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Anonymous-san 08/17/2023 (Thu) 20:23:07 No. 319 [Reply]
Why are weebs obsessed with lucky star?
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I don't know. I prefer Hidamari Sketch
what is lucky star?
so what you guys dress up as, you should dress up as an call of duty Character.
>>335 Is the hole they're symbolising with their hands supposed to be where your cock goes?
>>341 I hope so

Anonymous-san 07/17/2023 (Mon) 13:09:03 No. 136 [Reply]
List any lost anime media you know of ITT Lost media have an unsettling feel to them for some reason
>>136 kind of unrelated? but isn't that the pilot for PPGZ? (your pic) that was partially found right
>>136 https://lostmediawiki.com/Category:Lost_animation you can found some anime in there, tho it is mixed with non japanese cartoon
There's "Saki Sanobashi", although its existence is disputed. From https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/subcultures/saki-sanobashi : >Saki Sanobashi is a supposedly lost horror anime about the violent deaths of girls trapped in a bathroom. Since it was brought up in a forum post in 2015, other users have described seeing something similar, leading to a quest to find this supposed lost anime. >On February 21st, 2015, a user of 4chan's /x/ (Paranormal) board described having watched a strange and violent anime named "Go for a Punch". <Some weird anime about naked girls stuck in a large bathroom without doors, having a philosophical debate about never getting out of the room. After losing hope and starving for some days everything goes downhill. <They just start screaming and yelling. <Then they all commit suicide, either by smashing their heads on the floor or scratching their necks to bloody pieces >Another user asked the /a/ (Anime) board if they knew about it and was told that the title might be Saki Sanobashi. Most people thereafter used this name for the mystery anime. Sounds pretty bizarre and disturbing.

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Anonymous-san 08/15/2023 (Tue) 17:41:03 No. 249 [Reply]
Love Tomoko. >When she would pretend to be asleep at her desk since she had no friends to talk to >When she would eat alone in the toilets because she had no friends to eat with >When she would be alone through out most of summer break as she had no friends to hang out with Ahaha, yeah, I did that all the time when I was in school...
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>eating alone at a burger joint and feeling awkward the entire time i started reading the manga when i first started college last year and i was coincidentally also eating all by myself at the burger joint across the street because i assumed the school cafeteria was closed on weekends good thing that things have gotten so much better since then...ahaha...ha...
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>>256 Hope things get better anony. Have you kept up to date with the manga? I dropped it after she became popular, contradicting the title of the series. Of course its good shes made improvements in her social skills and made some friends, but at her core shes still a sperg, and they completely changed that. Should've had her push some people away because of the parts of her uncomfortable personality, and then she just has a small social circle who like her for who she really is, not the yuri harem we have now that just deals with their boring antics. We could've had more stuff delving into different socially awkward topics that spergy Tomoko has to deal with, like... >Falling out with a friend then having to see them in class or worse work with them on something >A friend having a close loved one pass away and trying to console them >Being bullied continuously by someone and Tomoko has to learn to stand up for herself Or just end it at the point where she has her yuri harem, because it gets boring after that. Maybe if the writer had Tomoko go on dates and fail then succeed that would've been the last interesting thing to do with it. Either way its gone on for too long now. This is honestly why I prefer the anime, better self contained story.
>>249 I never had any friends, but I also never pretended to be asleep or ate in the toilet or whatever in school. >>256 I used to sometimes go buy McDonalds "food" at night and eat it alone, but instead of eating at the McDonalds building, I would carry the food and go to a nearby (but obscure) spot with a good view. However, I don't do that much anymore because I still have to leave home to do that (obviously), and it drains my money, and it's supposedly unhealthy. >>260 >anony Hello fagatha
>>260 yeah, i kept reading it and got to the current arc, The Movie Shoot That Never Ends. tomoko getting popular and having a harem didn't really bother me until i started seeing other people talk about it, which made me reconsider, and i ended up realizing that i didn't like how she changes nothing about herself and still amasses a harem, somehow. i still wouldn't say that i dislike the manga, i really like a couple of the girls in tomoko's harem, like nemo, and uh...nemo, and tomoko's sperginess still makes me laugh, but it's definitely not in an ideal spot. now that i think about it, i do actually prefer the anime, if only because it ends at some point lol
>>275 >until i started seeing other people talk about it, Like real people or in universe character? yeah I'm late for 11 months

Anonymous-san 07/12/2023 (Wed) 05:27:23 No. 62 [Reply]
If you could have a high quality robo-waifu IRL, who would it be?
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>>118 sorry I don't know where to get them, ask 4chan you'll get more answers
>>111 >>118 I mean this exist if you want to have a lottle loli with you
>>243 Now that's creepy Very uncanny and weird I'd rather be 2d myself than have 3d loli. 2d is always better
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>>128 Wait, what's that on the picture? A third middle nipple?
>>267 rib cage

dakimakura Anonymous 07/03/2023 (Mon) 20:31:41 No. 106 [Reply]
I want to get a dakimakura of rei (long hair) but I don't find it online. how can I get one? can you help me? also dakimakura thread I guess
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can someone find me a dakimakura of yukikaze, please?
Here's mine
>>262 nice, it's touhou, am I right? how does it feel when you hug it? at night
>>263 >it's touhou, am I right? That's right. >how does it feel when you hug it? Soothing. My favorite thing is staying in bed after waking up and cuddling her. Nice moments before another awful day.

Anonymous-san 07/14/2023 (Fri) 06:30:21 No. 119 [Reply]
Anyone else listened to the Lucky Star character songs? They're so cute and really good. My favorite ones are Tsusaka's, or Konata's.
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>>119 I used to listen to Dondake Fanfare so much long ago...
Minami's the best https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DfmGganuMZ8 It's crazy to think these songs are now as old as the character at the start of the anime
i love this one a lot ^_^ https://youtu.be/dWU4ADUQMeo
>>187 It makes me sad but also amaze how fast time went Kind of miss those times I wonder how they look now after all these years
>>217 >It makes me sad but also amaze how fast time went It was only about... 16 years ago... wow

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Anonymous-san 07/23/2023 (Sun) 13:20:47 No. 169 [Reply]
lol why is he minecraft
>>169 What texture pack is this?
>>170 His and Her circumstances

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Anonymous 05/21/2023 (Sun) 03:02:39 Id:4800de No. 4 [Reply]
I am love anime...!
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me too!
>>4 same
>>49 KONATA NO! schoolshooting isn't the answer! STOP!

>>84 只今満席です

あのん-さん 06/23/2023 (Fri) 02:24:14 Id:2c3af7 No. 41 [Reply]
I just found out about this now Does anyone else here know about it? The art style looks cute!
What is that?
>>42 The Melancholy of Haruhi- chan Suzumiya It's a parody ONA all on YouTube







