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Anonymous 03/30/2024 (Sat) 12:14:46 No. 4657 [Reply]
Did you have a good Friday?
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>>4726 Here the church was full. Besides going to church there's other activities on the week before, like not eating fish during Holy Friday. Unfortunately I couldn't participate in all events during the week, but going to mass is always nice. It was better than Palm Sunday. I was late and there were no seats left. It still was good.
>>4740 >like not eating fish during Holy Friday Super easy, because I don't like fish and NEVER eat it, even without religious reasons
>>4746 how did I fuck that up? It's the opposite, not eating meat during Holy Friday and eating fish instead... Anyway, I like fish, but I don't know how to prepare it without it getting too salty.
>>4735 >pretty much all religion throughout world history has existed solely to justify civilization/slave existence I mean this is just an unfair stereotype. I understand Nietzsche's rage. We are bastards who killed God and now we're slowly becoming a society of nihilistic zombies where all we do is suck the life out of the earth like leeches and eat, shit, fap, and kill each other. Truly shameful.
>>4764 the problem is actually that they don't let me eat, shit and fap as i please and instead i have to eat what they want me to eat and shit in their toilets and fap within the confines of my designated living space or else i will be arrested or killed

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Anonymous 04/08/2024 (Mon) 10:12:08 No. 4692 [Reply]
School is so boring. I just had a 2 week break, and I spent most of it watching anime and browsing imageboards without leaving my house once. But now I have to spend several hours doing nothing every day. Fortunately it's my last year of school, though my parents probably wouldn't like it if I was a neet so I will have to wage-slave (but unlike school at least I get paid for it). (Yes, I am 18, and no, this is not a serious thread complaining about my life)
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>>4712 garden of 3den lol
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>>4712 I know something that doesn't smell or taste bad at all and that would be very good for you to eat.
>>4719 I will take my antibiotic meds to cure the poop diseases so I can continue using my wife's anus as a hot chocolate fudge dispenser
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Wow! Great thread, OP. You should consider making a blog, away from here.

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Anonymous 04/05/2024 (Fri) 20:10:26 No. 4683 [Reply]
+1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1
1 post omitted.
>>4684 Lynxchan's multiple file upload feature is nice
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fgsfds desu
>>4751 degozaimasu

Book Recommendations Anonymous 03/25/2024 (Mon) 23:14:19 No. 4636 [Reply]
Help me find something to read, fiction or non-fiction. I prefer history, essays and investigative journalism rather than philosophy and science. I'm fine with novels but I like short stories more.
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>>4680 so to you "there are no books worth reading" is a completely serious/pertinent response to a thread asking for book recommendations
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>>4686 wtf does pertient mean you fuckign nerd get a life why would anyone read a book when videos exist?? *shits in my hand and throws it in your face*
>>4686 Yes. Not everyone is mechanical, and it's common for people to answer a different thing than what was expected from the question. More specifically, telling someone not to do it when someone asks how to do something.
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>>4636 Basicaly, it's the history of the origins of the internet.

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which is better? <3 03/23/2024 (Sat) 03:18:13 No. 4622 [Reply]
I've been drawing a whole lot and was wondering, which is better, traditional drawing or digital drawing and why? :3
AI drawing because it's much faster and it's good enough for my tastes just like fast food
>>4623 Bot post
>>4622 Well, it depends. I'll be assuming you're talking about anime-like art. With digital your art will more easily look more "perfect" while traditional is more likely to have noticeable flaws, and I personally think that more flawless looks better, but some people may consider the flaws of traditional to be "soul" or whatever. Also, if you get used to drawing digital, you could easily become an artist for a possible otaku project (eg. some game) without much of a transition.
Depends on what exactly you want to express with your art. Different mediums are good for different things. I found tradtitionally to be more fun if you're just doing it for a hobby/out of fun, but I prefer digitial because of personal reasons. Digitial is much faster once you got the hang out of it and can offer you a wider variety tools. (obviously) But there's something special about seeing someones amazing copic/watercolor drawing that absolutely no wacom tablet or drawing software could even dream or achieving. But then, you still have the option to combine to both. (˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧

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Kazfeni 04/03/2024 (Wed) 21:00:25 No. 4678 [Reply]
I feel sad today, tell me nice things to cheer me up or show me funny pictures
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>>4678 we're friends and friends don't let their friends in a bad mood! you're the best friend! here's a funny pic friend!!

Anonymous 03/15/2024 (Fri) 20:44:45 No. 4580 [Reply]
What are some random life tips you know that could be useful
Your fortune: Average Luck
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>>4645 One small problem how the fuck am I meant to fund this brilliant lifestyle?
>>4653 welfare or have a lot of money saved up
Poweramp is the best music player for android. Eat once or twice a day max and you will enjoy food 10x times more. Dairy gives you acne. If you do yoga every day you'll feel healthier and more energetic.
never trust old bald people
>>4658 >Dairy gives you acne. warning: if you stop consuming dairy products you will eventually become lactose intolerant. you will have to go through life asking if this or that piece of food contains milk. people will think you are a b-word

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I love japanese sweet potatoes Anonymous 03/26/2024 (Tue) 16:58:14 No. 4638 [Reply]
Yum yum yummm so sweeyt and delishish and will make me live to 100yrs old. What are your favourite foods?
Potato chips and similar snacks. No need to peel, cut, cook or refrigerate them, can get a year's supply of them and they won't rot and I won't need to shop for food for a year, and they taste almost as good as a meal that takes an hour to cook. I might only live to 60 but with all that time saved it'll be like I lived to 100.
>>4641 I cant blame you, that a great way to go. If you gotta die might as well go out enjoying what you love. I may need to try making potato chips out of japanese sweet potatoes though...
>>4641 First you only eat fast food and use AI and now your diet consists only of potato chips and snacks. What other brilliant methods do you use to save time in this time consuming world? I feel like I can learn from you...
I really like milanesas. If I could, I'd eat it everyday, with a nice glass of Coca-Cola. Onions are also top-tier, I can't believe I went so many years without knowing how good they taste. Now I always add them. Also, mashed potatoes. I love mashed potatoes. This world is full of wonderful tastes.

Anonymous 03/23/2024 (Sat) 18:59:50 No. 4626 [Reply]
Request a song, and I'll try to play it
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>>4626 OP here. Sorry for not answering any of the requests, but I'm more than a noob than I thought I will try to practice today and hopefully start to post soon
Can you play "Old Orange Flute" by the Dubliners??
>>4627 After almost two months, here goes nothing
>>5073 Sounds dope

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Wheelchairs Anonymous 03/16/2024 (Sat) 23:39:01 No. 4590 [Reply]
I've been thinking a lot about what life with a paraplegic person must be like. Wouldn't it be nice to go for a walk in town while wheeling a cute disabled girl around? Helping her into the elevators in the subway tunnels and getting aboard the train? As you wait patiently for the train to reach your stop, you keep a tight grip on the chair's handles so she doesn't go rolling off to the back of the wagon. Once you two get home, she stretches her arms and asks you to help her onto the bed. You pick her up and princess carry her, gently laying her down on the mattress and covering her skinny, broken legs with a warm blanket. She then looks up to you with thankful eyes, and says "Hey, um... Thanks for always helping me get around. You're... a very kind person." Smiling weakly, she rests her head on the pillow and closes her eyes. Well, I didn't really mean to write a story. I just wanted to give you all an example of how cute wheelchairs can be. After reading my post, how do you feel about them? Any discussion and opinions are welcome.
cripple girls are one of many things that're cute to fantasize about, like lolis or yandere girls for me, but unlike with those two, the thought of actually being with one, taking care of her every day and being with her, i'm not sure if i'd be strong enough to handle it.... the story you wrote did really tug at my heartstrings, though. i think the appeal (for me, at least) is just wanting to feel needed/loved/depended on.
The only cripple girl I ever knew was a total asshole. She'd constantly bully my friend because he didn't get social rules; she insulted him constantly, but he was too much of a nice guy to ever get mad. She was part of the group of popular people and she would always talk shit about my friend when he inadvertently approached them. Her body was a bit twisted and she had difficulty speaking and walking, but it didn't really stop her for doing anything outside of sports. She never insulted me, but she was still an asshole.
>>4590 if i felt anything towards that girl i would hate myself for taking advantage of her situation to get close to a woman and then hate myself even more for denying her the only semblance of happiness she could ever hope to get. I keep away just in case, MY body and MY mind are enough to keep me occupied.







