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Anonymous 02/11/2024 (Sun) 13:40:14 No. 4250
How do you browse the Internet securely? I know there's vpn but there's got to be more than that required for shit like 4chinz.
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>How do you browse the Internet securely? just don't click on weird links about hot singles in your area, ya dum dum >I know there's vpn but there's got to be more than that required for shit like 4chinz. 4chan's not the scary hackerman website that everyone pretends it is, it's just an anonymous imageboard. this site is unironically more sketchy than 4chan. it's like being afraid somebody on twitter will hack all your gigabytes and dox you because you posted a picture of a tree outside your house or something, just exercise common sense and you'll probably be fine
ill tell you what, i also dont know much about internet or computers, but funnily enough im also a hikki so i feel out of place in most circles..
>>4251 But in case, can you give some tips on browsing there safely. I've seemed some shit, man.
>>4256 Also no vpn in existence works for 4chan.
>>4256 if you're that worried about seeing scary stuff on the hackerman website, then just don't go there.
>>4259 It not the scay shit, man. I just want to protect myself from bs when I use there.
>>4260 I've seen some ip related bs in there, man. I don't want to get fucked off guard.
>>4261 p related bs in there, man. I don't want to get fucked off guard.
>>4262 Fuck, ignore the second post.
>>4261 nta but I've been using it since 2007 and nothing has ever happened to me. nothing is required for 4chan. you're more likely to be screwed over dicking around on the shitcord website probably, only considering the social engineering possibilities. for hentai & ero just stay off the smaller sketch sites. the boorus/ hanime nhentai are all probably more your speed. take it slow newby. by all means get all that shit if it makes you feel more secure. there's ways of screwing around with 4chan but there's no point in it whatsoever. if you saw doxxings on there it'll likely never be you.
>>4250 >vpn the partyvan runs it and they are watching you, also hiding your ip has nothing to do with security (unless you are posting on 8kun or dread). >tor you get man in the middle'd and arrested its over.
>>4251 >picture of a tree outside of your house that is an extremely free dox

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