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pout girl 名無し 10/13/2023 (Fri) 12:02:31 No. 547 [Reply] [Last]
fern is pouting because you're not watching her anime
51 posts and 34 images omitted.
>>1177 >hikari3 is the only board i actively post on >the way you speak Dont worry I got the kind of person you are, this is the last reply you are getting, beg for more like a dog.
from this person in the physical world at least.
>>1178 thank god finally. goodbye now.
anyway, frieren and fern eating burger
fern got MAD but that's a good thing because now I can see her POUT also really liked last chapter of the manga

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Desu##3Y0MhV 05/21/2023 (Sun) 07:19:26 Id:e9088d No. 5 [Reply]
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>>1090 Best doll ever
>>1091 For you
>>1144 No, Hina Ichigo is universally the best doll. She's a cute, pure and innocent source of endless entertainment and perfectly unmarred platonic love. There is no other doll that can offer that. Shinku is imperative and full of herself, Desu ultimately equals to endless trouble, Souseiseki is just boring, Kana Ria didn't need to exist at all, Suigintou has too many mental issues, and the rest are whatever. No doll compares to Higa Ichigo. She's the ultimate masterpiece of Rozen, one and only perfect doll.

Anonymous-san 08/21/2023 (Mon) 09:40:46 No. 364 [Reply]
>The creator of this series is a woman WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT?!?!
44 posts and 17 images omitted.
>>1136 ding-ding-ding!!!
>>1137 Proof?
(2.61 MB 2480x3508 107551492_p0.jpg)
>>1138 The proof is left as an exercise for the reader.
>>1139 Post tits.
>>1141 Fuck off to heyuri

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名無し 11/06/2023 (Mon) 05:53:06 No. 599 [Reply]
hop in dude
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>>1107 Bless you
i wanna cuddle with yukari
>>1111 Wow! Four same numbers Yukari must be very lucky.
Your fortune: Very Bad Luck
Yukari... I imagine cuddling with her while she pats my head calling me a good boy...

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Game-Dev Manga Anonymous 11/05/2024 (Tue) 04:19:19 No. 1112 [Reply]
Have you guys seen this game dev manga? It's called Hakutaku, I've been reading it so much :D
>>1112 I know it because Steam Deck appeared in it. Is it good?
>>1113 I've been reading a lot about it, and I thought that it was really good. Although, I can't pinpoint what I like about it hahahahah.

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名無し 05/30/2024 (Thu) 05:09:13 No. 971 [Reply]
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Beautiful album, thank you for sharing!
nice, theres a jjapanese shoegaze thread on jp if you want to share some jp shoegaze
>> The last part is amazing, I wish it lasted longer

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名無し 02/04/2024 (Sun) 04:49:10 No. 845 [Reply]
>Casually transfers her soul into a giant robot so that when Shinji causes an apocalyptic event she can float out into space for all eternity as a testament to mankinds existence in your path.
1 post omitted.
>>846 It's because most anime watchers are shy, depressed, losers like shinji. HE'S LITERALLY ME!
>>847 ironically enough, most of the people i see who pretend this show is way deeper than it actually is tend to really hate shinji for reasons i don't fully comprehend
lol, why were some of the posts deleted?
>>850 earlier this morning... something funny happened The site was restored from backup
>>848 >pretend this show is way deeper than it actually is It is extremely deep, though Not sure if you meant the psychological side of it, or the lore, but either way it is, especially the lore. The anime explicitly states very little, and even the stuff you can guess from the context isn't really the full picture. It's not a show you can fully understand on your first watch. There are a few things that we know because of other media related to the series, like some of the games, though, the canonicity can be often questionable. Also, most people call the first ending just some abstract nonsense, but it holds a lot of meaning. It ponders the meaning of existence and what is essentially is, I personally really like it. You can also see it as something that happened in-between the timeline of EoE.

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名無し 10/15/2024 (Tue) 17:03:24 No. 1079 [Reply]
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hello sexy
i dont know touhou are you twins??
>>1081 No, they are dumb

cozy shows/movies that you always come back to? 名無し 02/15/2024 (Thu) 17:17:40 No. 865 [Reply]
mine's picrel and natsume yuujinchou
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i guess mine would be Sakurasou, Kyoukai no Kanata, and Engage Kiss
Pic-rel is my all-time favorite anime/movie I grew up with it, and I have watched it countless times It's perfect in every sense to me: the art, animation, music, plot, characters, .... Just listening to the OST gives me goosebumps It's just so beautiful and whimsical Definitely top-tier coziness
>>867 ghibli movies have such comfy everyday magic in them, i can't help but think of certain scenes whenever i listen to the soundtrack because every part works so well together in the movie. my favorite is Whisper of the Heart, since it makes running down a big flight of stairs or walking home feel as magical as actual fantasy stories.
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Aria is very comfy A bunch of cute girls studying to be gondoliers, very slow, very relaxing

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名無し 08/14/2024 (Wed) 11:48:56 No. 1028 [Reply]
Who's your favorite J-Killer? For me it's Nevada-tan
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>>1060 who is she?
>>1065 Try translating text on the pic. If success then notify_me_please();
>>1065 see >>1056 notify_hikarin("jp",1066);
>>1068 Aw thanks for notifying me!
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