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Dandadan 名無し 10/10/2024 (Thu) 07:40:50 No. 1072 [Reply]
Have you guys seen the new Dandadan anime ep 1.
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i dont like the nogbabble speaking, read one chapter blind from the dumps on 4chong/a/ and it was naruto shojin -or whatever tournament type of shit, which i dont enjoy
>>1075 ep 2 just came out :D
>>1078 Now I can't wait for 3 :D
Still haven't got to watch any of the planned seasonal anime, prob kms sooner unfortunately
just sat down and watched the first 3 episodes (only 3 released so far). i'm actually liking it a lot! it's pretty goofy but in a fun way. looking forward to the next episode.

Anonymous-san 07/05/2023 (Wed) 15:10:55 Id:d11da0 No. 51 [Reply]
This is a wide thread. Post wide hidamaris
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>>225 This show gave me nightmares for months and depression for a lifetime.
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>>52 >>134 NEEDS MORE WIDE

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名無し 04/17/2024 (Wed) 20:39:32 No. 942 [Reply]
Right looks better.
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>>1004 I'm not advocating for anything that I'm describing. This is just what I believe has more or less ruined anime. It sounds like we agree (since you define moe as chasing money through fanservice, which I think is a good definition). I'm not saying things have to be this way, either. Of course artists can make concerted efforts to put out decent work. I'm sure some are doing that right now. I'm just as dismayed as you are by the state of the industry at the moment--though I would say pretty much everything in the world is suffering from a fundamental lack of effort and creativity at the moment
I just dotn care for anime anymore because the world i live in interesting enough.
>>1007 want!
>>1007 Thats mature!

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Light Novel thread 名無し 08/25/2024 (Sun) 19:27:58 No. 1040 [Reply]
this thread is for the discussion of light novels only and everything concerning LN. Can someone help me found if this LN (pic related) is in english on internet or paper media. it's called 'a mechanical dragon' I think. feel free to share your LN collection or tell us what is your favorite LN
i'd never read a LN before this, but i started reading the Overlord LN recently. honestly it might have put me onto being a LN reader. you get many more little details and nuances actually reading the story vs watching the anime. i'm thinking of reading some other LNs after this one but not sure what yet.
>>1040 the title is "機械じかけの竜と偽り王子" if that helps
>>1044 thank you , I still can't find a translated version online

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Hikari3 Spring 2024 Seasonal Anime Thread! 名無し 03/20/2024 (Wed) 19:34:03 No. 900 [Reply]
Second verse, same as the first! The longer daylight hours means more time to watch anime! What'll you be watching? Want to talk about an anime as it's airing? Post about it here!
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>>1023 Yeah, slow burn definitely fits shoujo more, just not really in the mood for it this season. I may give it another try here in a few weeks. The new girl in MahoAku is really, really cute. Great transformation sequence & Engrish.
>>1018 which anime is this? looks cute.
>>1032 Hero fucked demon lord for lulz or vice versa i don't remember. doesn't every appealing to me, maybe if it was hentai...
Not the best season so far but a few good shows and some with potential here and there. I liked that Shumatsu Train show or whatever its called. A bit disappointed with where it went but it turned out okay. I'm gonna call it quits for this season since I am actually going mentally insane so I should probably deal with that first.
>>1037 Don't worry insanity isn't as bad as you think. Also I figured I just don't know what to do with it, so I let the thing go on its own. No hallucinations is good enough for me.

名無し 03/03/2024 (Sun) 01:35:17 No. 872 [Reply]
godzilla vs hedorah is fucking hilarious
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lolita thread 名無し 01/12/2024 (Fri) 14:16:03 No. 807 [Reply]
characters in lolita fashion
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triptych is a good eroge full of gothloli (・ω<)☆
>>983 Seems to have used goods unfortunately, but those are hags so I wouldn't have interest in them in the first place. But going by that description it looks like they had been "used" by one of the main heroines??
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Good girls keep em coming

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whatzat 名無し 04/14/2024 (Sun) 12:18:22 No. 933 [Reply]
question for all those interested in ancient egyptian writings what those hieroglyphs stand for source metal rogue (crappiest show tbh)
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>>946 This is /aca/core
Brave creators hate lolicon and ask for you passport to use their cryptoscam, lol safety at its finest. And opera is just opera.
>>948 >Brave creators hate lolicon Source??? Either way, as long as you can USE the BROWSER for looking/getting loli stuff, it does not matter. >and ask for you passport to use their cryptoscam The crypto scam is completely optional. >lol safety at its finest Yes, it's open source. >And opera is just opera. Opera used to be an independent browser 15 years ago, but nowadays it's a Chrome reskin. Brave is also a Chrome reskin, but unlike Opera, it does not send all you browsing history to the Chinese government Anyway, I'm not shilling for Brave or anything. I personally use LibreWolf for most things, but I use Brave for invasive real world bullshit-related websites and the like and it works well enough.
Please keep the thread on its original topic
there is heluva amount of hieroglyphs and even more when combined screenshot obviously represents one but without dictionary or a person who got ancient egypt on a fingertips it's more or less useless to tryina recognize the intent it could be name possibly

名無し 03/02/2024 (Sat) 22:25:03 No. 871 [Reply]
Favorite showa godzilla film?
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>>874 This is the first Godzilla movie I've watched, partly because of the awesome poster and the badass villain, but the movie itself is kinda dull. The special effects really shine tho I've also watched Shin Godzilla and Godzilla Minus One which are great, but I'm still yet to watch the Showa-era movies Godzilla (1954) is turning 70 this year, so I'm waiting for its anniversary date to watch it finally, as a commemoration
Probably Godzilla vs. Hedorah, or the original 1954 film. Godzilla vs. Hedorah is ridiculous and has a lot of cool art and music. The original is still great and a grim film. I also love Doctor Serizawa. It's really hard for me to pick a favorite though as they're all really fun and I have heavy nostalgia for all of them. Also, not really Godzilla but I do like the Frankenstein vs. Baragon movie. >>876 The Heisei films are pretty dull, but the special effects and great suits make them still tolerable to watch. I would probably recommend watching some Showa-era classics like the original '54 film, Godzilla vs. Hedorah, Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla, or Destroy All Monsters.
>>878 I always thought G vs Hed was kind of silly in terms of my taste in Godzilla movies. I personally like Godzilla vs Mothra (1964) and Son of Godzilla (1967) >Baragon gal!?!?!?>
Out of the Showa era films the original 1954 Godzilla is the best. Tbh the Showa era kinda sucked. Maybe because the effects just haven't aged well? The first film makes up for that with its dark atmosphere and visuals.
after reading that my feeling were thrown out the window

名無し 03/09/2024 (Sat) 03:31:25 No. 890 [Reply]
Rest in peace, king of shonen.
>>890 I can't believe I'm just finding out about this...what the fuck...RIP
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