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Which game is that?
>>4854 water closet the forbidden chamber

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Anonymous 04/18/2024 (Thu) 05:53:51 No. 4786 [Reply]
ITT post any wiki pages you find interesting

Anonymous 04/28/2024 (Sun) 18:32:47 No. 4874 [Reply]
I found a weird wire underground like this image in my yard, some weird chicken wire or something. When I looked it up on google it said a lot of answers but the best one I found is that it was to keep small animals like moles from burying my backyard. But I don't know, what do you think?
oh and p.s I don't think there's moles or animals like that in a hot desert
>>4874 The alien invaders will connect ropes to the edges of that, pull your habitation off the ground with you inside it and bring you to Mars for research. Kitto.

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Anonymous 04/23/2024 (Tue) 18:11:13 No. 4837 [Reply]
Happy Saint Georges Day!
>>4837 Here people celebrate it by setting off hot air balloons. He's a popular saint, celebrated in many different countries and cultures.

Anonymous 04/21/2024 (Sun) 08:30:53 No. 4814 [Reply]
Do you prefer Rural or Urban areas
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>>4814 rural but with no houses or villages or people. just me in the jungle alone with the beautiful animals
>>4814 If "urban" means my own house in a nice neighborhood then I will take the urban environment. Else rural 100%, living in an apartment is hell.
I live in a big city, never stayed in a rural area. Never lived anywhere else. I like the city because I don't have to do a lot of manual labor.
Rural all the way. The main reason I don't leave the house is because there is nowhere to walk or anything to see in the city
>>4838 >there is nowhere to walk or anything to see in the city People would commonly say the opposite, though I can understand your point. It may be interesting to take a walk in the nature or something, while the "interesting" things in cities are consumerist stuff and the like.

Anonymous 04/15/2024 (Mon) 05:40:59 No. 4757 [Reply]
I've been thinking about going out more, where should I go? What types of places?
Your fortune: Very Bad Luck
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>>4808 (Me) I just went outside at night for a walk with my 弟 little brother and we ended up eating at a McDonald's. It was a bit nostalgic in a way.
>>4757 You can't go wrong with a classy cafe. Unless there's a lot of Italians, then be on your guard.
>>4825 are you a girl
>>4827 No, why? Girls don't use the internet (other than Instagram and TikTok).
>>4828 because it would be really cute if a neechan went out at night with her otouto

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Pizza thread Anonymous 04/17/2024 (Wed) 05:27:12 No. 4774 [Reply]
What kind of pizza do you like?
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>>4800 Because you're supposed to pay taxes...? What do you mean there's no reason?
I always like to stick with basic pepperoni but occasionally I'll ask for meat on my pizza
>>4801 >Because you're supposed to pay taxes...? says who!?
>>4803 The IRS
>>4801 yea u supposed to pay taxes. if u planning to keep yourself your magic swamp and don't let ogres threw u outta it u supposed to pay taxes. Nothing is "god given". Especially not rights. U gotta have system to maintain it. Rights are soft. U gotta have hard. >>4802 sausage on pizza is basically sandwich. Boring. I once tried tangerine pizza, that was adventure =)

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Anonymous 04/12/2024 (Fri) 18:03:46 No. 4728 [Reply]
what endings in anything have had the most impact on you? ones that leave you thinking about them years after playing/watching/reading (obviously use spoilers if you need them)
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LISA the painful
Silent Hill 2's leave ending and Saya no Uta's endings made me cry
>>4728 Yume Nikki and Welcome to the NHK
Devilman berserk angels egg

anime and game mads Anonymous 04/17/2024 (Wed) 16:38:00 No. 4778 [Reply]
post some mads that you like and think are cool. i found this one recently
are 1080p downloads on nicovideo completely paywalled now?

Anonymous 04/15/2024 (Mon) 23:30:49 No. 4767 [Reply]
I ate a tictac
I haven't ate one in years I think Tictac, what's even a tictac?
>>4767 i'm so damn hungry....what should i eat?
u can use box as photo filter
>>4767 what flavour?
>>4770 how?







