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Anonymous 07/23/2024 (Tue) 10:05:34 No. 5662
Hikari is actually extremely active, you cant see it from the overboard because we keep saging the thread. go through /en/ and you will find us.
I don't know many imageboards with anime emotes. Only hikari, heyuri.net and ikouchan.tokyo
>>5671 sorry to break that on you but heyuri is retarded beyond usability
>>5672 Why can't we all be friends...?
>>5673 Because my isolation has turned me into hostile haughty warlock. Friendship is an offense in my dictionary!
Anyway, what's with all this talk about friends? Everybody out there craves for friends, intimacy, coziness, and other abstract things they don't even understand. Let's FIGHT! All this meekness is emetic! There is no greater joy than fight against boredom! Why do we have to put ourselves down and act like the lowest of the low, like sheep, like we don't have will of our own? Look around! "Woe to me, I am so lonely!"; " woe to me, I am so unhappy"; "I wish I was never born"; "everyday I imagine to die", EWWWW!!! This mental wrists slitting is d.i.s.g.u.s.t.i.n.g! Is there not anybody out there, who like me, instead of perpetuating this idiotic self hatred, wishes to FIGHT? Wouldn't it be so much better if we put in all our efforts, everyday, to complete failure, just to improve at least a bit? Is there no one wanting a healthy spirit? Are all of you just going to spend the rest of your life being insects, because "there is no hope for me" and "I have given up"? What the heck is this thinking? You put yourself down and then spend the rest of your life complaining? Why are you not STRUGGLING MORE? Stop being so weak! For God's sake, is there ANYONE willing to FIGHT? ANYONE? PLEASE
>>5675 I will destroy you. My power level is over 9000. I have seen +10 anime, read more than 4 manga and I'm white belt in karate. Prepare yourself kid, this is going to be rough!
>>5675 MCAnon...... i'm starting to believe..... i must continue to fight........... for MY FRIENDS!! i will not allow the self-perpetuating malady of negativity to hold me back from doing..... what I MUST!! KYAAAAA
>>5677 >I will destroy you. Won't take you. I'm nearly wasted by social anxiety and it's only been 6 hours. Damn it was all so different in the morning. >>5678 Yes, FIGHT is EVERYTHING! Once you give in to the weakness of mind it's over. You must never cease your struggle against things that seek to shutter your confidence. Happiness and power are only acquired through constant effort. You will never fix your negative mindset unless you work constantly on improving the way you think. Now how the actual fuck do I stop this anxiety I'm loosing my sanity
Hello my dear WARRIORS! Lack of such "basic" things as friends or confidants or intimacy are good and beneficial! Just consider this only that when you have no one to share your anxiousness with, you do not have choice except to face it and struggle! This makes you stronger and better! Surprising? All truth seems to be paradoxical at first! Only when you are completely cornered by circumstances do you realize that true endurance and true strength lies withing relying only on yourself! Thus greatly mentally strong people were always self sustained and never sought anything but their own constancy and their own support! Embrace the STRUGGLE! Embrace the FIGHT! No slacking off! No giving up! RISE UP FOOLS! We shall CONQUER weakness and CLAIM the SORCERY as OURS!
i despise reddit spacers, there is a reason i use a big monitor and it is not to see more of your shiposting
>>5687 hey friend! please go back.
HIIIKAAAAARIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII :3. I am having a what the fuck is happening to me night (out of blue), so... I don't know. Can't form my thoughts, but I just kind of want to form this stream of nothingness into something coherent, comprehensive and communicable! I just need to close my eyes for a minute but I can't!
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I adore our emotes so much >>5683 I will fight anon, I will fight to my last breadth!!!
Yes yes amazing emotes, amazing board, awesome lack of users. Unfair!
I want to e-date Hikari3 warrior and cuddle Hikari3 warrior snd kiss Hikari3 warrior and and and
>>5722 Are you all right? I'm all in for a good fight, but it didn't occur to me to fight in bed.Not my area of expertise anyway.
>>5662 >Hikari is actually extremely active I wouldn't call it extremely active.
>>5727 You just have not learned the Way of Fight and Struggle. When you do, you will see beyond the surface and observe life such as is not found anywhere else. A life full of purpose, all movements directed towards the one end, the one goal, the one strife. Make a step towards Wisdom, join the Fight! Leave behind the putrid desires dictated to you by Evil! Become one with Eternity! Become a Warrior!
>>5727 yeah wouldn't say extremely active, but it's active enough. bring your friends!
>>5728 What are you talking about!
>>5730 About Resisting the ever present Evil!
Devil seizes my soul and torments me! But I shall not yield! You Warrior will stand until he falls! VETE AL DIABOLO! No Mercy for the Evil!
>>5734 aw sweet, a schizo meltdown
>>5738 Hikari I am fighting Evil right now the most devastating war I've had in a year or so. Will you not join the Fight? Will you stay idle while Evil cloaks the World with its filth? Warrior, RAISE YOU SWORD!
>>5739 Who's Evil?
>>5743 Evil is that which makes you contemptuous of truth.
God give me power to endure this meaninglessness
hello it's me speaking are you going to post or nah?
>>5804 ohayou anonchama what's up
>>5805 I have to wake up in 5 hours and I know I will be exhausted as hell and I know I should sleep, but there's a brain circuit that demands you to read One More Reply for the sake of it. Guess I just want to talk to somebody.
>>5806 no worries. you should go to bed if you have responsibilities lol. but i don't mind chatting a bit. what is it you have to be up for?
he think he is sleeping like a rock
>>5807 Slavery likes to have me early.
If I fucking get home at all today holy moe this life is ridiculous nipah
>>5810 okaeri anon. how was waging?
>>5813 Extremely fulfilling! Every hour wasted on earning money to waste make me a tad happier! I want to believe!
>>5666 wait it is! i'll have to ask... ;-;
>>5814 money is just a tool anon. the means in which you earn it and what you spend it on is your own choice. i'm working a LOT myself recently but i'm doing it in preparation for vacation and to put myself through school. plus i still have time to lift and hang out with friends. waging does suck but it's merely a means to an end!
>>5816 >lift and hang out Do you have the slightest idea how opposite this is to my lifestyle?
>>5817 i'm not sure how your life is. i don't really know you personally. but i can say that a few years ago i spent my days being high 24/7 with no job and no friends. didn't do anything except do drugs, lay on the floor, and consider death. nowadays is much different, and i'm nobody special. i know this is cheesy to say but your life is what you make it for the most part. there's no better time to try and change things up than the present!
>>5817 don't fall for the toxic positivity. you can do those things if you want but they aren't as good as the "self-improvement" chatbots want you to believe. I have done those things (and worse) and in the end they are just alternative pastimes like fishing or gooning give negative emotions a chance. we can decide what we do and say, but what we feel is ultimately outside of our control
>>5821 this is absolutely incorrect. no way you can tell me with a straight face that lifting is no better than gooning. this is scientifically untrue. you're right about the fishing, in that it's a productive hobby and therefore is good for the spirit. one should not wallow in bad habits that keep them sad. poor advice anon.
>>5822 for me it is even worse than gooning because of how boring it is. there is a reason why the "fitness&socialization" discourse targets people that have never done either, they don't know those activities are as average as any other so they can be sold a fantasy >scientifically untrue >good for the spirit >should not I know you want to sound wise but desperately chasing happiness is not a good look both sadness and happiness are ephemeral, even if that makes you afraid or anxious. live life and both will come and go
>desperately chasing happiness is not a good look You're wrong. By not desperately seeking happiness and opposing the Devil you are missing out on the Fight and only the Fight can lead you to true purpose and satisfaction with your existence!
>>5823 i do not seek happiness out of desperation. i have a history of pretty bad mood swings so i understand that you don't always get to control how you feel. that does NOT change the fact that your habits have a proven, tangible effect on your mental health. people seek fulfillment. people seek satisfaction. this is coded into us. to say gooning, which is a destructive habit that is bad for your brain and damages your ability to form relationships with others- especially women, is on par with lifting, fishing, socializing, hell even hobbies like learning languages, is wrong. it's still mind-blowing to me you can claim this and not see the issue. it's like saying smoking crack is on par with learning an instrument. so obviously wrong. i'm not saying anon should blindly follow toxic positivity, because that's wrong too. misfortune and bad feelings are natural. but to say "well there's nothing you can do about it, might as well rot in your room and jerk off all day teehee" honestly disgusts me. i'm not trying to sound wise i am simply giving advice based on what i have lived through. whether you want to consider that wisdom or not i don't really care.
>>5825 >so obviously wrong. i'm sorry to break it on you but that basically says you're a midwit. your opinion is only worthy of being utterly discarded and thrown into a garbage bin. provide argumentation. guys, just once in your life, prove your point by an argument. but all you can you do is >obvious this is so mediocre i wonder why you're not ashamed of speaking
>>5826 interesting how i explained why it seems so obviously wrong to me before that, aka my "argument", yet you focus on this final exclamation. nevermind your nitpicking, do you seriously think gooning is on the same level as a productive hobby like reading or language learning or boxing?
>>5826 yknow what, i am being rude. i apologize. i'm hangry i think. i do not wish to be mean, we are supposed to be comfy here. i just think your advice was counterproductive at best, destructive at worst. i will be more cordial. i want everyone to succeed and find fulfillment and it hurts my heart to see people in such sadness, which is why i am passionate about this.
>>5827 >do you seriously think gooning is on the same level as a productive hobby like reading or language learning or boxing no and i'm not even that anon you were talking to. and no, your post didn't have any argumentation, just a wordy reiteration of your qualia. i think gooning is a vain attempt to find satisfaction where it isn't. i do not think lifting in itself is fundamentally different from gooning, but in long term it seems to be much less likely to cause such massive amounts of frustration as gooning does. besides, it seems physical exercise is better suited for maintaining health than torturing your little friend. anyway, my experience is that neither gooning nor working out provided me with satisfaction i sought, but working out was still much better. gooning is followed by hard withdrawals and it seems to have affected me in the long run. i have been opposing it for more than a year and i'm still barely halfway through. it doesn't even pleasure me anymore. it's like a hard drug. no such thing ever happened with working out. but that's just my experience.
>>5827 that's another anonymous. the difference between feelings and thoughts is that you don't control feelings. I don't know how else to say this, but you have too many prejudices and fears. do you also think masturbation will cause you to grow hair on your palms? I'm making an assumption here, but you are replying even when it seems to frustrate you a little, so I'm not sure about the fulfillment seeking. I guess if you claim everything a person does is ultimately motivated by satisfaction then yes, but at that point the word becomes useless. the mental health... recommending habits to a regular person sounds like ritualized repression >well there's nothing you can do about it, might as well rot in your room and jerk off all day teehee nobody said that (although, if they like that who am I so say they are rotting?), but the internet has decided that the default answer to "I don't like X" is "you should try doing Y and Z, which you also don't like - and be happy about it". there are no panaceas, and sometimes things just are. I knew a guy that was addicted to crack, but I have never met anyone addicted to playing the oboe, so I can guess which one ranks better on the fulfillment metric that one is a joke >>5829 notice how we manage to feel bad about feeling good. you can try to outrun your emotions but a healthy brain will always find opportunities to pass you the bill so to speak. now, I'm not saying that you shouldn't feel bad about feeling good, I'm just saying that it happens

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