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Anonymous 07/23/2024 (Tue) 10:05:34 No. 5662 [Reply] [Last]
Hikari is actually extremely active, you cant see it from the overboard because we keep saging the thread. go through /en/ and you will find us.
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>>5825 >so obviously wrong. i'm sorry to break it on you but that basically says you're a midwit. your opinion is only worthy of being utterly discarded and thrown into a garbage bin. provide argumentation. guys, just once in your life, prove your point by an argument. but all you can you do is >obvious this is so mediocre i wonder why you're not ashamed of speaking
>>5826 interesting how i explained why it seems so obviously wrong to me before that, aka my "argument", yet you focus on this final exclamation. nevermind your nitpicking, do you seriously think gooning is on the same level as a productive hobby like reading or language learning or boxing?
>>5826 yknow what, i am being rude. i apologize. i'm hangry i think. i do not wish to be mean, we are supposed to be comfy here. i just think your advice was counterproductive at best, destructive at worst. i will be more cordial. i want everyone to succeed and find fulfillment and it hurts my heart to see people in such sadness, which is why i am passionate about this.
>>5827 >do you seriously think gooning is on the same level as a productive hobby like reading or language learning or boxing no and i'm not even that anon you were talking to. and no, your post didn't have any argumentation, just a wordy reiteration of your qualia. i think gooning is a vain attempt to find satisfaction where it isn't. i do not think lifting in itself is fundamentally different from gooning, but in long term it seems to be much less likely to cause such massive amounts of frustration as gooning does. besides, it seems physical exercise is better suited for maintaining health than torturing your little friend. anyway, my experience is that neither gooning nor working out provided me with satisfaction i sought, but working out was still much better. gooning is followed by hard withdrawals and it seems to have affected me in the long run. i have been opposing it for more than a year and i'm still barely halfway through. it doesn't even pleasure me anymore. it's like a hard drug. no such thing ever happened with working out. but that's just my experience.
>>5827 that's another anonymous. the difference between feelings and thoughts is that you don't control feelings. I don't know how else to say this, but you have too many prejudices and fears. do you also think masturbation will cause you to grow hair on your palms? I'm making an assumption here, but you are replying even when it seems to frustrate you a little, so I'm not sure about the fulfillment seeking. I guess if you claim everything a person does is ultimately motivated by satisfaction then yes, but at that point the word becomes useless. the mental health... recommending habits to a regular person sounds like ritualized repression >well there's nothing you can do about it, might as well rot in your room and jerk off all day teehee nobody said that (although, if they like that who am I so say they are rotting?), but the internet has decided that the default answer to "I don't like X" is "you should try doing Y and Z, which you also don't like - and be happy about it". there are no panaceas, and sometimes things just are. I knew a guy that was addicted to crack, but I have never met anyone addicted to playing the oboe, so I can guess which one ranks better on the fulfillment metric that one is a joke >>5829 notice how we manage to feel bad about feeling good. you can try to outrun your emotions but a healthy brain will always find opportunities to pass you the bill so to speak. now, I'm not saying that you shouldn't feel bad about feeling good, I'm just saying that it happens

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N.E.E.T & Hikikomori Anonymous 08/12/2024 (Mon) 09:45:07 No. 5755 [Reply]
this thread is for the use of NEETs and Hikikomori only. If you're none of them, please, try not to post here, thank you. I'm a NEET since 2020 but it will soon ends I'll be at work again :( What about you? how do you spend your time?
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>>5782 the word meaning would become pointless if you tried to apply it to an object like a rock, the same is true for the simple forms of life. the unicellular organism doesn't have a reason to do what it does, it just does (be it metabolize, move, mutate, die or whatever else). for the sake of the discussion we were assuming until now there was a subject, an extra-material consciousness so to speak if there is no subject to begin with, then it becomes even more clear that meaning and meaninglessness are concepts that don't apply to life
Why do you call me schizo when I give you all the Answers? You suffer because Evil has not been overcome. Rise you head and join the Fight!
>>5756 The cities remind me of the procedural generation towns in the old total war games
I've never had a job. I've never had a license to drive either. I'm alone though. I've been wanting to kill myself for longer than I can remember.
>>5785 i mean it in a loving way schizochama. unless you prefer gnostichama? >>5788 i'm sorry to hear that anon. although i know words from an anonymous image board won't do much i do believe everyone, including you, can find a life they enjoy. i hope you keep living and keep trying.

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Anonymous 07/16/2024 (Tue) 20:46:02 No. 5614 [Reply]
I tried making some art using a scanner. What do you guys think?
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Wut the fuck are you doing on Hikari3? You should be making a living on this shit
>>5680 What is this face at bottom picture called? Feels so bad to loose my memory so brutally to be honest.
>>5681 >What is this face at bottom picture called? Yao Ming "Bitch, Please"
This is so cool. How did you do it?
You should submit to Black Fog Zine or the Lainzine.

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What's your happy place? rusberry 07/19/2024 (Fri) 02:52:46 No. 5630 [Reply]
It doesn't have to be a physical place but anywhere where you feel safe and content. It can be anything from site on the internet or your backyard. I am trying to find mine. Life has taken its toll on me. Unsupportive family and isolation has left me just wanting some kind of meaning. Somewhere I can relax and just pass my time. Thanks in advance
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hmm... i guess it would be in the woods. cozied up alone by the fire at dusk. no signs of humanity- no cars or planes in the distance. here i feel at peace. it's as if i am not even an entity in itself, simply a dissociated observer woven into the world around me. quiet summer fields in the afternoon also give me this feeling, particularly fields of flower or grass. nothing but the wind blowing against me to prove i'm even there. gives me a feeling of interconnectedness i have not felt anywhere in civilization. if not there, then it would be cozy quiet evenings wrapped up with someone i love. although it's been too long since i've experienced this.
Anywhere when it's under a tree, I love the sound of rustling leaves
ever since i was a kid i will say "i want to go home" over and over to myself when im distressed and want to feel safe, but home was never safe so i don't know what i mean.
>>5799 same as you, my go to stressless place is my home
>>5630 I am not sure now. I guess as a child it was 2009-2016 youtube. Also playing my DS helped me feel safe despite the rough childhood that I had. As an adult, I cling desperately to the MVs that I watch, but that time has already passed. It's not the 2000s anymore. My own family brought me to my lowest point less than 2 years ago, and I can't exactly exist in a digital landscape like this.

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Anonymous 07/21/2024 (Sun) 22:50:42 No. 5649 [Reply]
it do be like that
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Proud not to be anglo or deriviative
>>5654 which one is food though >kys how about double suicide? you and i. should be pretty romatic
>food fix: good*
>>5656 Only good languageis your native language other can fuck off im against learning foregin languages I only know English cause of American globalizartion peer presure essentially
It has come to the point where childern here know english better then our native one

Anonymous 07/07/2024 (Sun) 18:10:10 No. 5566 [Reply]
Do you like the summer?
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i live in the northern states and i still don't like summer. any weather over 75f should be banned!
Hello my dear! Are you idling? Evil is running wild in the world! Rise up! Join the Fight!
Hikari! Ask no questions! Lend me your Power! Now!
>>5902 i'm lending you my power!!! do your best!!!
>>5903 You're a life saver!

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Anonymous 06/29/2024 (Sat) 00:27:31 No. 5509 [Reply]
Would you eat it
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Are those.... are those worms...?! No I would absolutely not.
>>5509 *stands here with expression of pic related* just what do you think you are doing in my butter farm?
>>5509 i bet you eat dick
>>5590 I'm fairly sure it was boiled potato
>>5509 I bet it would taste like butter toast spread with strawberry jam

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Anonymous 07/01/2024 (Mon) 17:45:57 No. 5543 [Reply]
adhd braining restless unreading bad memory need comfy brain
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racing thoughts are to be drowned in mindless activity and may be a sign of fatigue and stress. as for laziness I'll explain when you join me in hell
i have adhd and this doesn't happen are you ok
>>5543 gas and flames
>>5551 test : happy :

Anonymous 06/21/2024 (Fri) 20:09:33 No. 5427 [Reply]
Out of curiosity, what's your primary source of images when posting? I find most of mine on other boards and boorus but there are also some open directories which are interesting to go through
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>>5537 How do you mean?
>>5541 It is some assumption that anyone who doesnt hoard images doesnt post much. I think it just is different people do things different. Not every image is worth saving.
>>5558 I can’t hoard images like I used to. I used to have images from like 2018 on a micro sd but i kept having to change phones at that time for cell provider reasons so it gets tiring sometimes. I also can’t be assed with cloud storage or having to plug in a backup ssd just to get some images off there.
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Sometimes I just pick stock images I think look funny.
I get it from other chan sites.
Your fortune: Godly Luck

Anonymous 06/17/2024 (Mon) 21:04:15 No. 5378 [Reply]
Come fight me coward!
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utterly btfod
>>5513 R-rude…..she’s very smart……
Turns her into a plushie to be sold overseas
It can't be over like this! I see the end... I have not found home in this sinful world of shameless disgusting people, but it looks like the end. Serves me right. I do not deserve to exist here. My senses are inverted, I cannot be a part of this place. Damn this is agonizing. My head has been aching for three full days now. And it's not even that bad, the pain that is. END IT END IT END IIIIT







