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hai cameron 02/13/2024 (Tue) 07:22:02 No. 4274
i come from heyuri, I got banned from heyuri, should I just stay here?
Why were you banned?
>>4275 I broke anonwahas hymen.
>>4277 apart from this, let me tell you a bit about myself I am from New Zealand. I like to play guitar, and watch anime, that is it.
>>4274 Don't be a dum dum and you are good to go
Welcome aboard, fellow ex-Heyurian. I hope this site will treat you with actual respect.
>>4300 did you already get booted off heyuri
>>4301 No, I've simply lost interest in it.
>>4303 good, I was perthlord, but I broke anonwaha.
>>4274 That just means you're one of us, now. Although to be fair I'm barely one of us. I'm just a drifter.
>>4305 did you get banned off heyuri too
i've browsed heyuri a couple of times. that place is weird. i think what bothers me about it is that the entire site just feels like 4/b/, there's no actual place to talk about hobby stuff (unless there is and i'm just dumb)
Oh, good, you were cured.
>>4311 what do you mean
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>>4309 It's supposed to be more like old 4/b/. >there's no actual place to talk about hobby stuff You can talk about that stuff in /b/ though.. Although I don't go on it as much as before, I still really like heyuri. Compared to other boards, it's a lot more unique
>>4309 I didn't see anything wrong with it. every image bored as it's corners. I sort of liked it but Idk if I'll be back any time soon either.
>>4308 I've never actually been banned from a chan before, actually. Well except for the occasional 3-day vacation on 4. But never from imageboards. This place is maximum comfy, even though I'm just a pretender.
>>4319 Well that's an interesting word filter choice
>>4320 yeah
>>4309 I saw a thread on there one time where somebody was talking about how he didn't like Heyuri becuase they were trying to be like old 4 /b/ but that they were being innacurate to the way old 4 /b/ was like becuase most people on Heyuri like anime or something (apparantly most people on old 4 /b/ came from FYAD and didn't like anime) and someone, I think Kaguya but don't quote me on that, said that Heyuri isn't trying to be like old 4 /b/ but be it's own thing. I think the point of Heyuri is to feel like stuff from the "old internet" in general with an emphasis on weeabooshit and stuff.
>>4309 I saw a thread on there one time where somebody was talking about how he didn't like Heyuri becuase they were trying to be like old 4 /b/ but that they were being innacurate to the way old 4 /b/ was like becuase most people on Heyuri like anime or something (apparantly most people on old 4 /b/ came from FYAD and didn't like anime) and someone, I think Kaguya but don't quote me on that, said that Heyuri isn't trying to be like old 4 /b/ but be it's own thing. I think the point of Heyuri is to feel like stuff from the "old internet" in general with an emphasis on weeabooshit and stuff.
>>4309 > there's no actual place to talk about hobby stuff you can for sure talk about hobby stuff there, but here is also good... and there are also sites dedicated to hobbies *nudge nudge wink wink* Its always worth keeping a lot of imageboards and sites in your pocket to browse, you can stay at both!
>>4367 >you can for sure talk about hobby stuff there, but here is also good... well there is a reason why i stay here and not there lol
>>4309 >no actual place to talk about hobby stuff if your a small site with lots of boards you get less activity on each board. If you only have a handful of boards you have more activity and it encourages more people to join in. Look at how dead nu world2ch is. >>4363 Not everyone came from FYAD.
>>4363 >I saw a thread on there one time where somebody was talking about how he didn't like Heyuri becuase they were trying to be like old 4 /b/ but that they were being innacurate to the way old 4 /b/ was like becuase most people on Heyuri like anime or something (apparantly most people on old 4 /b/ came from FYAD and didn't like anime) >>4389 >Not everyone came from FYAD. i do wonder if that's the origin point of 4chan attracting a subsect of users who, ironically, don't like anime and otaku culture; on /v/, weirdly enough, /a/, and i think /b/ but /b/ isn't much of anything these days so this might be outdated, you get a handful of people who use terms like "tranime" and "jarpig" to describe japanese media, and i've seen people on /v/ and /a/ also swear up and down that moe was originally ironic and that 4chan should've banned it way back when. >if your a small site with lots of boards you get less activity on each board. If you only have a handful of boards you have more activity and it encourages more people to join in. >>4315 >You can talk about that stuff in /b/ though.. >>4367 >you can for sure talk about hobby stuff there call me old-fashioned, then, i guess i prefer when stuff is segregated and organized
>>4390 Funny enough that old 4 /b/ used to be called Random/Anime which I think the founder wants the site to be similar to 2chan but English. Little did he know that Japanese community and Western community are different even back then. >People who use the terms like... I just find them clowns and no reason to take them seriously. Not because they dislike Japanese media though more like how they describe it poorly.
>>4391 Westerners destroyed imageboards. Americans are just too aggressive. Ijust want a nice IB dedicated to otaku shit and underground culture not some hive for people who hate anime and are obsessed with saving teh West from [insert boogeyman]
>>4394 I just filtered the words on how they describe the Japanese media negatively. Pretty easy to do so.
>>4394 > not some hive for people who hate anime and are obsessed with saving teh West from [insert boogeyman] there's like only 3 of *those* types of imageboards around these days that are active.
Give in to the WANK. Waha's hymen has decentigrated

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