that's another anonymous. the difference between feelings and thoughts is that you don't control feelings. I don't know how else to say this, but you have too many prejudices and fears. do you also think masturbation will cause you to grow hair on your palms? I'm making an assumption here, but you are replying even when it seems to frustrate you a little, so I'm not sure about the fulfillment seeking. I guess if you claim everything a person does is ultimately motivated by satisfaction then yes, but at that point the word becomes useless. the mental health... recommending habits to a regular person sounds like ritualized repression
>well there's nothing you can do about it, might as well rot in your room and jerk off all day teehee
nobody said that (although, if they like that who am I so say they are rotting?), but the internet has decided that the default answer to "I don't like X" is "you should try doing Y and Z, which you also don't like - and be happy about it". there are no panaceas, and sometimes things just are. I knew a guy that was addicted to crack, but I have never met anyone addicted to playing the oboe, so I can guess which one ranks better on the fulfillment metric
that one is a joke
notice how we manage to feel bad about feeling good. you can try to outrun your emotions but a healthy brain will always find opportunities to pass you the bill so to speak. now, I'm not saying that you shouldn't feel bad about feeling good, I'm just saying that it happens