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Anonymous-san 07/14/2023 (Fri) 06:30:21 No. 119 [Reply]
Anyone else listened to the Lucky Star character songs? They're so cute and really good. My favorite ones are Tsusaka's, or Konata's.
4 posts and 1 image omitted.
>>119 I used to listen to Dondake Fanfare so much long ago...
Minami's the best It's crazy to think these songs are now as old as the character at the start of the anime
i love this one a lot ^_^
>>187 It makes me sad but also amaze how fast time went Kind of miss those times I wonder how they look now after all these years
>>217 >It makes me sad but also amaze how fast time went It was only about... 16 years ago... wow

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Anonymous-san 07/23/2023 (Sun) 13:20:47 No. 169 [Reply]
lol why is he minecraft
>>169 What texture pack is this?
>>170 His and Her circumstances

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Anonymous 05/21/2023 (Sun) 03:02:39 Id:4800de No. 4 [Reply]
I am love anime...!
(51.36 KB 564x423 1673110131835474.jpg)
me too!
>>4 same
>>49 KONATA NO! schoolshooting isn't the answer! STOP!

>>84 只今満席です

あのん-さん 06/23/2023 (Fri) 02:24:14 Id:2c3af7 No. 41 [Reply]
I just found out about this now Does anyone else here know about it? The art style looks cute!
What is that?
>>42 The Melancholy of Haruhi- chan Suzumiya It's a parody ONA all on YouTube







