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01/20/25 A total rewrite for the site is in progress. Read more.
05/21/24 Happy birthday hikari3! (News post)
12/21/23 Recent news post: Check here. Also, new board added: /i/ - Oekaki.
11/25/23 Accepting banner submissions; check this thread for more details.
11/17/23 New blotter! Use this to keep an eye for small updates.
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Anonymous 02/06/2025 (Thu) 04:01:38 No. 7313 [Reply]
Hello. The rest of the internet has gone to shit so I'm gonna hide out and post in this community. You could say this is my debut.
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>>7341 be nise
>>7341 I'm going to fucking rape you to death, bitch!
how can i be nice to somebody who's lost his soul to faggotry and BESTIAL pussies
>>7345 You're also a homo too though. You do realise that girls don't go on image boards, right? So there's only guys here to grope, fondle, and molest you.

Anonymous 02/01/2025 (Sat) 22:34:14 No. 7250 [Reply]
This town ain't big enough for the both of us
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>>7302 heh..... not bad kid...... you've got some power....... but can you withstand THIS??? BEHOLD! おれのスーパーブラストパンチ!!!!!!!!!! RAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHHHHHAHAHAHAH
>>7309 fufufufu... now that you have admitted defeat i declare this town IS big enough for the both of us!
>>7323 Makete inai! It's just a tactical move to find a way to get the upper position

Anonymous 01/30/2025 (Thu) 23:19:45 No. 7221 [Reply]
How many of you are regular posters and how long have you been around?
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>>7304 I see nothing changed...
>>7305 why should it? you're welcome as always will you post with us??
>>7303 i'm good hikarin. okaerinasai.
>>7306 yes but please don't punch me again >>7308 thanks nice to see everyone is doing well
>>7311 >don't punch alright I'll fondle you instead, then

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Anonymous 01/30/2025 (Thu) 01:26:13 No. 7212 [Reply]
For the yellow of the sun and the red of the flower, MELT THE ICE THAT SURROUNDS YOUR HEART, SPRING UP TO LIFE!
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Nihilism is for gaywads, exist because you do exist, all else comes second.
>>7289 >pop nihilism fails because it doesn't answer anything in a meaningful way it is the only correct answer to the question "why keep struggling?", "you don't have to". You might "understand" conditionals but didn't operate correctly under them >thing literally says there is no meaning >wtf why am i not inspired to greater meaning ... In any case those nihilist teenagers killing themselves are just as wise as anybody and braver than any of the smart people who are still alive.
>>7290 >needlessly embrace a situation that you consider unpleasant, because thanks for the input smart guy Not interacting further i don't want to get banned for not playing well with the less fortunate kids
Headache I feel miserable
>>7296 sorry to hear hikarin. hope you feel better soon.

Anonymous 01/22/2025 (Wed) 06:23:05 No. 7126 [Reply]
Desu desu desu~
Stop gangstalking me glowroody-poo I watched that video a few minutes ago
>>7177 This video was posted here before you watched the video. I think you're the one gangstalking

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Anonymous 01/21/2025 (Tue) 01:35:19 No. 7109 [Reply]
Trying to shoot the bitch
Your fortune: Good Luck
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The backstroke will fucking kill you I swear it
>>7109 You can't shoot Cirno, she's the strongest
>>7118 silly hikarin. that's Cirno from the Touhou Project. >>7130 take that back NOW!
>>7163 >Touhou Project Is it a good anime? Also no, I prefer hot chocolate.
>>7118 Lurk sum moar

Takeout Food Anonymous 01/29/2025 (Wed) 03:09:34 No. 7204 [Reply]
How often do you order takeout? I've been doing it too much. I'm too damn lazy to either go out or cook myself
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>>7209 why???
About once a week. But as >>7205 Said, I only order stuff I can't make at home
Can you make a hikarin at home?
>>7218 order a hikarin
Obedient hikarin

hello hikari3 Anonymous 01/24/2025 (Fri) 19:12:20 No. 7148 [Reply]
hi just found this site very nice and cozy site =v= epic styling!
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>>7160 Neat? I want to claw my eyes out when I look at it. People making imageboards should learn from syrno or if they can't, settle for default looks of wakaba/kusaba/vichan/whatever.
>>7165 be nice to our friends. the site has sovl.
after browsing it a bit i actually quite like rotting angels i think. it does have sovl and i like the changeable icons and posticons. i'll have to lurk moar.
>>7155 site looks better with the other themes, more "typical" imageboard styles
>>7148 what if i told you that there are roody-poos here?

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Anonymous 01/26/2025 (Sun) 00:22:57 No. 7180 [Reply]
is she Gay?
You can hardly judge somebody for beinggay when you are quite gay yourself.
>>7182 how did you know!?
>>7189 Your face betrays you immediately
i want 2 shitpost

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Anonymous 01/21/2025 (Tue) 12:54:59 No. 7112 [Reply]
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>>7194 yea you desacrated the constitution
>>7195 yummy >>7196 wut
fried yummy
fried tractor







