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Anonymous 07/25/2023 (Tue) 13:05:14 Id:39785b No. 228 [Reply]
To this day I still enjoy playing osu! >and still farming some points though
I like to play Taiko
I prefer Mania and other keyboard rhythm games Quaver is pretty cool, it lets you import your osu songs in there

Anonymous 07/02/2023 (Sun) 03:33:00 Id:d98c1e No. 81 [Reply]
Share retro video game commercials you like ITT These Japanese Mario ads from then looked very nice

Anonymous 07/10/2023 (Mon) 06:19:03 Id:dbf9da No. 143 [Reply]
Here are some websites to generate cool gaym images And perhaps make some banners
>>143 Wow Pretty cool

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Big fat idea 07/07/2023 (Fri) 10:45:32 Id:126c9b No. 115 [Reply]
Can i get some inspiration for video game design? Like, art design specifically. Like i m trying to plan out the aesthetics for the environment, the level basically, so it s all about, painting the looks but somehow i dont have enough idea or motivation to repeat the same boxes or trees Any solution to this? I guess it s v psychological than actual logistic problem Sorry but pls Feel free to suggest anything. Hint; the idea needa to be vibrant and many enough, so i can do ALOT of variety
>>115 >the level basically, so it s all about, painting the looks Can you elaborate? >i dont have enough idea or motivation For ideas, gathering a bunch of references for the environment to help visualize the aesthetics helps. For motivation, I'm not too sure what to say about that because it's more on you
(56.86 KB 466x659 images (31).jpeg)
Yay! A reply! >>116 well uh. Something like backgrounds. >motivation Ok maybe just idea >references Yea thats the issue. It should be like picture here but... somehow i have sort of, switched my thought processing, so This picture is good but not, motivating enough... So i need SMAller tiny bits of things that represent these things of sorts, or similar. Idk this sounds lame now. I m just very drained for days now and i havent been productive no matter what i do. I thought an outside input may help... but this seems to be more specific
>>116 >elaborate Well technically i know how the level is, thats what.
>>117 You should get more images to help with referencing with what you want for your aesthetic
>>120 maybe. I think i have alot of image already. So i guess it s not enough

Final Fantasy 11 (XI) Anonymous 06/26/2023 (Mon) 19:06:16 Id:72ec1f No. 79 [Reply]
talk to about this great game I really want to play but am always dubious to begin
no one play this game to talk about it with me
I've only played the FF games on the SNES After that I don't really find a lot of them interesting, although I'm not that much of an RPG guy. Because it needs a lot of commitment, and usually I prefer smaller games.

Anonymous 07/03/2023 (Mon) 08:44:16 Id:4679a7 No. 85 [Reply]
Anyone else like to watch automatic Mario videos?

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GOD I LOVE CELESTE pandaevan##JhwhNy 06/07/2023 (Wed) 19:21:31 Id:94e98b No. 41 [Reply]
celeste is a great game and it's challenging precision platforming us what keeps bringing me back to this great game..... (also theo is best character) any precision games you guys like to play?
>theo is best character
>>52 And are you saying Badeline is?
>>72 ye

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Anonymous 05/21/2023 (Sun) 16:31:23 Id:54ed14 No. 17 [Reply]
I like fable Is a cool game I used to play on my childhood Playing nowdays Is still fun :D
Based fable enjoyer.

Anonymous 06/20/2023 (Tue) 07:50:16 Id:c387a8 No. 64 [Reply]
Why does the new Steam UI suck shit? It was fine before They need to stop ruining goodness
1 post omitted.
it's also a lot slower on worse PCs, it was so fluid aswell changing of the tides i suppose
>>66 Yeah, my PC's starting to get more outdated, so it's running exponentially slower. I'd just wish they made it optional. I wouldn't have cared as much. I don't see why everyone is switching to more "smartphone styled" UI's. It doesn't do any good. They're trying to modernize everything that doesn't have to be. It already looked fine. If it's not broken, don't change it.
>>67 not to mention the fact that this UI change is completely irrelevant when looking at Steam as a service to buy games, makes 0 sense
>>65 the way that i fixed it was to close steam completely and go into the properties of the desktop icon and add -vgui at the end of the target section. the shitty part is that u gotta close and reopen steam every time u restart ur computer
>>69 Thank you so much

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God of War/Devil may cry Anonymous 06/08/2023 (Thu) 02:58:16 Id:a763df No. 42 [Reply]
Or games in similar vein. H8, R8, and suggest games.
icey and dust an elysian tale both have similar combat to dmc with the exception being that they are 2d
metal gear rising revengance is another badass one
upcoming Final Fantasy 16, based off what I've seen, it's similar to Devil May Cry in game play, but has the semi-open world of God of War From what's been shown, it's most definitely gonna be good







