories? I heard exercise helps.
>>4291 you're referring to a trauma. trauma is different from a "bad memory." in my previous reply I already pointed out the difference in that a trauma will persist, for the reason you brought up. a bad memory can fade pretty easily. it can vanish entirely in fact within a decade or so. bad memories are useless to the brain especially if they just cause discomfort. the interesting thing about any memory though is that we can have a memory of a memory. when a taste or odd smell can pull at something in your brain which is familiar to you. sometimes you know exactly what it is but a lot of times you have no idea why what you're feeling is significant to you. it's an interesting psychology. I'm sorry about your friend. I lost a friend in 2019 and ever since then I get panic attacks when I read over our old snapchat messages or just suddenly remember it happened. trauma is a bitch. and your point about not trying to delete those trauma's is right. all we can do is accept and grow. >>4293 >fruits or foods that help with forgetting memories you're getting into pseudo-science now anon. they don't exactly have a supplement for forgetting whatever you feel like. supposedly you can improve memory with some things. you can only actively destroy your memory, generally, by actively destroying your own brain. nice thought though.
>>4294 ah, yeah you're right. it is different. in that case OP, for a few years while i was younger i muddied my memories by being a stoner addicted to extremely high % THC wax. i wouldn't recommend it tho since it'll wipe away both good and bad memories and kill your motivation for anything except getting high. beyond that random minor bad memories will probably go away on their own- especially if you don't make them such a big deal. >>4293 exercise won't make memories go away but the mental health benefits of regular exercise may help you simply not care about the bad memories.
>>4285 You don't. They'll always be around, we suppress them most of the time, but they never go away. A hammer to the head might help.
You don't forget them you confront them

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